People generally fear being perceived as stupid. Often, stupid people are looked down upon and laughed at. Society perceives stupid people as useless, as a burden rather than an asset.
Hence, most of us try to prevent ourselves from appearing stupid in front of co-workers, fellow students, family members, and friends.
And sometimes, we try to appear much smarter than we are, just so people hold us in high esteem – just so people won't think of us as stupid.
We attach much importance to what other people think about us, how they see us, and their opinions.
Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer put it like this at the start of his work The Wisdom of Life:
By a peculiar weakness of human nature, people generally think too much about the opinion which others form of them;
although the slightest reflection will show that this opinion, whatever it may be, is not in itself essential to happiness.
Therefore it is hard to understand why everybody feels so very pleased when he sees that other people have a good opinion of him, or say anything flattering to his vanity. End quote.
Most of the time, we can't help it. We want people to like us, like cats that want to be stroked. We don't want them to think we're dumb.
But because we emphasize what other people think of us so much, we might forget what truly benefits us.
And sometimes, it works to our advantage when people don't hold us in high esteem.
Sometimes, being stupid or perceived as stupid is better for our well-being than being seen as intelligent.
But to enjoy the benefits of stupidity, we must set aside our desire to be liked. We must be willing to be seen as 'the fool' to get ahead.
Undoubtedly, there's a difference between 'acting' stupid and actually 'being' stupid. Both have benefits, and the examples in this piece apply to both.
This video explores the power of stupidity, the blessing of being a moron, the elegance of idiocy, and why being a fool pays.
For those who love reading, Einzelganger just released a new compilation book: Loose, Letting Stuff Go, which contains a selection of essays revised and edited for print, exploring ways to let go of the many attachments of daily life.
对于那些热爱阅读的人来说,Einzelganger刚刚发布了一本新书:Loose, Letting Stuff Go,其中包含一系列经过修订和编辑以供印刷的文章,探讨了如何摆脱日常生活中的许多依恋。
Loose is available on Amazon as a paperback and ebook. Links below.
(1) People don't expect much of you. "Appear weak when you are strong," wrote ancient military strategist Sun Tzu in his work The Art of War.
(1) 人们对你期望不高,古代军事战略家孙子在他的作品《孙子兵法》中写道“赢者示弱”。
If someone appears weaker than he is, people will underestimate him, which could be a strategic advantage.
But does this also apply to stupidity and intelligence? Is it wise to appear stupid when you are smart?
Consider the character of Yoda, a powerful Jedi in the Star Wars movies who acts like an old, primitive, but curious fool, living in obscurity on the swamp-covered planet of Dagobah, when he meets Luke Skywalker for the first time.
We later find out that his facade was a way of learning about Luke's character and morals. Is he impatient? Is he kind?
Is the dark side strong in him, as is the case with his father, Anakin, or does he lean more toward the light side?
Acting stupid can reveal a lot about someone's character, which is a strategic advantage, more so because we obtain information about them while leaving ourselves in the dark.
When people perceive us as less than we are, they might let their guard down, overshare, and don't see us as a threat, as they underestimate our capabilities.
They will not perceive us as competition, either. Of course, acting stupid is a form of manipulation and might conflict with one's morality, especially if we use it to cause harm.
When playing dumb, people might also underestimate your capacity for evil and be more forgiving of mistakes.
For example, in Japan, a collectivist nation with strict social standards, its citizens are expected to conform to many rules and etiquette.
Hence, Japanese people are generally concerned with other people's opinions and anxious about falling by the wayside.
During COVID, for example, even after the point masks weren't mandatory anymore, the majority still wore them (and still do at the time this video is published), mainly to not stand out from the crowd and be frowned upon by other Japanese people.
However, when you're a foreigner in Japan, the Japanese tend to be much more forgiving about not conforming to the standard, as the foreigner is most likely oblivious to the local conventions of a strange country.
Hence, we could say by analogy that the fool gets a pass in many situations in which the smart person doesn't: a fool most likely didn't do it on purpose; he simply didn't know any better.
(2) A different perspective. When we're too set in our ways and thinking patterns, or when we're highly skilled and experienced, we might suffer from a limited perspective.
(2) 不同的视角。当我们过于固守自己的思维方式,或者当我们技能高超、经验丰富时,我们可能会受到视角局限的影响。
Because of this limited perspective, we tend to be blind to much-needed solutions that help us further.
An article in Psychology Today, written by senior scientist Gary Klein, explains how being stupid can prevent mistakes from happening.
《今日心理学》杂志上有一篇由资深科学家加里·克莱因(Gary Klein)撰写的文章,解释了愚蠢如何能防止错误发生。
He tells a story about an experienced employee in a petrochemical plant who couldn't imagine the mistakes that novices would make, errors that would cause a shutdown, and even dangerous situations.
He only looked at his work from his perspective after many years of experience. Still, this employee was responsible for training novices.
How could he train them successfully when he couldn't take their perspective?
I quote: And that's when I began to think about the advantages of being stupid — being able to strip away experience and knowledge and see the world through the eyes of a beginner or of anyone making stupid mistakes.