They did as Drinian said, and so continued to go slower and slower.
大家按德里宁的吩咐, 船行得更慢, 越来越慢。
The whiteness did not get any less mysterious as they approached it.
他们越来越靠近那片白茫茫的东西, 可是它们并没有减弱或者消失, 依然非常神秘。
If it was land it must be a very strange land, for it seemed just as smooth as the water and on the same level with it.
如果这是一片陆地, 一定是一片非常奇特的陆地, 因为它看上去像水一样滑, 而且和水面一样高。
When they got very close to it Drinian put the helm hard over and turned the Dawn Treader south so that she was broadside on to the current and rowed a little way southward along the edge of the whiteness.
当他们离得很近的时候, 德里宁使劲转舵, 把船身转向南面, 这样船舷就对着水流, 可以沿着那片白茫茫的边缘接着往南划。
In so doing they accidentally made the important discovery that the current was only about forty feet wide and the rest of the sea as still as a pond.
大家都在忙的时候, 他们突然有个重大发现, 原来这股水流只有四十英尺宽, 其他海面如同池塘那般宁静。
This was good news for the crew, who had already begun to think that the return journey to Ramandu's land, rowing against stream all the way, would be pretty poor sport.
这无疑是个喜讯, 他们一直担心重返拉曼杜的岛上那段路程, 一路上逆流划桨的话, 可要吃苦头了。
(It also explained why the shepherd girl had dropped so quickly astern. She was not in the current.
If she had been she would have been moving east at the same speed as the ship. )
假如她当时在水流里, 也许早就跟船的速度一样, 飞快地向东漂去了。
And still no one could make out what the white stuff was.
不过, 依旧没人弄清楚那片白茫茫的东西究竟是什么,
Then the boat was lowered and it put off to investigate.
Those who remained on the Dawn Treader could see that the boat pushed right in amidst the whiteness.
留在大船上的人, 能看清楚小船笔直划进那片白茫茫的东西中。
Then they could hear the voices of the party in the boat(clear across the still water)talking in a shrill and surprised way.
平静的海面上他们都能听到从小船那边, 传来小船上那些人大声小气的说话声。
Then there was a pause while Rynelf in the bows of the boat took a sounding; and when, after that, the boat came rowing back there seemed to be plenty of the white stuff inside her.
此时, 赖尼夫在小船船头测量水深, 大家停了一会儿之后, 小船划回来, 船里带回来不少白色的东西,
Everyone crowded to the side to hear the news.
"Lilies, your Majesty !"shouted Rynelf, standing up in the bows.
"陛下, 是百合花!"赖尼夫站在小船船头, 高声喊道。
"What did you say ?"asked Caspian.
"Blooming lilies, your Majesty, "said Rynelf. "Same as in a pool or in a garden at home. "
"陛下, 盛开的百合花, "赖尼夫说, "跟国内花圃和花园里的是一样的。"
"Look !"said Lucy, who was in the stern of the boat. She held up her wet arms full of white petals and broad flat leaves.
"瞧!"露茜在小船船尾上说。她举起湿漉漉的双臂, 捧着雪白的花瓣和宽阔扁平的叶子。
"What's the depth, Rynelf ?"asked Drinian.
"水有多深呢, 赖尼夫?"德里宁问。
"That's the funny thing, Captain, "said Rynelf. "It's still deep. Three and a half fathoms clear. "
"船长, 真是怪了, "赖尼夫说, "水还是非常深, 整整三英尺半。"
"They can't be real lilies--not what we call lilies, "said Eustace.
Probably they were not, but they were very like them.
"其实这并非百合花, 但是非常像。
And when, after some consultation, the Dawn Treader turned back into the current and began to glide eastward through the Lily Lake or the Silver Sea(they tried both these names but it was the Silver Sea that stuck and is now on Caspian's map)the strangest part of their travels began.
经过一番思考, 黎明踏浪号又掉转船头开进水流中, 往东行驶, 穿越百合泽, 或称银海( 这两个名称他们都用过, 不过银海沿用至今, 凯斯宾现在的地图用的就是这个名称)。
Very soon the open sea which they were leaving was only a thin rim of blue on the western horizon.
这时, 他们这次远航最奇特的部分开始了。之前那片开阔的蓝色海面一下子成了西边地平线上的一条蓝色线。
Whiteness, shot with faintest colour of gold, spread round them on every side, except just astern where their passage had thrust the lilies apart and left an open lane of water that shone like dark green glass.
四面八方都是白茫茫一片, 泛着金黄色, 船身拨过百合花, 在船尾后面留出一条水路, 像深绿色的玻璃闪闪发光。
To look at, this last sea was very like the Arctic;and if their eyes had not by now grown as strong as eagles' the sun on all that whiteness-- especially at early morning when the sun was hugest--would have been unbearable.
这片海看上去如同北冰洋, 假如现在他们的眼睛没有变得像鹰眼般锐利, 那么头顶上那白茫茫的大片的阳光, 他们肯定无法忍受, 特别是在清晨太阳最猛烈的时候。
And every evening the same whiteness made the daylight last longer.
每天的傍晚, 白茫茫的阳光让白天显得更长了。
There seemed no end to the lilies.
Day after day from all those miles and leagues of flowers there rose a smell which Lucy found it very hard to describe; sweet--yes, but not at all sleepy or overpowering, a fresh, wild, lonely smell that seemed to get into your brain and make you feel that you could go up mountains at a run or wrestle with an elephant.
接天莲叶的白色花朵散发出一股香味, 露茜觉得这个味儿难以形容。那种香是一股清新、强劲、幽雅的香味儿, 却不会让人昏昏欲睡, 无法忍受。那种沁人心脾的香味儿, 使你觉得浑身充满正能量, 甚至能翻山越岭或者和大象搏斗。
She and Caspian said to one another, "I feel that I can't stand much more of this, yet I don't want it to stop. "
她和凯斯宾彼此说道:"我真受不了这种香味, 可是不闻我又觉得不舒服。"