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第十六章 世界的尽头(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


They took soundings very often but it was only several days later that the water became shallower.

他们不断测量水深, 几天之后, 海水变浅了,

After that it went on getting shallower.


There came a day when they had to row out of the current and feel their way forward at a snail's pace, rowing.

有一天他们只好划桨, 像蜗牛那般一步步划呀划呀, 摸索着前进。

And soon it was clear that the Dawn Treader could sail no further east.

不一会, 他们发现黎明踏浪号无法再往东开了。

Indeed it was only by very clever handling that they saved her from grounding.

要不是指挥得好, 恐怕早就搁浅了。

"Lower the boat, "cried Caspian, "and then call the men aft. I must speak to them. "

"放下小船, "凯斯宾叫道, "所有的人都到船尾来, 我要跟大家说件事。"

"What's he going to do ?"whispered Eustace to Edmund. "There's a queer look in his eyes. "

"他要干什么呀?"尤斯塔斯对爱德蒙小声说, "眼神那么奇怪。"

"I think we probably all look the same, "said Edmund.


They joined Caspian on the poop and soon all the men were crowded together at the foot of the ladder to hear the King's speech.

他们去船尾找到凯斯宾, 所有人都一起挤在梯脚聆听国王讲话。

"Friends, "said Caspian, "we have now fulfilled the quest on which you embarked.

"朋友们, "凯斯宾说, "我们现在已经完成了你们从事的探险事业。

The seven lords are all accounted for and as Sir Reepicheep has sworn never to return, when you reach Ramandu's Land you will doubtless find the Lords Revilian and Argoz and Mavramorn awake.

七位公爵都有了消息, 雷佩契普爵士发誓绝不回去, 等你们回到拉曼杜的岛上你们会发现雷维廉、阿尔戈兹和马弗拉蒙三位公爵都醒了。

To you, my Lord Drinian, I entrust this ship, bidding you sail to Narnia with all the speed you may, and above all not to land on the Island of Deathwater.

德里宁公爵, 我把这条船托付给你, 命令你竭尽全力开回纳尼亚去, 最重要的是, 别在死水岛那儿上岸。

And instruct my regent, the Dwarf Trumpkin, to give to all these, my shipmates, the rewards I promised them.

然后通知小矮人杜鲁普金, 把我承诺赐给他们的奖赏, 准确无误地发给他们,

They have been earned well.


And if I come not again it is my will that the Regent, and Master Cornelius, and Trufflehunter the Badger, and the Lord Drinian choose a King of Narnia with the consent--"

如果我不再回来, 我的遗嘱就是要杜鲁普金和科内留斯, 以及海狸特鲁佛汉特和德里宁公爵一致推选一位纳尼亚国王……"

"But, Sire, "interrupted Drinian, "are you abdicating ?"

"可是陛下, "德里宁打断他道, "你要退位吗?"

"I am going with Reepicheep to see the World's End, "said Caspian.


A low murmur of dismay ran through the sailors.

水手们非常吃惊, 然后小声嘀咕起来。

"We will take the boat, "said Caspian.

"我们将坐小船, "凯斯宾说,

"You will have no need of it in these gentle seas and you must build a new one on Ramandu's island. And now--"

"这一带风平浪静, 你们就用不着小船了, 到了拉曼杜的岛上你们就再造一条小船。可现在……"

"Caspian, "said Edmund suddenly and sternly, "you can't do this. "

"凯斯宾, "爱德蒙突然厉声说, "你不可以这样做。"

"Most certainly, "said Reepicheep, "his Majesty cannot. "

"我说的是真的, "雷佩契普说, "陛下您不可以这样。"

"No indeed, "said Drinian.


"Can't ?"said Caspian sharply, looking for a moment not unlike his uncle Miraz.

"不能?"凯斯宾厉声说, 一时间凯斯宾看上去跟他叔父弥若兹没什么两样。

"Begging your Majesty's pardon, "said Rynelf from the deck below, "but if one of us did the same it would be called deserting. "

"请陛下恕罪, "赖尼夫在下面的甲板上说, "如果我们当中有人这样做, 就叫临阵脱逃。"

"You presume too much on your long service, Rynelf, "said Caspian.

"赖尼夫, 虽然你一直效忠于我, 这次未免太不尊重我。"凯斯宾说。

"No, Sire !He's perfectly right, "said Drinian.

"不, 陛下!他说得没有错。"德里宁说。

"By the Mane of Aslan, "said Caspian, "I had thought you were all my subjects here, not my schoolmasters. "

"阿斯兰在上, "凯斯宾说, "我以为你们都是我的臣民, 此刻我不需要老师。"

"I'm not, "said Edmund, "and I say you can not do this. "

"我不算你的臣民, "爱德蒙说, "我认为你不可以这么做。"

"Can't again, "said Caspian. "What do you mean ?"

"又是不可以, "凯斯宾说, "你什么意思?"

"If it please your Majesty, we mean shall not, "said Reepicheep with a very low bow.

"陛下容我说句话, 我们的意思是说你不该这么做, "雷佩契普深深鞠了一躬,

"You are the King of Narnia. You break faith with all your subjects, and especially with Trumpkin, if you do not return.

"您贵为纳尼亚国王, 如果不回去的话, 就是对您的臣民的失信, 特别是杜鲁普金。

You shall not please yourself with adventures as if you were a private person.

您不能因这些探险活动而如此兴奋, 如同您是没有见识的平民百姓。

And if your Majesty will not hear reason it will be the truest loyalty of every man on board to follow me in disarming and binding you till you come to your senses. "

如果陛下不听劝, 我们会一起解除您的武装, 甚至会把您绑起来, 直到您恢复理智, 这才是真正的效忠于您。"

"Quite right, "said Edmund. "Like they did with Ulysses when he wanted to go near the Sirens. "

"说得对, "爱德蒙说, "还记得当初伊利亚斯要接近水妖时, 大家对待他的方式吧。"

Caspian's hand had gone to his sword hilt, when Lucy said, "And you've almost promised Ramandu's daughter to go back. "

凯斯宾的手握住剑柄, 这时露茜说:"而且你答应过拉曼杜的女儿, 你会回去的。"

Caspian paused. "Well, yes. There is that, "he said. He stood irresolute for a moment and then shouted out to the ship in general.

凯斯宾顿了一下:"是, 是的。是有这样一回事。"说完, 他站在那儿犹豫不定的样子, 于是对全船人员叫喊道:

"Well, have your way. The quest is ended. We all return. Get the boat up again. "

"好吧, 依你们的吧。探险行动就此结束了, 我们都回去吧。吊小船上来。"

"Sire, "said Reepicheep, "we do not all return. I, as I explained before--"

"陛下, "雷佩契普说, "我们并不是全回去。我, 我以前说过……"

"Silence !"thundered Caspian. "I've been lessoned but I'll not be baited. Will no one silence that Mouse ?"

"安静!"凯斯宾斥责道, "我虽被教训, 但我不愿被捉弄。难道你们不能让那只老鼠安静下来吗?"

"Your Majesty promised, "said Reepicheep, "to be good lord to the Talking Beasts of Narnia. "

"陛下曾宣誓, "雷佩契普说, "你要做纳尼亚这里的, 所有会说话的兽类的好君王。"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
instruct [in'strʌkt]


v. 教,命令,指导
[计算机] 指示

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

ladder ['lædə]


n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物
n. (袜子)

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

sternly ['stə:nli]


adv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

irresolute [i'rezəlju:t]


adj. 优柔寡断的;踌躇不定的;无决断的

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

dismay [dis'mei]


n. 沮丧,绝望
vt. 使 ... 灰心,使

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的





