Still others argue that the circular-economy idea merely reframes rather than rejects the corporate and capitalist assumptions that got us into this mess in the first place.
Instead of challenging the goal of growth, circular economies create a new form of growth that is still in the hands of industrial corporations.
The accusation is that the circular economy has become a corporate slogan that depoliticises our environmental crisis by seeing the answer as a technical one to be solved by industry, rather than tackling an unjust economic system that gives power and benefits to a few at the cost of the many.
There are strong moral arguments that we have an obligation to reduce our consumption and its associated waste, because although our individual contributions to the environmental crisis may be infinitesimally small, our small sacrifices – buying less plastic, for example – do add up to meaningful change.
Such sacrifices also express our values, which can inspire others around us to do their part.
On the collective level, changes must be structural – new public policies, laws, international treaties, infrastructure, economic programmes, investments.
No doubt, the idea of the circular economy has practical limitations and may be usurped by commercial interests.
But I find it naive to imagine that the world can simply do away with capitalism and the global economy in time to save our planet.
In practice, the circular economy is not one approach but many – a wide array of practices within certain industries, a way of thinking about engineering problems, a set of guidelines and aspirations for governments and corporations.
Although this range of approaches in some measure fractures the movement into parts, it also means that we can look to these different experiments to see what works and what doesn’t.
This moment of emergency requires immediate action, and for now that must mean collaborating with the companies that make our modern world.
It does not mean acquiescence, however.
All of us must do our part to push those in power to create real and meaningful change, even as we must seek to make real and meaningful change in our own lives.