In this episode, I am going to teach you the expression "Be my guest." Be my guest. That's b-e, m-y, g-u-e-s-t. Be my guest.
在这一集中,我将教你“Be my guest”这个表达。
Before I tell you about this expression, let me make sure that you understand the word guest. Do you know what a guest is?
在我告诉你这个表达之前,让我确保你理解了guest这个词。你知道 guest是什么意思吗?
A guest is someone who has been invited to spend time in someone's home, or a customer at a place like a hotel, and maybe a customer at some other kinds of businesses.
The point is that a guest is someone who has been invited to spend time somewhere and is welcome somewhere.
重点是, guest是被邀请到某个地方待一段时间并受到欢迎的人。
If you invite someone to come to your apartment for dinner, that person will be your guest. And that means you will treat this person like a host treats somebody.
You will try to make your friend feel comfortable. That's what it means to have a guest. It means to invite someone into your home, or into certain other kinds of places.
你会试着让你的朋友感到舒服。这就是to have a guest的意思。这意味着邀请某人到你家,或者到其他某些地方。
The expression "Be my guest" is often used in other situations. We don't usually use it to mean, "Please come to my home."
“Be my guest”这个表达经常用于其他情况。我们通常不用它来表示“请来我家”。
That would be a very literal meaning of this phrase. And usually when people use it, they don't mean it in that literal way.
Let me give you an example of a situation where somebody might use the expression "Be my guest." And then I think you will understand what it means.
举个例子,说明有人可能会使用“Be my guest”这个表达方式。然后我想你会明白它的意思。
Let's say you are at a café with your friend. You see a little table, but there is only one chair at the table, and you need two chairs.
Then, you notice at another table, there seems to be an extra chair. The people at that other table are not using that extra chair.
And so, you go up to the people sitting at that other table, and you say, "Is it all right if I take this chair?" Is it alright if I take this chair? Can I take this chair?
于是你走到坐在另一张桌子上的人面前,说:“Is it all right if I take this chair?”我可以坐这张椅子吗?
And, one of the people at that other table says, "Be my guest." Be my guest. What do they mean? Why would they say, "Be my guest"? You are not their guest.
然后,另一张桌子上的一个人说“Be my guest”。他们是什么意思?为什么他们会说“Be my guest”?你不是他们的客人。
You have not been invited to spend time in their home. So, why are they saying that? What does it mean in this kind of situation?
In this situation, "Be my guest" means "Please make yourself comfortable. Please do what you would like to do."
在这种情况下,“Be my guest”的意思是“请让自己舒服。请做你想做的事。”
In other words, it's kind of like saying, "Let's pretend you are my guest, and I am the host. As a good host, I want you to be comfortable. I want you to do what you would like to do."
So if I say to somebody, "Be my guest," that means "Please—you may do what you want to do."
所以如果我对某人说“Be my guest”,意思是“请——你可以做你想做的事。”
In this case, that would mean, "Yes, please take this chair. That's all right. Please act as though you are my guest, and you are visiting my home.
And of course, I will allow you to take this chair or to do anything else that you need to do to be comfortable."
I think this is a common expression that you will hear in situations like this. It is not about guests and hosts in any literal way,
but it means "Please do what you would like to do. Please make yourself comfortable. Please don't let me stop you from doing what you would like to do.
Be my guest. Yes, you may do that. Yes, of course, you may borrow this chair. That's fine. Be my guest."
And that is "Be my guest," a common and useful expression that I think you should know.
以上就是“Be my guest”的用法,我认为你应该知道这个常见且有用的表达。