So I do think that in terms of name recognition, like, J. D. Vance might have him beat.
And with so little time left in the remainder of this race, like, that there is a lot of catch-up to do for Walz for just getting people to know who he is. Yeah, that's certainly the case.
As I said, 7 in 10 Americans offered no opinion of Walz in a poll that came out on Tuesday.
So, you know, how he's going to be viewed is a complete unknown at this point.
I do think that there was some talk about whether Harris would pick Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear as kind of a contrast to Vance, you know, from neighboring Kentucky.
The idea would be that he would be more in tune with rural voters. You know, J. D. Vance is somebody who has roots like that.
这个想法是,他会更与农村选民保持一致。你知道,J.D. 万斯就是这样有根基的人。
But, you know, he's an Ivy League-educated lawyer who, you know, kind of rose to prominence by doing media appearances.
Walz is -- I think he projects more of the kind of middle-class Midwest even than Vance does, even though Vance has certainly a claim to that.
You know, it's the wearing the T-shirt in the campaign rallies. It's the very Minnesota accent that he has.
I think there is a question about how he's going to play on the national stage.
But I think if you kind of had a central-casting, Midwestern Democrat to put on your ticket, he would be a contrast to J. D. Vance in a lot of ways.
Already, you're seeing Trump's campaign really take a strong stance against Walz.
We had Trump's campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, calling Walz a "West Coast wannabe," and she said he's "spreading California's dangerously liberal agenda far and wide."
特朗普的竞选新闻秘书卡罗琳-利维特称沃尔兹是 “西海岸的崇拜者”,她说沃尔兹 “正在广泛传播加州危险的自由主义议程”。
You have a pro-Trump super PAC today calling Walz an "incompetent liberal."
For the Trump campaign right now, they have been dealt so many surprises, right?
The fact that Harris is now the candidate that they're running up against, that they're having this, you know, new conversation about a new running mate that wasn't even in the picture three weeks ago.
What do you think the Trump campaign strategy will be on how to try to counteract this enthusiasm around Walz?
Yeah, I think it's exactly what you just read out there.
It's the idea that he is just a clone of Harris and her liberal policies.
You know, this is a significant factor in this election.
Harris has been gaining in the polls, and she leads in most national polls, at least within the margin of error at this point.
I was really struck by a poll this weekend from CBS news and YouGov.
It actually showed that 44% of Americans think Harris is "very liberal."
That was more than regarded Trump as "very conservative."
So there's the sense that she is more extreme than he is. Yes, yes. And there's some nuance in there.
Like, people view Trump as being more extreme in his kind of personal style and his unwieldiness and his chaos.
But even dating back to when Biden was in the race, they saw Biden as being -- More people said Biden was too liberal than said Trump was too conservative in a Gallup poll. So this is a real issue.
And this is why, however well Tim Walz fits into that argument, this is something that Republicans are going to -- are going to argue because it's so central to the contrast that they want to create in this campaign.
And like I said, Tim Walz, with some of the things that he did as governor, is going to be a little bit easier to lump in with Harris when it comes to pushing liberal and progressive policies.