Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Wednesday he will step down in September, ending a three-year term marred by political scandals.
"The most obvious first step to show that the Liberal Democratic Party will change is for me to step aside.
I will not run for the upcoming presidential election. I will continue to support the new leader who will be elected through the presidential election as a comrade."
His exit triggers a contest to replace him as president of the party, and by extension, become the leader of the world's fourth-biggest economy.
Kishida's public support has been sliding due to unrecorded political donations made at party events.
However, the prime minister has also faced public discontent over stagnant wages as Japan's cost of living soars.
The new LDP leader will face challenges including uniting the ruling party, managing inflation, and geopolitical tensions with China and the United States.
Kishida is Japan's eighth longest-serving post-war leader and oversaw massive stimulus spending during the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, he stuck with the hawkish security policies of his predecessor Shinzo Abe, who was assassinated in 2022.