梦工厂经典童话《怪物史莱克Shrek》,美女与野兽经典桥段,生动俏皮剧本语言,沉浸式课堂讲解,配音技术细节精讲,音视频片段作业,立体感受英语台词魅力,全方位掌握语音语调难点。#玩转配音# 跟好莱坞大咖学口语,英语爱好者技能升级学堂。
改编自知名童书作家威廉·史泰格的同名绘本,嘲讽所有经典童话,颠覆Fairytale刻版印象,亦幽默亦恶搞,出人意料又在情理之中,被封印的公主,非主流的怪物英雄,一件绿色外衣,一份另类的纯真美好,这个秋天和Shrek一起踏上寻求真善美之旅,就在#英语PK台# #动画趣配音#
Lesson 27
《Shrek 怪物史莱克》片段精选
Shrek: I object!
Fiona: Shrek?
Lord Farquaad: Oh, now what does he want?
Shrek: Hi, everyone. Havin' a good time, are ya?
Shrek: I love DuLoc, first of all.
Shrek: Very clean.
Lord Farquaad: What are you doing here?
Lord Farquaad: Really, it's rude enough being alive when no one wants you,
Lord Farquaad: but showing up uninvited to a wedding.
Shrek: Fiona!
Shrek: I need to talk to you.
Fiona: Oh, now you wanna talk?
Fiona: Well, it's a little late for that, so if you'll excuse me…
Shrek: But you can't marry him.
Fiona: And why not?
Shrek: Because… Because he's just marrying you so he can be king.
Lord Farquaad: Outrageous! Fiona, don't listen to him.
Shrek: He's not your true love.
Fiona: And what do you know about true love?
Shrek: Well, I … Uh…
Shrek: I mean…
Lord Farquaad: Oh, this is precious.
Lord Farquaad: The ogre has fallen in love with the princess!
Lord Farquaad: Oh, good Lord.
Lord Farquaad: An ogre and a princess!