The stars were all in quite different positions from those they had last noticed.
星座的方位都跟刚刚看到的, 完全不同了。
The sky was very black except for the faintest possible greyness in the east. They were cold, though thirsty, and stiff.
天空很黑, 只有东方隐隐约约有些灰白。他们不仅口渴, 身上又冷又僵,
And none of them spoke because now at last something was happening.
却没人愿意说话, 终于又一次出现了些神奇的事情。
Before them, beyond the pillars, there was the slope of a low hill.
在他们前面, 柱子外有座低矮的小山坡。
And now a door opened in the hillside, and light appeared in the doorway, and a figure came out, and the door shut behind it.
这时, 坡上一扇门打开了, 门口有些许亮光, 有一个人从里面走出来, 背后的门自己关上了。
The figure carried a light, and this light was really all that they could see distinctly.
那人手里拿着灯火, 这一抹光亮其实就是他们唯一能看得清的东西。
It came slowly nearer and nearer till at last it stood right at the table opposite to them.
灯火慢慢越来越近, 越来越近, 最后正对着他们放在桌子对面。
Now they could see that it was a tall girl, dressed in a single long garment of clear blue which left her arms bare.
他们终于看清来者是个高个姑娘, 穿着一件蓝色露臂长袍。
She was bareheaded and her yellow hair hung down her back.
姑娘没戴帽子, 金发披散在背后。
And when they looked at her they thought they had never before known what beauty meant.
他们看到她, 不由地感慨, 活到现在才终于知道什么是美人了。
The light which she had been carrying was a tall candle in a silver candlestick which she now set upon the table.
If there had been any wind off the sea earlier in the night it must have died down by now, for the flame of the candle burned as straight and still as if it were in a room with the windows shut and the curtains drawn.
如果上半夜刮过海风的话, 这会儿一定是停了, 烛火笔直不动, 像是搁在一间关紧窗户拉上窗帘的屋里似的。
Gold and silver on the table shone in its light.
Lucy now noticed something lying lengthwise on the table which had escaped her attention before.
露茜这才注意到桌子那头放着一件东西, 之前她没在意。
It was a knife of stone, sharp as steel, a cruel-looking, ancient looking thing.
那是把石刀, 像钢一样锋利, 是件样子古老的且充满杀气的东西。
No one had yet spoken a word. Then-Reepicheep first, and Caspian next-they all rose to their feet, because they felt that she was a great lady.
直到现在, 依旧没人说话。然后----雷佩契普和凯斯宾先后站了起来, 接着大家都跟着站了起来, 因为他们觉得她必定很高贵。
"Travellers who have come from far to Aslan's table, "said the girl. "Why do you not eat and drink ?"
"远道来到的阿斯兰的客人们, "那姑娘说, "为什么, 你们不吃不喝啊?"
"Madam, "said Caspian, "we feared the food because we thought it had cast our friends into an enchanted sleep. "
"姑娘, "凯斯宾说, "我们不敢吃, 我们觉得自己的朋友可能就是吃了这些酒菜, 才中了魔法并且长睡不醒。"
"They have never tasted it, "she said.
"Please, "said Lucy, "what happened to them ?"
"那请问, "露茜说, "他们到底发生了什么事情?"
"Seven years ago, "said the girl, "they came here in a ship whose sails were rags and timbers ready to fall apart.
"七年前, "那姑娘说, "他们乘了一条船来到这儿, 船帆都成了碎布条, 船骨也几乎散架了。
There were a few others with them, sailors, and when they came to this table one said, Here is the good place.
他们带着几个水手, 走到这张餐桌前。一个人说, ‘这里真好。
Let us set sail and reef sail and row no longer but sit down and end our days in peace!
我们就此解开帆篷, 不再划桨, 坐在这里安享天年吧!'
‘And the second said, No, let us re-embark and sail for Narnia and the west; it may be that Miraz is dead.'
第二个人说, ‘不, 我们还是重新上船, 开到纳尼亚去, 回到西方去, 说不定弥若兹已经死了呢。'
But the third, who was a very masterful man, leaped up and said, No, by heaven.
第三个人非常专横, 暴跳如雷地说, ‘不, 上帝看着我们呢!
We are men and Telmarines, not brutes. What should we do but seek adventure after adventure?
我们是男子汉大丈夫, 是台尔马人, 不是畜生。我们除了不断探险猎奇, 还该干什么呢?
We have not long to live in any event. Let us spend what is left in seeking the unpeopled world behind the sunrise.
And as they quarrelled he caught up the Knife of Stone which lies there on the table and would have fought with his comrades.
他们一边说一边争吵起来, 他操起一把放在桌上的石刀, 想跟伙伴干上一架。
But it is a thing not right for him to touch. And as his fingers closed upon the hilt, deep sleep fell upon all the three.
谁知那把刀是动不得的。他手指刚拿住刀把, 这三个人就一起陷入了沉睡中,
And till the enchantment is undone they will never wake. "