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02 红雀的故事(中)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • “What a silly question!” cried the Water-rat. “I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course.”
  • “这问题问得多笨!”河鼠吼道,“当然,我肯定我忠实的朋友对我是忠实的。”
  • “And what would you do in return?” said the little bird, swinging upon a silver spray, and flapping his tiny wings.
  • “那么你又用什么报答呢?”小鸟说着,跳上了一根银色的枝头,并扑打着他的小翅膀。
  • “I don’t understand you,” answered the Water-rat.
  • “我不明白你的意思。”河鼠回答说。
  • “Let me tell you a story on the subject,” said the Linnet.
  • “那就让我给你讲一个这方面的故事吧。”红雀说。
  • “Is the story about me?” asked the Water-rat. “If so, I will listen to it, for I am extremely fond of fiction.”
  • “是关于我的故事吗?”河鼠问道,“如果是这样的话,我很愿意听,因为我特别喜欢听故事。”
  • “It is applicable to you,” answered the Linnet;
  • “它也适合你。”红雀回答说。
  • and he flew down, and alighting upon the bank, he told the story of The Devoted Friend.
  • 他飞了下来,站立在河岸边,讲述起那个《忠实的朋友》的故事。
  • “Once upon a time,” said the Linnet, “there was an honest little fellow named Hans.”
  • “很久很久以前,”红雀说,“有一个诚实的小伙子名叫汉斯。”
  • “Was he very distinguished?” asked the Water-rat.
  • “他是非常出色的吗?”河鼠问道。
  • “No,” answered the Linnet,
  • “不,”红雀答道,
  • “I don’t think he was distinguished at all, except for his kind heart, and his funny round good-humoured face.
  • “我认为他一点也不出色,只是心肠好罢了,还长着一张滑稽而友善的圆脸。
  • He lived in a tiny cottage all by himself, and every day he worked in his garden.
  • 他独自一人住在小村舍里,每天都在自己的花园里干活。
  • In all the country-side there was no garden so lovely as his.
  • 整个乡下没有谁家的花园像他的花园那样可爱。
  • Sweet-william grew there, and Gilly-flowers, and Shepherds’-purses, and Fair-maids of France.
  • 里面长着美国石竹,还有紫罗兰、有荠,以及法国的松雪草。
  • There were damask Roses, and yellow Roses, lilac Crocuses, and gold, purple Violets and white.
  • 有粉红色的玫瑰、金黄色的玫瑰,还有番红花,紫罗兰有金色的、紫色的和白色的。
  • Columbine and Ladysmock, Marjoram and Wild Basil, the Cowslip and the Flower-de-luce, the Daffodil and the Clove-Pink
  • 耧斗菜和碎米荠,牛膝草和野兰香,莲香花和鸢尾草,水仙和丁香
  • bloomed or blossomed in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flower’s place,
  • 随着季节的更迭,都争相开放。一种花刚凋谢,另一种便怒放开来,
  • so that there were always beautiful things to look at, and pleasant odours to smell.
  • 所以花园中一直都有美丽的花朵供人观赏,始终都有怡人的芳香可闻。


“What a silly question!” cried the Water-rat. “I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course.”


“And what would you do in return?” said the little bird, swinging upon a silver spray, and flapping his tiny wings.


“I don’t understand you,” answered the Water-rat.


“Let me tell you a story on the subject,” said the Linnet.


“Is the story about me?” asked the Water-rat. “If so, I will listen to it, for I am extremely fond of fiction.”


“It is applicable to you,” answered the Linnet;


and he flew down, and alighting upon the bank, he told the story of The Devoted Friend.


“Once upon a time,” said the Linnet, “there was an honest little fellow named Hans.”


“Was he very distinguished?” asked the Water-rat.


“No,” answered the Linnet,


“I don’t think he was distinguished at all, except for his kind heart, and his funny round good-humoured face.


He lived in a tiny cottage all by himself, and every day he worked in his garden.


In all the country-side there was no garden so lovely as his.


Sweet-william grew there, and Gilly-flowers, and Shepherds’-purses, and Fair-maids of France.


There were damask Roses, and yellow Roses, lilac Crocuses, and gold, purple Violets and white.


Columbine and Ladysmock, Marjoram and Wild Basil, the Cowslip and the Flower-de-luce, the Daffodil and the Clove-Pink


bloomed or blossomed in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flower’s place,


so that there were always beautiful things to look at, and pleasant odours to smell.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

devoted [di'vəutid]


adj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

applicable ['æplikəbl]


adj. 合适的,适用的

distinguished [di'stiŋgwiʃt]


adj. 卓著的,尊敬的 动词distinguish的过


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