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第十章 魔法书(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


It was written, not printed;written in a clear, even hand, with thick downstrokes and thin upstrokes, very large, easier than print, and so beautiful that Lucy stared at it for a whole minute and forgot about reading it.

书是手写本, 而不是印刷的。但是里面字迹清晰, 笔法匀称, 向下捺的笔画粗, 向上挑的笔画细, 字体很大, 看起来比印刷体还舒服。露茜整整看了一分钟, 差点忘记读了。

The paper was crisp and smooth and a nice smell came from it;and in the margins, and round the big coloured capital letters at the beginning of each spell, there were pictures.

纸张又脆又滑, 油墨味很好闻, 在空白处和每段咒语开头的大写字母周围还有插图。

There was no title page or title;the spells began straight away, and at first there was nothing very important in them.

但是这本书没有扉页, 也没有书名, 打开书就是咒语, 而且是些无关紧要的:

They were cures for warts(by washing your hands in moonlight in a silver basin)and toothache and cramp, and a spell for taking a swarm of bees.

有治疗疣子的偏方( 在月光下用银盆洗手), 有治牙痛的, 有治抽筋的, 还有一种捕捉蜜蜂的咒语。

The picture of the man with toothache was so lifelike that it would have set your own teeth aching if you looked at it too long, and the golden bees which were dotted all round the fourth spell looked for a moment as if they were really flying.

治牙痛的那幅插图画得很生动, 如果你对着画看得太久了, 会感觉自己牙齿都很疼。第四条咒语周围画着很多金黄色的蜜蜂, 多看一会儿就能感觉它们真的在飞舞一样。

Lucy could hardly tear herself away from that first page, but when she turned over, the next was just as interesting.

露茜看了第一页就舍不得放下, 可是第二页还是那么有趣。

"But I must get on, "she told herself.

"我必须翻下去, "她默默地说。

And on she went for about thirty pages which, if she could have remembered them, would have taught her how to find buried treasure, how to remember things forgotten, how to forget things you wanted to forget, how to tell whether anyone was speaking the truth, how to call up(or prevent) wind, fog, snow, sleet or rain, how to produce enchanted sleeps and how to give a man an ass's head(as they did to poor Bottom).

她一直翻下去, 如果可以记住上面的内容, 她就可以寻找宝藏, 可以忘掉想忘掉的事物, 有办法呼风唤雨, 知晓怎样求雪与雾, 可以对这些景象召之即来, 挥之即去。

And the longer she read the more wonderful and more real the pictures became.

她看得越久, 就觉得越奇妙、越真实。

Then she came to a page which was such a blaze of pictures that one hardly noticed the writing.

她看到下一页, 光彩夺目, 简直没法看那些图片上的字。

Hardly-but she did notice the first words.


They were, An infallible spell to make beautiful her that uttereth it beyond the lot of mortals.


Lucy peered at the pictures with her face close to the page, and though they had seemed crowded and muddlesome before, she found she could now see them quite clearly.

露茜凑到书页上看那些插图, 刚才还是挤成一团, 乱七八糟的, 现在却看得十分清楚。

The first was a picture of a girl standing at a reading-desk reading in a huge book. And the girl was dressed exactly like Lucy.


In the next picture Lucy(for the girl in the picture was Lucy herself)was standing up with her mouth open and a rather terrible expression on her face, chanting or reciting something.

第二幅画上露茜( 因为画中人就是露茜) 站着, 张大嘴巴念念有词, 脸色相当可怕。

In the third picture the beauty beyond the lot of mortals had come to her.


It was strange, considering how small the pictures had looked at first, that the Lucy in the picture now seemed quite as big as the real Lucy; and they looked into each other's eyes and the real Lucy looked away after a few minutes because she was dazzled by the beauty of the other Lucy;though she could still see a sort of likeness to herself in that beautiful face.

怪的是这些画开头看上去那么小, 现在看上去竟跟露茜真人一般大小了。两人对视了片刻, 真露茜就移开目光, 因为她被画中露茜的美貌迷惑了, 眼睛有些看不清, 但她还能从那张美丽的脸中看出和她本人的相像之处。

And now the pictures came crowding on her thick and fast.


She saw herself throned on high at a great tournament in Calormen and all the Kings of the world fought because of her beauty.

她看见自己在卡乐门国一次大比武中高踞宝座, 世界各国的国王为她的美貌而拼杀。

After that it turned from tournaments to real wars, and all Narnia and Archenland, Telmar and Calormen, Galma and Terebinthia, were laid waste with the fury of the kings and dukes and great lords who fought for her favour.

然后从比武中的拼杀演变为真正的战争, 各国国王、公爵和贵族疯狂为夺取她的芳心, 纳尼亚、阿钦兰、台尔马、卡乐门、加尔马和特里宾西亚各国都在互相厮杀, 一片荒芜之景。

Then it changed and Lucy, still beautiful beyond the lot of mortals, was back in England.

后来, 画面又一变, 美貌绝伦的露茜回到英国,

And Susan(who had always been the beauty of the family)came home from America.


The Susan in the picture looked exactly like the real Susan only plainer and with a nasty expression.

画中的苏珊活像苏珊本人, 只是难看了点, 一副很生气的样子。

And Susan was jealous of the dazzling beauty of Lucy, but that didn't matter a bit because no one cared anything about Susan now.

因为苏珊妒忌露茜那份令人神魂颠倒的美貌, 不过没关系, 因为没人会把苏珊放在心上了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
infallible [in'fæləbl]


adj. 绝无错误的,绝对可靠的

blaze [bleiz]


n. 火焰,烈火
vi. 燃烧,发光

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止



adj. 目眩的;眼花撩乱的 v. (使)眼花(dazz

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

likeness ['laiknis]


n. 相像,相似物,样子

dazzling ['dæzliŋ]


adj. 令人眼花缭乱的,耀眼的 动词dazzle的现在

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

smooth [smu:ð]


adj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟


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