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  • So it's kind of a double-edged sword. Like, Walz has been successful in passing policies as a governor, but because he's been successful, he's done more of the things that the left wants.
  • 所以这有点像一把双刃剑。就像,瓦尔兹作为州长通过了很多政策,但正因为他的成功,他做了更多左派想做的事情。
  • And so Democrats believe that these things that we're talking about, or at least most of them, are things that have broad appeal, even though they're Democratic policies.
  • 因此,民主党人认为,我们正在谈论的这些事情,或者至少其中的大部分,是具有广泛吸引力的,尽管它们是民主党的政策。
  • But the big attack on Kamala Harris is going to be the positions that she staked out in the 2020 Democratic primaries when she went to the left, she was trying to appeal to more liberal voters, and she said a lot of things that she's kind of walked back, like banning fracking, things like that.
  • 但对卡马拉-哈里斯的最大攻击将是她在2020年民主党初选中坚持的立场,当时她左倾,试图吸引更多自由派选民,她说过很多话,但现在又收回了,比如禁止水力压裂,诸如此类。
  • And so, you know, there was some thought that you want to balance out the ticket with somebody who has a more moderate record, and... And Walz is not that guy.
  • 因此,你知道,有人认为你想用一个记录更温和的人来平衡选票,而……而瓦尔兹不是这样的人。
  • You know, he does dating back to his record in Congress, but his record as governor has been a little bit of a different thing.
  • 你知道,确实可以追溯到他在国会的记录,但他作为州长的记录有点另类。
  • But it's not like Walz has been a raging liberal on the world stage.
  • 但这并不意味着瓦尔兹在世界舞台上是一个激进的自由主义者。
  • You know, he's not been Bernie Sanders in Minnesota by any stretch.
  • 你知道,他在明尼苏达州的表现绝非和伯尼·桑德斯一样。
  • And so the debate over his record is going to be layered onto the debate over the positions that Harris has taken in the past.
  • 因此,关于他的记录的辩论将叠加在关于哈里斯过去所采取的立场的辩论之上。
  • And they didn't overcorrect too much when it comes to the running mate for a former California senator. Hmm.
  • 而且他们在选择这位前加利福尼亚州参议员的竞选伙伴时,也没有过度纠正。嗯。
  • Aaron, to your point about the idea of Walz being a raging liberal, we are going to get into that after the break and talk about how Republicans and how former president Trump are already starting to attack Walz on his record.
  • 亚伦,关于瓦尔兹是一个激进的自由主义者的观点,我们将在休息后深入探讨,并讨论共和党人和前总统特朗普如何已经开始攻击瓦尔兹的记录。
  • We'll be right back. Okay.
  • 我们马上回来。好的。
  • So, Aaron, obviously the big question going forward is how does Walz match up against Senator J. D.Vance, Trump's running mate, vice-presidential pick? What is it going to be like to see them go toe to toe?
  • 那么,亚伦,未来的大问题显然是沃尔兹如何与参议员万斯,即特朗普的竞选伙伴、副总统人选进行竞争?看到他们交手会是什么感觉?
  • Yeah, it's a good question. J. D.Vance has certainly not had the best of honeymoons as a running mate.
  • 问得好, 作为竞选搭档,J. D. 万斯的蜜月期并不好过。
  • He's more unpopular than popular in basically every poll that we've seen.
  • 我们看到的几乎每一次民意调查中,他不受欢迎的程度都超过了受欢迎的程度。
  • But the idea was that he could potentially appeal to Midwestern voters. You know, he's a senator from Ohio. He speaks the language of populism.
  • 但这个想法是,他有可能吸引中西部选民。你知道,他是来自俄亥俄州的参议员。他说着民粹主义的语言。
  • I think Walz is going to be someone who argues that he is more in tune with those voters than J. D. Vance is. You know, J. D. Vance is from Ohio. He has roots that link to Kentucky.
  • 我认为瓦尔兹会争辩说,他比J.D.万斯更能与那些选民保持一致。你知道,J.D.万斯来自俄亥俄州。他的根与肯塔基州相连。
  • He wrote about his upbringing in his memoir, "The Hillbilly Elegy."
  • 他在回忆录《乡下人的悲歌》中写到了自己的成长经历。
  • Which, to be clear, Walz, he hasn't written a book that was a best seller that got turned into a movie with what's her name, Glenn Close? That's right. Yeah.
  • 说白了,瓦尔兹没写过一本畅销书能被拍成电影。 电影女主角叫啥来着?格伦-克洛斯? 对的,没错。


So it's kind of a double-edged sword. Like, Walz has been successful in passing policies as a governor, but because he's been successful, he's done more of the things that the left wants.


And so Democrats believe that these things that we're talking about, or at least most of them, are things that have broad appeal, even though they're Democratic policies.


But the big attack on Kamala Harris is going to be the positions that she staked out in the 2020 Democratic primaries when she went to the left, she was trying to appeal to more liberal voters, and she said a lot of things that she's kind of walked back, like banning fracking, things like that.


And so, you know, there was some thought that you want to balance out the ticket with somebody who has a more moderate record, and... And Walz is not that guy.


You know, he does dating back to his record in Congress, but his record as governor has been a little bit of a different thing.


But it's not like Walz has been a raging liberal on the world stage.


You know, he's not been Bernie Sanders in Minnesota by any stretch.


And so the debate over his record is going to be layered onto the debate over the positions that Harris has taken in the past.


And they didn't overcorrect too much when it comes to the running mate for a former California senator. Hmm.


Aaron, to your point about the idea of Walz being a raging liberal, we are going to get into that after the break and talk about how Republicans and how former president Trump are already starting to attack Walz on his record.


We'll be right back. Okay.


So, Aaron, obviously the big question going forward is how does Walz match up against Senator J. D.Vance, Trump's running mate, vice-presidential pick? What is it going to be like to see them go toe to toe?


Yeah, it's a good question. J. D.Vance has certainly not had the best of honeymoons as a running mate.

问得好, 作为竞选搭档,J. D. 万斯的蜜月期并不好过。

He's more unpopular than popular in basically every poll that we've seen.


But the idea was that he could potentially appeal to Midwestern voters. You know, he's a senator from Ohio. He speaks the language of populism.


I think Walz is going to be someone who argues that he is more in tune with those voters than J. D. Vance is. You know, J. D. Vance is from Ohio. He has roots that link to Kentucky.


He wrote about his upbringing in his memoir, "The Hillbilly Elegy."


Which, to be clear, Walz, he hasn't written a book that was a best seller that got turned into a movie with what's her name, Glenn Close? That's right. Yeah.

说白了,瓦尔兹没写过一本畅销书能被拍成电影。 电影女主角叫啥来着?格伦-克洛斯? 对的,没错。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
moderate ['mɔdəreit,'mɔdərit]


adj. 适度的,稳健的,温和的,中等的

liberal ['libərəl]


adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

appeal [ə'pi:l]


n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力
n. 诉诸裁决

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

elegy ['elidʒi]


n. 悲歌,哀歌,挽歌

poll [pəul]


n. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数
v. 做民意

tune [tju:n]


n. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整
vt. 调





