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震惊! 德国80岁百万富翁每天竟靠捡垃圾维生

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  • An 80-year-old German man has been dubbed the world's most frugal millionaire for living off food and stuff found in dumpsters despite owning several properties worth millions of euros.
  • 一名80岁的德国男子被称为全世界最节俭的百万富翁,尽管他拥有价值数百万欧元的多处房产,但他却只靠从垃圾桶中捡来的食物和东西维生。
  • Heinz B. looks like a homeless person with nothing to his name, but appearances can be deceiving.
  • 海因茨·B看上去就像一个一文不名、无家可归的人,但可千万不要被他的外表欺骗了。
  • The German man may only have 15 euros in his bank account at the moment, but that's only because he just withdrew 700,000 euros to buy a new home, his 10th.
  • 这名德国男子的银行账户上目前可能只有15欧元,但这是因为他刚刚取出了70万欧元来购买新房,而这已经是他的第10处房产了。
  • The 100,000 euros left over was transferred to a fixed-term deposit to generate interest.
  • 剩下的10万欧元被转入定期存款,以赚取利息。
  • He says he has been frugal his whole life, so he doesn't really need money to get by.
  • 海因茨·B称自己一生都很节俭,所以他并不需要钱来维持生活。
  • He is more than happy living on food found in dumpsters and picking up all sorts of things other people throw away.
  • 他非常乐意以垃圾堆里的食物为生,并捡走别人扔掉的各种东西。
  • "Maybe I'll buy some oil for frying or something if it runs out, but I find most of the food in the trash," he recently told German tabloid Bild.
  • 他最近在接受德国小报《图片报》采访时表示:“如果油用完了,我也许会买一些来煎炸或做其他什么,但我发现我大部分的食物都是从垃圾桶里捡的。”
  • "People are wasteful and throw away so much that you could feed a whole family! For example, people buy a pack of sausages, eat one, and then simply throw the rest in the trash."
  • “人们太浪费了,扔掉的食物都可以喂饱一家子人!就像是人们会买一袋香肠,吃一根,剩下的却直接扔进垃圾桶。”
  • With no immediate family to share his sizeable fortune with, Heinz B. doesn't really know who he'll leave his wealth to when he passes away.
  • 由于没有可以分享他庞大财富的直系亲属,海因茨·B实际上并不知道在他过世后这些钱要留给谁。
  • He has some distant cousins, but he says they can't afford to pay the inheritance tax.
  • 海因茨·B虽然有一些远亲,但是他表示他们都付不起遗产税。


An 80-year-old German man has been dubbed the world's most frugal millionaire for living off food and stuff found in dumpsters despite owning several properties worth millions of euros.

Heinz B. looks like a homeless person with nothing to his name, but appearances can be deceiving.
The German man may only have 15 euros in his bank account at the moment, but that's only because he just withdrew 700,000 euros to buy a new home, his 10th.
The 100,000 euros left over was transferred to a fixed-term deposit to generate interest.
He says he has been frugal his whole life, so he doesn't really need money to get by.


He is more than happy living on food found in dumpsters and picking up all sorts of things other people throw away.

"Maybe I'll buy some oil for frying or something if it runs out, but I find most of the food in the trash," he recently told German tabloid Bild.
"People are wasteful and throw away so much that you could feed a whole family! For example, people buy a pack of sausages, eat one, and then simply throw the rest in the trash."
With no immediate family to share his sizeable fortune with, Heinz B. doesn't really know who he'll leave his wealth to when he passes away.
He has some distant cousins, but he says they can't afford to pay the inheritance tax.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

generate ['dʒenə.reit]


vt. 产生,发生,引起

immediate [i'mi:djət]


adj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的

frugal ['fru:gəl]


adj. 节俭的





