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第50期 for starters中为什么starter要加s?

编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


In this episode, I am going to teach you an interesting and useful phrase.


And that phrase is "for starters." For starters. That's f-o-r, s-t-a-r-t-e-r-s. For starters. What does "for starters mean," and how do we use it?

这个短语是“for starters”。“for starters”是什么意思,我们如何使用它?

"For starters" is a way of introducing something that is the first of a list of things, or introducing something that is the first example of something.

“For starters”是一种介绍事物列表中的第一件事的方式,或者介绍事物的第一个例子。

That might sound a little bit hard to understand, but I think you will understand it if I give you this example:


Imagine that a new restaurant has opened up in your city. And everybody is very excited about this new restaurant.


Your friend tried that new restaurant, and she did not like it. You are very surprised about this because everybody else seems very excited about this restaurant.


And you ask your friend, "Why didn't you like it? What was wrong with this restaurant?" And she says, "Well, for starters, it was too expensive." For starters, it was too expensive.

你问朋友:“你为什么不喜欢它?这家餐馆有什么问题?”她说:“Well, for starters, it was too expensive.”

That means "Well, here is an example. Here is something at the beginning of my list." Or "Here is the first reason I will give you: It was too expensive."


So, we often begin talking about a list or a bunch of options, by saying, "For starters." It means "Here is an example of what I'm talking about." Or "Here is the first item in a list."

我们经常在谈论一个清单或一堆选项时说“For starters”。意思是“这是我正在谈论的一个例子。”或者“这是清单中的第一个项目。”

And I think that "for starters" is a common expression. Here is one thing that I think is strange about this expression:

我认为“for starters”是一种常见的表达方式。我认为这个表达方式有一点奇怪:

When it means "the first thing in a list or the first example," starters really only exists in this phrase, "for starters."

当它表示“清单中的第一个东西或第一个例子”时,starters实际上只存在于这个短语“for starters”中。

When starters has that meaning, you really will never see it by itself. You will only see it in this phrase, "for starters."

当starters有这个含义时,你真的永远不会单独看到它。你只会在这个短语“for starters”中看到它。

And that is "for starters," an interesting and useful expression that I think you should know.

以上就是“for starters”的用法,一个有趣且有用的表达方式,我认为你应该知道。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词





