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第十六章 世界的尽头(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Chapter Sixteen The Very End Of The World

第十六章 世界的尽头

Reepicheep was the only person on board besides Drinian and the two Pevensies who had noticed the Sea People.

除了德里宁和佩文西家兄妹, 船上只有雷佩契普见过海人。

He had dived in at once when he saw the Sea King shaking his spear, for he regarded this as a sort of threat or challenge and wanted to have the matter out there and then.

它一看见海王挥舞长矛, 以为是威胁或挑衅, 就马上潜入水中, 决定当场一决雌雄。

The excitement of discovering that the water was now fresh had distracted his attention, and before he remembered the Sea People again Lucy and Drinian had taken him aside and warned him not to mention what he had seen.

可是海水的香甜味儿分散了它的注意力, 在它还没有想起海人的时候, 露茜和德里宁就把它拉到一边, 提醒它别再提起看见海人的事。

As things turned out they need hardly have bothered, for by this time the Dawn Treader was gliding over a part of the sea which seemed to be uninhabited.

"结果并没有使他们费多少精力, 因为黎明踏浪号正在一片没有人的海域里悄悄行驶。

No one except Lucy saw anything more of the People, and even she had only one short glimpse.

除了露茜之外, 谁也没再看见海人。即使是她, 也只是一瞥而已。

All morning on the following day they sailed in fairly shallow water and the bottom was weedy.

第二天早上, 他们的船一直在浅水里行驶, 海底长满了水草。

Just before midday Lucy saw a large shoal of fishes grazing on the weed. They were all eating steadily and all moving in the same direction.

中午之前露茜看见一大群鱼在水草上游过, 这群鱼都在吃食, 并且朝着一个方向游动。

"Just like a flock of sheep, "thought Lucy.

"跟羊群似的, "露茜心里想。

Suddenly she saw a little Sea Girl of about her own age in the middle of them--a quiet, lonely-looking girl with a sort of crook in her hand.

她突然在鱼群中看见一个海女, 年纪跟她差不多。她是一个举止文静, 神情孤独的小姑娘, 手里拿着一根钩子似的东西。

Lucy felt sure that this girl must be a shepherdess--or perhaps a fish-herdess--and that the shoal was really a flock at pasture.

露茜认为这姑娘是个牧羊女, 确切地说是牧鱼女----那群鱼就像羊群在草原上吃草。

Both the fishes and the girl were quite close to the surface.


And just as the girl, gliding in the shallow water, and Lucy, leaning over the bulwark, came opposite to one another, the girl looked up and stared straight into Lucy's face.

那姑娘在浅水里滑行时, 露茜正好趴在舷上, 两个人打了个照面, 姑娘一抬眼, 正巧看见了露茜的脸。

Neither could speak to the other and in a moment the Sea Girl dropped astern.

谁也没跟对方说话, 一会儿, 那姑娘就落在船尾后面了。

But Lucy will never forget her face. It did not look frightened or angry like those of the other Sea People.

露茜一辈子都忘不了她的脸, 她看上去并不像其他海人那么害怕和愤怒。

Lucy had liked that girl and she felt certain the girl had liked her. In that one moment they had somehow become friends.

露茜喜欢那姑娘, 她感到她也喜欢自己。就在一瞬间, 不知为何, 她们就像成了朋友似的。

There does not seem to be much chance of their meeting again in that world or any other.

不管是在这个世界里或其他世界里, 她们是不会有机会再见面了。

But if ever they do they will rush together with their hands held out.

不过如果见了面, 她们肯定在第一时刻向对方伸出手去。

After that for many days, without wind in her shrouds or foam at her bows, across a waveless sea, the Dawn Treader glided smoothly east.

之后好多天桅杆上并没有风, 船头也没有泡沫, 黎明踏浪号平稳地朝东行驶, 驶过一个水波不兴的海面。

Every day and every hour the light became more brilliant and still they could bear it.

每天光线都变得更加耀眼, 不过他们可以承受。

No one ate or slept and no one wanted to, but they drew buckets of dazzling water from the sea, stronger than wine and somehow wetter, more liquid, than ordinary water, and pledged one another silently in deep draughts of it.

没人吃, 没人睡, 也没人想吃, 想睡, 他们每天就用水桶在海里打那些明亮得刺眼的水喝。这水似乎比酒更醇香, 比一般的水更湿润, 更清澈。他们默默地互相致意, 一饮而尽。

And one or two of the sailors who had been oldish men when the voyage began now grew younger every day.

一两个水手在开始远航时已经老态龙钟, 现在却一天比一天显得年轻。

Everyone on board was filled with joy and excitement, but not an excitement that made one talk.

船上喜气洋洋的, 每个人都很兴奋, 却没人想说话。

The further they sailed the less they spoke, and then almost in a whisper.

他们越往远处航行, 话越少, 最后几乎就没有人大声说话了。

The stillness of that last sea laid hold on them.


"My Lord, "said Caspian to Drinian one day, "what do you see ahead ?"

"公爵, "一天, 凯斯宾对德里宁说, "看看前面是什么?"

"Sire, "said Drinian, "I see whiteness. All along the horizon from north to south, as far as my eyes can reach. "

"陛下, "德里宁说, "白茫茫一片。我能看到的地方, 从北到南的地平线上是白茫茫一片。"

"That is what I see too, "said Caspian, "and I cannot imagine what it is. "

"我也看到了, "凯斯宾说, "就是不知道是什么东西。"

"If we were in higher latitudes, your Majesty, "said Drinian, "I would say it was ice. But it can't be that; not here.

"陛下, 如果在纬度较高的地方, "德里宁说, "倒可以说这是冰。可这不可能是冰, 这里不可能有冰。

All the same, we'd better get men to the oars and hold the ship back against the current.

尽管如此, 我们最好还是派人划桨先过去看看, 别让船随着水漂。

Whatever the stuff is, we don't want to crash into it at this speed !"

不管是什么东西, 我们不能以这样的速度一头撞过去吧。"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pasture ['pɑ:stʃə]


n. 牧场,草原
vi. 吃草

dazzling ['dæzliŋ]


adj. 令人眼花缭乱的,耀眼的 动词dazzle的现在

shallow ['ʃæləu]


adj. 浅的,薄的
n. 浅滩,浅处

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

grazing ['ɡreiziŋ]


n. 牧草;放牧 v. 擦过;抓伤(graze的现在分词

liquid ['likwid]


adj. 液体的,液态的
n. 液体

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

whisper ['wispə]


n. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音
vi. 低声





