Andreessen's manifesto also included a section in which he listed off a series of enemies.
It included all the usual rightwing bugbears: regulation, know-it-all academics, the constraint on “innovation”, progressives themselves.
To the venture capitalist, these are all self-evident evils.
Andreessen has been on the board of Facebook/Meta – a company that has allowed mis- and disinformation to wreak havoc on democratic institutions – since 2008.
However, he insists, apparently without a trace of irony, that experts are “playing God with everyone else's lives, with total insulation from the consequences”.
Having spoken to experts, it seems to me as though the promise of AI lies in dealing with sets of data that exist at a scale humans simply cannot operate at.
Pattern recognition machines put to use in biology or physics will probably yield fascinating, useful results.
AI's other uses seem more mundane, at least for now: taking financial statements and reconciling figures, transcribing and summarising meetings, triaging emails more efficiently, making it easier to access simple things like travel itineraries.
That isn't to say AI is some benevolent good, however.
An AI model can be trained on billions of data points, but it can't tell you if any of those things is good, or if it has value to us, and there's no reason to believe it will.
We arrive at moral evaluations not through logical puzzles but through consideration of what is irreducible in us: subjectivity, dignity, interiority, desire – all the things AI doesn't have.
To say that AI on its own will be able to produce art misunderstands why we turn to the art in the first place.
We crave things made by humans because we care about what humans say and feel about their experience of being a person and a body in the world.
There's also a question of quantity.
In dropping the barriers to content creation, AI will also flood the world with dreck.
Already, Google is becoming harder to use because the web is being flooded with AI-crafted content designed to get clicks.