Indian multi-billionaire Mukesh Ambani has announced a $25bn plan to launch 5G mobile internet services in the country within two months. Mr Ambani, who heads the telecoms-to-retail group Reliance Industries, says the high-speed network will be introduced first in major cities, including New Delhi and Mumbai. He said it will then be expanded to the rest of India by December 2023.
1.5G mobile internet services 5G移动互联网服务
2.Reliance Industries 信实工业
3.high-speed network 高速网络
The company is also working with Google to develop a budget 5G smartphone. Speaking on Monday at Reliance’s annual general meeting, Mr Ambani said that once the firm’s 5G network is fully operational it would be the biggest in the world. The service will be rolled out through Reliance’s subsidiary Jio - which is India’s largest mobile carrier.
4.a budget 5G smartphone 平价5G智能手机(budget 预算 smartphone 智能手机) fully operational 全面运营
6.subsidiary n. 子公司 carrier 移动运营商
【拓展】 流量
例句:Oh no! I m out of data and it’s just the first week of this month.
9.out of credit手机欠费
例句:My mobile phone is out of credit, I have to top up it.