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第九章 来到声音岛(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


"I don't see all your weapons, "said Reepicheep. "Are they invisible too ?"

"我看不见你们的武器在哪里。"雷佩契普说, "你们的武器也隐形吗?"

The words were scarcely out of his mouth before they heard a whizzing sound and next moment a spear had stuck, quivering, in one of the trees behind them.

话音刚落, 就听见"嗖"的一声, 一支长矛就颤巍巍地刺进了他们身后的一棵树上。

"That's a spear, that is, "said the Chief Voice.


"That it is, Chief, that it is, "said the others. "You couldn't have put it better. "

"是的, 老大, 是长矛, "其他声音说, "你说得太对了。"

"And it came from my hand, "the Chief Voice continued. "They get visible when they leave us. "

"这支长矛是从我手里扔出去的, "他接着说, "一离手你就能看见了。"

"But why do you want me to do this ?"asked Lucy. "Why can't one of your own people ?Haven't you got any girls ?"

"可是你们为什么让我做这件事呢?"露茜问, "不能让你们自己的人去做吗?你们没有小姑娘吗?"

"We dursen't, we dursen't, "said all the Voices. "We're not going upstairs again. "

"我们不干, 我们不干, "众声说, "我们再也不要上楼了。"

"In other words, "said Caspian, "you are asking this lady to face some danger which you daren't ask your own sisters and daughters to face !"

"换句话说, "凯斯宾说, "你们要这位小姐去面对危险, 却不愿意让自己的姐妹和女儿去冒险!"

"That's right, that's right , "said all the Voices cheerfully.

"对, 对, "众人一起欢呼说,

"You couldn't have said it better. Eh, you've had some education, you have. Anyone can see that. "

"说得太对了。果然是受过教育的人, 不错, 这都能看出来。"

"Well, of all the outrageous--"began Edmund, but Lucy interrupted.

"唉, 竟然如此嚣张……"爱德蒙开口说, 可露茜打断了他的话。

"Would I have to go upstairs at night, or would it do in daylight ?"


"Oh, daylight, daylight, to be sure, "said the Chief Voice. "Not at night. No one's asking you to do that. Go upstairs in the dark ? Ugh. "

"噢, 白天, 当然是白天, "那个为首的隐形人说, "不是晚上, 没人要你晚上摸黑上楼啊。"

"All right, then, I'll do it, "said Lucy. "No, "she said, turning to the others, "don't try to stop me. Can't you see it's no use?

"那好吧, 我愿意做, "露茜说, "别劝我, "她转过身来对其他人说, "你们不要阻拦我。难道你们不明白这没用吗?

There are dozens of them there. We can't fight them. And the other way there is a chance. "

他们有几十个人, 我们不能硬拼。或许, 按照他们说的做, 是条活路。"

"But a magician !"said Caspian.


"I know, "said Lucy. "But he mayn't be as bad as they make out. Don't you get the idea that these people are not very brave ?"

"我知道, "露茜说, "不过他也许不像他们说的那么坏。难道你们没发现这些人不够勇敢吗?"

"They're certainly not very clever, "said Eustace.


"Look here, Lu, "said Edmund. "We really can't let you do a thing like this. Ask Reep, I'm sure he'll say just the same. "

"听我说, 露茜, "爱德蒙说, "我们真的不能让你这么做。问问雷佩契普, 也许它也会这么说。"

"But it's to save my own life as well as yours, "said Lucy. "I don't want to be cut to bits with invisible swords any more than anyone else. "

"可是这样才能救你们, 还有我自己, "露茜说, "我跟大家一样, 不愿被看不见的刀剑砍成肉泥。"

"Her Majesty is in the right, "said Reepicheep.

"女王陛下说得对, "雷佩契普说,

"If we had any assurance of saving her by battle, our duty would be very-plain. It appears to me that we have none.

"如果我们有一点把握可以通过打赢仗来保全她, 我们义不容辞。在我看来, 我们没有一点把握。

And the service they ask of her is in no way contrary to her Majesty's honour, but a noble and heroical act.

再说了, 他们的要求并不损害女王陛下的尊严, 还可以说这是一个高尚英勇的举动。

If the Queen's heart moves her to risk the magician, I will not speak against it. "

如果女王愿意冒险去见魔法师, 我不阻拦。"

As no one had ever known Reepicheep to be afraid of anything, he could say this without feeling at all awkward.

人人都知道雷佩契普向来天不怕地不怕, 说这些话也在情理之中。

But the boys, who had all been afraid quite often, grew very red.


None the less, it was such obvious sense that they had to give in.


Loud cheers broke from the invisible people when their decision was announced, and the Chief Voice(warmly supported by all the others)invited the Narnians to come to supper and spend the night.

隐形人听到事情就这么定了, 顿时大声欢呼, 他们的老大提出请纳尼亚人共进晚餐, 玩上一夜, 其他人都一致热烈拥护。

Eustace didn't want to accept, but Lucy said, "I'm sure they're not treacherous. They're not like that at all, "and the others agreed.

尤斯塔斯不愿接受, 可是露茜说:"我相信他们也不是坏人, 根本不像。" 其他人也都同意了。

And so, accompanied by an enormous noise of thumpings(which became louder when they reached the flagged and echoing courtyard)they all went back to the house.

就这样, 他们在一片砰砰砰的声音里, 回到那所房子。他们走到那个铺着石板、发出回声的院子里时, 声音就更大了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

contrary ['kɔntrəri]


adj. 相反的,截然不同的
adv. 相反(

treacherous ['tretʃərəs]


adj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的

courtyard ['kɔ:tjɑ:d]


n. 庭院,院子

announced [ə'naunst]







