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05 黑熊变王子

来源:可可英语 编辑:menglinglan   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When the dwarf had recovered from his first fright, he called out, in his shrill voice:
  • 小矮人刚从惊慌中缓过神来,就尖声喊道:
  • "Could not you deal rather more gently with me? You have torn my thin coat all in tatters, awkward, clumsy creatures that you are!"
  • “你们就不能小心一点吗?”瞧你们把我的薄外套撕成什么破烂样了,你们两个笨手笨脚的毛丫头!”
  • Then he took a sack of precious stones, and slipped behind the rock again into his den.
  • 然后他抗了一袋宝石,又溜到岩石后,回自己的家。
  • The girls, who were used to his ingratitude, went on their way, and completed their business in the town.
  • 姐妹们对这种忘恩负义的行为已经习以为常,她们继续赶路去城里办事。
  • As they were coming home again over the heath they surprised the dwarf,
  • 回家的路上,又经过荒地,这可把小矮人吓了一跳,
  • who had emptied his sack of precious stones on a little clean place, and had not thought that any one would come by there so late.
  • 他正往空地上倒宝石,没想到这么晚居然会有人来。
  • The evening sun shone on the glittering stones,
  • 晚霞照在闪耀的宝石上,
  • which looked so beautiful in all their colors that the children could not help standing still to gaze.
  • 它们七彩斑斓、耀眼无比,孩子们不禁驻足凝视。
  • "Why do you stand there gaping?" cried the dwarf, his ash-colored face turning vermilion with anger.
  • “你们傻呆呆的站在那里干什么?”小矮人喊道,他那灰白色的脸气得涨红了。
  • With these cross words he was going away when he heard a loud roaring,
  • 他一边咒骂,一边要走开,这时听到一声咆哮,
  • and a black bear trotted out of the woods towards them.
  • 一只黑熊从树林里向他们跑过来。
  • The dwarf sprang up terrified, but he could not get to his lurking-hole again--the bear was already close upon him.
  • 小矮人吓得跳了起来,还没来得及逃回洞穴——熊已经逼近他了。
  • Then he called out in anguish:
  • 然后他痛苦地哀求道:
  • "Dear Mr. Bear, spare me, and you shall have all my treasures; look at the beautiful precious stones that lie there.
  • “亲爱的熊先生,饶了我吧,我所有的珍宝都给你;瞧瞧这些美丽的宝石多漂亮,饶了我吧。
  • Give me my life; for what do you want with a poor thin little fellow like me?
  • 让我活下去吧;你要我这样一个弱不禁风的瘦骨头干什么?
  • You would scarcely feel me between your teeth.
  • 我还不够你塞牙的。
  • Rather seize those two wicked girls; they will be tender morsels for you, as fat as young quails; pray, eat them at once."
  • 快抓住那两个可恶的臭丫头;她们可以让你美美吃一顿,他们的肉像鹌鹑一样。求求你,去吃她们吧。”
  • The bear, without troubling himself to answer, gave the malicious creature one single stroke with his paw, and he did not move again.
  • 熊才不听他那一套呢,劈手一掌就把这个恶毒的家伙击倒在地,然后他就再也不动了。
  • The girls had run away, but the bear called
  • 姑娘们立马跑开了,但大熊喊道
  • after them: "Snow-white and Rose-red, do not be frightened; wait, I will go with you."
  • 跟着她们:“白雪、玫瑰,不要害怕;等等我,我和你们一起走。”
  • Recognizing the voice of their old friend, they stood still, and when the bear came up to them his skin suddenly fell off;
  • 她们听出是老朋友的声音,就站着不动了,当熊走到她们跟前时,他的皮突然脱落了;
  • and behold he was not a bear, but a handsome young man dressed all in gold.
  • 然后看着他,原来他不是熊,而是一个全身穿着金色衣服的俊美少年。
  • "I am a king's son," said he;
  • “我是国王的儿子!”他说道。
  • "I was changed by the wicked dwarf,
  • “我被邪恶的小矮人施法了,
  • who had stolen all my treasures, into a wild bear, and obliged to run about in the wood until I should be freed by his death.
  • 他偷走了我所有的财宝,把我变成了一头野熊,整天在林里乱跑,只有他死了我才能解脱。
  • Now he has received his well-deserved punishment."
  • 现在他得到了应得的惩罚。”
  • So they all went home together to the widow's cottage, and Snow-white was married to the prince and Rose-red to his brother.
  • 于是他们一起回到了寡妇的小屋,白雪嫁给了王子,红玫则嫁给了王子的哥哥。
  • They divided between them the great treasures which the dwarf had amassed.
  • 他们把小矮人积攒的大量财宝平分了。
  • The old mother lived many quiet and happy years with her children;
  • 老母亲和孩子们平安幸福地一起生活了很多年,
  • but when she left her cottage for the palace she took the two rose-trees with her,
  • 但是当她离开她的小屋前往宫殿的时候,她带走了那两棵玫瑰树,
  • and they stood before her window and bore every year the most beautiful roses--one white and the other red.
  • 它们被放在她的窗前,年年绽放出最美丽的玫瑰花——一朵是雪白的,一朵是鲜红的。


When the dwarf had recovered from his first fright, he called out, in his shrill voice:


"Could not you deal rather more gently with me? You have torn my thin coat all in tatters, awkward, clumsy creatures that you are!"


Then he took a sack of precious stones, and slipped behind the rock again into his den.


The girls, who were used to his ingratitude, went on their way, and completed their business in the town.


As they were coming home again over the heath they surprised the dwarf,


who had emptied his sack of precious stones on a little clean place, and had not thought that any one would come by there so late.


The evening sun shone on the glittering stones,


which looked so beautiful in all their colors that the children could not help standing still to gaze.


"Why do you stand there gaping?" cried the dwarf, his ash-colored face turning vermilion with anger.


With these cross words he was going away when he heard a loud roaring,


and a black bear trotted out of the woods towards them.


The dwarf sprang up terrified, but he could not get to his lurking-hole again--the bear was already close upon him.


Then he called out in anguish:


"Dear Mr. Bear, spare me, and you shall have all my treasures; look at the beautiful precious stones that lie there.


Give me my life; for what do you want with a poor thin little fellow like me?


You would scarcely feel me between your teeth.


Rather seize those two wicked girls; they will be tender morsels for you, as fat as young quails; pray, eat them at once."


The bear, without troubling himself to answer, gave the malicious creature one single stroke with his paw, and he did not move again.


The girls had run away, but the bear called


after them: "Snow-white and Rose-red, do not be frightened; wait, I will go with you."


Recognizing the voice of their old friend, they stood still, and when the bear came up to them his skin suddenly fell off;


and behold he was not a bear, but a handsome young man dressed all in gold.


"I am a king's son," said he;


"I was changed by the wicked dwarf,


who had stolen all my treasures, into a wild bear, and obliged to run about in the wood until I should be freed by his death.


Now he has received his well-deserved punishment."


So they all went home together to the widow's cottage, and Snow-white was married to the prince and Rose-red to his brother.


They divided between them the great treasures which the dwarf had amassed.


The old mother lived many quiet and happy years with her children;


but when she left her cottage for the palace she took the two rose-trees with her,


and they stood before her window and bore every year the most beautiful roses--one white and the other red.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

den [den]


n. 兽穴,洞穴 v. 穴居

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

anguish ['æŋgwiʃ]


n. 苦闷,痛苦
v. 使 ... 极苦闷,使

shrill [ʃril]


n. 尖锐的声音 adj. 尖锐的,刺耳的 v. 用尖锐

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟


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