In this episode, I am going to teach you two words that look very similar, but mean opposite things.
And the two words are childish and childlike. Childish and childlike. That's childish: c-h-i-l-d-i-s-h. And childlike: c-h-i-l-d-l-i-k-e.
You have probably seen other words that use that -ish ending. This is a suffix that attaches to the end of nouns to make adjectives.
For instance, the word foolish. That is the noun fool and this -ish (i-s-h) suffix. Foolish. That means "similar to a fool."
And you have probably seen the suffix -like before. This also attaches to nouns to make adjectives.
For instance, the word plantlike. Plantlike: p-l-a-n-t-l-i-k-e. Plantlike means "similar to a plant."
When you look at the words childish and childlike, you might think they mean the same thing. You might think that they both mean "similar to a child."
And in a way, you would be correct. They do both mean "similar to a child," but they mean this in very different ways.
Childish means "similar to a child," but it usually means "similar to the negative traits of a child." What are the negative traits of a child?
Childish 的意思是“类似于孩子”,但它通常意味着“类似于孩子的负面特征”。孩子的负面特征是什么?
Well, we often think of children as being impatient and unreasonable and selfish. Now, of course children are not always those things, but sometimes they are.
And we can refer to people, to adults who are acting in that way, as childish. If an adult is acting selfish or impatient or unreasonable, we might say that adult is being childish.
They are similar to a child, but in a negative way. Okay. Well then what about childlike? Childlike means "similar to a child, but in a positive way."
What are the positive traits of children? We often think of children as playful and curious about the world and innocent.
We can describe somebody—we can describe an adult—as childlike if they also are playful and curious about the world and innocent.
In other words, we are saying they are similar to a child, but in the positive way.
Childish and childlike: two words that kind of mean the same thing, but also are kind of opposites.