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- By this time, my dearest sister, you have received my hurried letter;
- 亲爱的妹妹,你现在大概收到了我那封匆促草成的信了吧。
- I wish this may be more intelligible, but though not confined for time, my head is so bewildered that I cannot answer for being coherent.
- 我希望这封信会把问题说得明白些;不过,时间虽然并不是急促,我的头脑却糊里糊涂,因此并不是担保这封信一定会写得有条有理。
- Dearest Lizzy, I hardly know what I would write, but I have bad news for you, and it cannot be delayed.
- 我的亲丽萃,我简直不知道该写些什么,但是我总得把坏消息报道给你,而且事不宜迟。
- Imprudent as a marriage between Mr. Wickham and our poor Lydia would be, we are now anxious to be assured it has taken place, for there is but too much reason to fear they are not gone to Scotland.
- 尽管韦翰先生和我们可怜的丽迪雅的婚姻是多么荒唐,可是我们却巴不得听到他们已经结婚的消息,因为我们非常担心他们并没有到苏格兰去。
- Colonel Forster came yesterday, having left Brighton the day before, not many hours after the express.
- 弗斯脱上校前天寄出那封快信以后,稍隔数小时即由白利屯出发到我们这儿来,已于昨日抵达此间。
- Though Lydia's short letter to Mrs. F. gave them to understand that they were going to Gretna Green, something was dropped by Denny expressing his belief that W. never intended to go there, or to marry Lydia at all,
- 虽然丽迪雅给弗太太的那封短信里说,他们俩要到格利那草场去,可是根据丹尼透露出来的口风,他相信韦决不打算到那儿去,也根本不打算跟丽迪雅结婚。
- which was repeated to Colonel F., who, instantly taking the alarm, set off from B. intending to trace their route.
- 弗上校一听此话,大为骇异,便连忙从白出发,希望能追到他们。
- He did trace them easily to Clapham, but no farther; for on entering that place they removed into a hackney-coach and dismissed the chaise that brought them from Epsom.
- 他一路追踪觅迹,追到克拉普汗,这倒还不费什么事,可是再往前追便不容易,因为他们两人到达此地后,便把从艾普桑雇来的马车打发走了,重新雇了出租马车。
- All that is known after this is that they were seen to continue the London road.
- 以后的先踪去迹便颇难打听,只听见有人说,看见他们继续往伦敦那方面去。
- I know not what to think.
- 我不知道应该怎样想法。


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