dialogue 1
Jingjing: Mark, what's that you're______?
Mark: It's a ______ book. I have too many of these from my______ years. So, I'm taking photos of the pages then putting each______ in the recycling bin. I was just ______ the pages one last time on this one.
Jingjing: You've found a good way to ______ in your house. How many______ do you have?
Mark: ______, now. I used to have a ______ or two.
Jingjing: You were quite the ______. It's good that you're not too much of a______, though.
Mark: Yeah, it's sad to ______, but not too sad when I have a ______.
Jingjing: I know lots of kids read ______. What got you______ when you were a teen?
Mark: I had a neighbor with a______, including several ______. He would just let me borrow them and read them, without ______ they were.
Jingjing: I know values can ______, if someone has a______ copy.
Mark: His were in______, but not______. Anyway, there were comic book stores near my house. I'd go ______ a week.
Jingjing: Are any of those stores still______?
Mark: ______. I saw one or two. My favorite shop was still there. But when I went in to chat with the ______, she said they were ______ staying in business.
Jingjing: That's a pity. Did you ever collect______?
Mark: Not really. My dad had a stamp collection that he______ to me. Somehow, I managed to______ a few baseball cards also.
Jingjing: Is there anything you still ______, that you wouldn't want to ______?
Mark: Remember those______I told you I had? I still have them, even though I______ them.
Jingjing: Are any of them______?
Mark: ______. Also, there are two or three I still want to buy, like the Hermes______ tie, and one with ______ by Dunhill.
Jingjing: Good luck ______ them. Have you ______ on eBay?
Mark: Many, many times.
dialogue 2
Jingjing: Mark, what's the______ thing you ever heard of someone______?
Mark: I had a buddy who ______a bit of hair from each of his______.
Jingjing: That is weird, and______.
Mark: I thought so too. He had them all______ in zip-lock bags. He told me he recently dated a ______ just to get a ______ for his collection.
Jingjing: ______?
Mark: No, I just ______. Actually, I just read a news article about______.
Jingjing: Oh yeah? What's that?
Mark: People are collecting something called ______—NFTs.
Jingjing: What ______ are those?
Mark: They're similar to ______. Each one is like a______, super-long ______ or SKU. But it can only be sold for ______.
Jingjing: OK, ______. ______ NFTs do, and why do people ______ them?
Mark: Each one is______ a digital image. That way, one person can ______ the image, even though lots of people use ______ of the image.
Jingjing: Give me an example.
Mark: Sure. There's one called Nyan Cat, which sold for______. It's a popular picture of a ______ flying through space and leaving______ behind it. It looks like it came out of a Nintendo game, all 8-bit and simple.
Jingjing: I think I can______ that. ______ an NFT?
Mark: You could get another kind of______. But it's actually easier to ______ a piece of ______and then sell it as an NFT.
Jingjing: Hmm, that's something I might ______. And I'll______ to friends of mine who are collectors or ______.
Mark: Something has to be really______ to______ 500K. But it's always______.
Jingjing: Well, interesting topic, Mark. ______!
new words and phrases
hard copy
pack rat
golden age comics
mint condition
handed down
part with
Are you for real?
You're losing me.
pass word along