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- She had never perceived, while the regiment was in Hertfordshire, that Lydia had any partiality for him, but she was convinced that Lydia had wanted only encouragement to attach herself to anybody.
- 民兵团驻扎在哈福德郡的时候,她完全没有看出丽迪雅对韦翰有什么倾心的地方,可是她深深认识到丽迪雅只要随便哪个人勾引一下就会上钩。
- Sometimes one officer, sometimes another had been her favourite, as their attentions raised them in her opinion.
- 她今天喜欢这个军官,明天又喜欢那个军官,只要你对她献殷勤,她就看得中你。
- Her affections had been continually fluctuating, but never without an object.
- 她平常的情感极不专一,可是从来没有缺少过谈情说爱的对象。
- The mischief of neglect and mistaken indulgence towards such a girl. -- Oh! how acutely did she now feel it.
- 这只怪一向没有家教,对她任意纵容,结果使这样的一个姑娘落得这般下场。天哪!她现在实在体会得太深刻啦!
- She was wild to be at home -- to hear, to see, to be upon the spot, to share with Jane in the cares that must now fall wholly upon her, in a family so deranged;
- 她非回家不可了──要亲自去听听清楚,看看明白,要赶快去给吉英分担一份忧劳,千斤重担都压在吉英一个人身上。家里给弄得那么糟,
- a father absent, a mother incapable of exertion and requiring constant attendance;
- 父亲不在家,母亲撑不起身,又随时要人侍候,
- and though almost persuaded that nothing could be done for Lydia, her uncle's interference seemed of the utmost importance, and till he entered the room, the misery of her impatience was severe.
- 关于丽迪雅的事,她虽然认为已经无法可想,可是她又认为舅父的帮助是极其重要的,她等他回来真等得万分焦急。
- Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner had hurried back in alarm, supposing, by the servant's account, that their niece was taken suddenly ill;
- 且说嘉丁纳夫妇听了仆人的话还以为是外甥女得了急病,便连忙慌慌张张赶回来。
- but satisfying them instantly on that head, she eagerly communicated the cause of their summons, reading the two letters aloud, and dwelling on the postscript of the last with trembling energy.
- 伊丽莎白见到他们,马上说明并非得了急病,他们方才放心,她又连忙讲清楚找他们回来的原因,把那两封信读出来,又气急败坏地念着第二封信后面补写的那一段话。


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