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第二章 沿途遇险(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


The moonlight, astonishingly bright, showed up everything almost as if it were broad day.


The two horses and two riders were galloping neck to neck and knee to knee just as if they were in a race. Indeed Bree said (afterwards) that a finer race had never been seen in Calormen.


Shasta now gave himself up for lost and began to wonder whether lions killed you quickly or played with you as a cat plays with a mouse and how much it would hurt.


At the same time (one sometimes does this at the most frightful moments) he noticed everything.


He saw that the other rider was a very small, slender person, mail-clad (the moon shone on the mail) and riding magnificently. He had no beard.


Something flat and shining was spread out before them. Before Shasta had time even to guess what it great splash and he found his mouth half full of salt water.


The shining thing had been a long inlet of the sea. Both horses were swimming and the water was up to Shasta's knees.


There was an angry roaring behind them and looking back Shasta saw a great, shaggy, and terrible shape crouched on the water's edge; but only one.


"We must have shaken off the other lion," he thought. The lion apparently did not think its prey worth a wetting; at any rate it made no attempt to take the water in pursuit.


The two horses, side by side, were now well out into the middle of the creek and the opposite shore could be clearly seen. The Tarkaan had not yet spoken a word.


"But he will," thought Shasta. "As soon as we have landed. What am I to say? I must begin thinking out a story." Then, suddenly, two voices spoke at his side.


"Oh, I am so tired," said the one. "Hold your tongue, Hwin, and don't be a fool," said the other.


"I'm dreaming/' thought Shasta. "I could have sworn that other horse spoke."


Soon the horses were no longer swimming but walking and soon with a great sound of water running off their sides and tails and with a great crunching of pebbles under eight hoofs, they came out on the farther beach of the inlet.


The Tarkaan, to Shasta's surprise, showed no wish to ask questions. He did not even look at Shasta but seemed anxious to urge his horse straight on. Bree, however,at once shouldered himself in the other horse's way.


"Broo-hoo-hah!" he snorted. "Steady there! I heard you, I did. There's no good pretending, Ma'am. I heard you. You're a Talking Horse, a Narnian horse just like me."


"What's it got to do with you if she is?" said the strange rider fiercely, laying hand on sword-hilt. But the voice in which the words were spoken had already told Shasta something.


"Why, it's only a girl!" he exclaimed.


"And what business is it of yours if I am only a girl?" snapped the stranger. "You're probably only a boy: a rude, common little boy-a slave probably,who's stolen his master's horse."


"That's all you know," said Shasta. "He's not a thief, little Tarkheena," said Bree. "At least, if there's been any stealing, you might just as well say I stole him.


And as for its not being my business, you wouldn't expect me to pass a lady of my own race in this strange country without speaking to her? It's only natural I should."


"I think it's very natural too," said the mare. "I wish you'd held your tongue, Hwin," said the girl. "Look at the trouble you've got us into."


"I don't know about trouble," said Shasta. "You can clear off as soon as you like.We shan't keep you." "No, you shan't," said the girl.


"What quarrelsome creatures these humans are," said Bree to the mare. "They're as bad as mules. Let's try to talk a little sense. I take it, ma'am, your story is the same as mine? Captured in early youth—years of slavery among the Calormenes?"


"Too true, sir," said the mare with a melancholy whinny. "And now, perhaps-escape?" "Tell him to mind his own business, Hwin," said the girl.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
quarrelsome ['kwɔrəlsəm]


adj. 喜欢吵架的;好争论的

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主

melancholy ['melənkɔli]


n. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思 adj. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

prey [prei]


n. 被掠食者,牺牲者
vi. 捕食,掠夺,使

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

slender ['slendə]


adj. 细长的,苗条的,微薄的,少量的

creek [kri:k]


n. 小湾,小溪 Creek n. 克里克族,克里克人,





