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人物:特拉维斯·斯科特 为演唱会遇难的人们祈祷

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  • For Jacob Jurinek, seing rapper Travis Scott headline the first Astroworld Festival in Houston seemed like the perfect way to celebrate his upcoming 21st birthday.
  • 对于雅各布·朱利内克来说,看到说唱歌手特拉维斯·斯科特在休斯顿的第一届天文世界音乐节(Astroworld Festival)上亮相似乎是庆祝他即将到来的21岁生日的完美方式。
  • So the Naperville, Ill., native and his best friend, Franco Patio, who was 21, saved up for the trip “for months,” says Franco’s older brother Julio Patio Jr.
  • 因此,伊利诺伊州内伯威尔市的本地人和他最好的朋友、21岁的弗兰科·帕特里(Franco Patio)为了这次旅行攒了“好几个月”,弗兰科的哥哥小胡里奥·帕特里(Julio Patio Jr.)说。
  • “Franco was very excited. He was telling all his friends and family, ‘I’m going to see Travis Scott!’”
  • 弗兰科非常兴奋。 他告诉他所有的朋友和家人,“我要去见特拉维斯·斯科特了!” ’”
  • On Nov. 5, the two friends were among the 50,000 music lovers who descended on the 350-acre NRG Park for the third iteration of Houston native Scott’s annual event.
  • 11月5日,这两个朋友是5万名音乐爱好者中的一员,来到占地350英亩的NRG公园,参加休斯顿本地人斯科特的第三次年度活动。
  • But minutes before his 9 p.m. set, some of the crowd began to rush the stage, sparking chaos that grew more intense when he came out to perform.
  • 但就在他晚上9点的演出开始前几分钟,一些人群开始冲向舞台,引发了混乱,当他出来表演时,混乱变得更加严重。
  • “Everyone kept getting squeezed tighter and tighter until we couldn’t breathe,” says concert attendee Lucas Naccarati, who was 26, of Arcadia, Calif.
  • “每个人都被挤压,且越来越拥挤,直到我们喘不过气来,”演唱会出席者卢卡斯·纳卡拉蒂说,他今年26岁,来自加州阿卡迪亚。
  • “If you fell, it was impossible to get up. You were screwed.”
  • “如果你摔倒了,就不可能再爬起来了。 你完蛋了。”
  • Eight people—ranging in age from 14 to 27—died, including both Franco and Jurinek.
  • 共有8人死亡,年龄从14岁到27岁不等,其中包括弗兰科和尤里内克。
  • More than 300 others were treated on-site or at nearby hospitals for concert-related injuries, including a 9-year-old boy who was in critical condition as of press time.
  • 另有300多人因演唱会受伤,在现场或附近医院接受治疗,其中包括一名截至发稿时情况危急的9岁男孩。
  • “When people started to push toward the stage, the ones that were up front near the barriers weren’t able to make their way out,” says Houston fire chief Samuel Pea.
  • “当人们开始推着向舞台前进时,那些在前面靠近路障的人无法逃出去,”休斯敦消防队长塞缪尔·皮亚说。
  • A criminal investigation has been launched by the Houston Police Department to look into the horrific turn of events.
  • 休斯顿警察局已经启动了一项刑事调查,以调查这一可怕的事件。
  • At least 19 lawsuits, most of them seeking more than $1 million in damages, have been brought against Scott, 30, and others, including performer Drake and Astroworld organizers Live Nation and ScoreMore.
  • 30岁的斯科特以及表演者德雷克、天文世界音乐节的组织者Live Nation和ScoreMore等人被提起了至少19起诉讼,其中大多数要求超过100万美元的赔偿。
  • In a Nov. 6, Twitter statement, Scott—whose pregnant girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who was 24, and their 3-year-old daughter Stormi, along with Kylie’s sister Kendall Jenner, who was 26, were in attendance in a VIP area—said that he was “devastated” by the incident.
  • 在11月6日的推特声明中,斯科特——他24岁的怀孕女友凯莉·詹娜和他们3岁的女儿斯托米,以及凯莉26岁的姐姐肯德尔·詹娜正在贵宾区出席——说他对这起事件感到“悲痛欲绝”。
  • “My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted,” wrote Scott, who has said he’ll provide funeral costs and mental health support for concertgoers.
  • 斯科特写道:“我为遇难者家属和所有受到影响的人祈祷。”他曾表示,他将为参加音乐会的人提供葬礼费用和心理健康支持。


For Jacob Jurinek, seing rapper Travis Scott headline the first Astroworld Festival in Houston seemed like the perfect way to celebrate his upcoming 21st birthday.

对于雅各布·朱利内克来说,看到说唱歌手特拉维斯·斯科特在休斯顿的第一届天文世界音乐节(Astroworld Festival)上亮相似乎是庆祝他即将到来的21岁生日的完美方式。

So the Naperville, Ill., native and his best friend, Franco Patio, who was 21, saved up for the tripfor months,” says Francos older brother Julio Patio Jr.

因此,伊利诺伊州内伯威尔市的本地人和他最好的朋友、21岁的弗兰科·帕特里(Franco Patio)为了这次旅行攒了“好几个月”,弗兰科的哥哥小胡里奥·帕特里(Julio Patio Jr.)说。


Franco was very excited. He was telling all his friends and family, ‘Im going to see Travis Scott!’”

弗兰科非常兴奋。 他告诉他所有的朋友和家人,“我要去见特拉维斯·斯科特了!” ’”

On Nov. 5, the two friends were among the 50,000 music lovers who descended on the 350-acre NRG Park for the third iteration of Houston native Scotts annual event.


But minutes before his 9 p.m. set, some of the crowd began to rush the stage, sparking chaos that grew more intense when he came out to perform.


Everyone kept getting squeezed tighter and tighter until we couldnt breathe,” says concert attendee Lucas Naccarati, who was 26, of Arcadia, Calif.


If you fell, it was impossible to get up. You were screwed.”

“如果你摔倒了,就不可能再爬起来了。 你完蛋了。”

Eight peopleranging in age from 14 to 27—died, including both Franco and Jurinek.


More than 300 others were treated on-site or at nearby hospitals for concert-related injuries, including a 9-year-old boy who was in critical condition as of press time.


When people started to push toward the stage, the ones that were up front near the barriers werent able to make their way out,” says Houston fire chief Samuel Pea.


A criminal investigation has been launched by the Houston Police Department to look into the horrific turn of events.


At least 19 lawsuits, most of them seeking more than $1 million in damages, have been brought against Scott, 30, and others, including performer Drake and Astroworld organizers Live Nation and ScoreMore.

30岁的斯科特以及表演者德雷克、天文世界音乐节的组织者Live NationScoreMore等人被提起了至少19起诉讼,其中大多数要求超过100万美元的赔偿。

In a Nov. 6, Twitter statement, Scottwhose pregnant girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who was 24, and their 3-year-old daughter Stormi, along with Kylies sister Kendall Jenner, who was 26, were in attendance in a VIP areasaid that he wasdevastatedby the incident.


My prayers go out to the families and all those impacted,” wrote Scott, who has said hell provide funeral costs and mental health support for concertgoers.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

horrific [hɔ'rifik]


adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,可怖的

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

patio ['pɑ:tiəu]


n. 天井(庭院)

devastated ['devəsteitid]


adj. 毁坏的;极为震惊的 v. 毁坏;摧毁(deva

chaos ['keiɔs]


n. 混乱,无秩序,混沌

intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

drake [dreik]


n. 公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)

criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯





