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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "You will never find the eye with your fingers, Bran.
  • “布兰,你不能用手指来发现它,你
  • You must search with your heart."
  • 必须以心灵去寻求它。”
  • Jojen studied Bran's face with those strange green eyes.
  • 玖健奇异的绿眼审视着布兰的脸庞。
  • "Or are you afraid?"
  • “你在害怕?”
  • "Maester Luwin says there's nothing in dreams that a man need fear."
  • “鲁温师傅说,梦中没什么可让男子汉害怕。”
  • "There is," said Jojen.
  • “有,”玖健道。
  • "What?"
  • “有什么?”
  • "The past. The future. The truth."
  • “有过去。有未来。有真相。”
  • They left him more muddled than ever.
  • 他们走后,布兰更加烦乱。
  • When he was alone, Bran tried to open his third eye, but he didn't know how.
  • 乘独处之际,他试着打开第三只眼睛,却不知该怎么做。
  • No matter how he wrinkled his forehead and poked at it, he couldn't see any different than he'd done before.
  • 不管怎么皱额头,怎么用力戳,都不起作用。
  • In the days that followed, he tried to warn others about what Jojen had seen, but it didn't go as he wanted.
  • 接下来的几天,他拿玖健提到的事去警告别人,可结果却和他的想像大相径庭。
  • Mikken thought it was funny. "The sea, is it?
  • 密肯觉得很可笑。“大海,是吗?说真的,
  • Happens I always wanted to see the sea.
  • 我早想见识大海,
  • Never got where I could go to it, though.
  • 可从来没机会。
  • So now it's coming to me, is it?
  • 所以说它要自己来找我了,是吗?
  • The gods are good, to take such trouble for a poor smith."
  • 赞美诸神,为可怜的铁匠达成小小的愿望。”
  • "The gods will take me when they see fit," Septon Chayle said quietly,
  • “当我的时刻来临,诸神自会带走我,”柴尔修士平静地说,
  • "though I scarcely think it likely that I'll drown, Bran.
  • “可我不认为自己会被淹死。布兰,
  • I grew up on the banks of the White Knife, you know.
  • 我是在白刃河畔长大的,你知道,”
  • I'm quite the strong swimmer."
  • 游泳是我的拿手好戏。
  • Alebelly was the only one who paid the warning any heed.
  • 酒肚子是惟一把警告当回事的人。
  • He went to talk to jojen himself, and afterward stopped bathing and refused to go near the well.
  • 他跑去见了玖健,之后便不再洗浴,也拒绝靠近水井。
  • Finally he stank so bad that six of the other guards threw him into a tub of scalding water
  • 最后他变得臭气熏天,以至于六位同僚不得不合力将他强行按进热水盆,
  • and scrubbed him raw while he screamed that they were going to drown him like the frogboy had said.
  • 他们一边替他擦洗,他一边惨叫呼救,说他们要像青蛙男孩讲的那样把他淹死。
  • Thereafter he scowled whenever he saw Bran or jojen about the castle, and muttered under his breath.
  • 洗澡事件后,酒肚子看见布兰或玖健就皱紧眉头,低声咕哝。
  • It was a few days after Alebelly's bath that Ser Rodrik returned to Winterfell with his prisoner,
  • 这之后没几天,罗德利克爵士带着俘虏回到临冬城,此人是个肥胖的青年男子,
  • a fleshy young man with fat moist lips and long hair who smelled like a privy, even worse than Alebelly had.
  • 嘴唇丰厚润湿,头发长长的。他闻起来有茅坑的味道,比前阵子的酒肚子还糟糕。
  • "Reek, he's called," Hayhead said when Bran asked who it was.
  • “大家叫他‘臭佬’,”布兰问起姓名,稻草头回答,
  • "I never heard his true name.
  • “我没听过他的真名,
  • He served the Bastard of Bolton and helped him murder Lady Hornwood, they say."
  • 只听说他为波顿的私生子卖命,帮他谋害了霍伍德伯爵夫人。”


"You will never find the eye with your fingers, Bran.


You must search with your heart."


Jojen studied Bran's face with those strange green eyes.


"Or are you afraid?"


"Maester Luwin says there's nothing in dreams that a man need fear."



"There is," said Jojen.




"The past. The future. The truth."


They left him more muddled than ever.


When he was alone, Bran tried to open his third eye, but he didn't know how.


No matter how he wrinkled his forehead and poked at it, he couldn't see any different than he'd done before.


In the days that followed, he tried to warn others about what Jojen had seen, but it didn't go as he wanted.


Mikken thought it was funny. "The sea, is it?


Happens I always wanted to see the sea.


Never got where I could go to it, though.


So now it's coming to me, is it?


The gods are good, to take such trouble for a poor smith."


"The gods will take me when they see fit," Septon Chayle said quietly,


"though I scarcely think it likely that I'll drown, Bran.


I grew up on the banks of the White Knife, you know.


I'm quite the strong swimmer."


Alebelly was the only one who paid the warning any heed.


He went to talk to jojen himself, and afterward stopped bathing and refused to go near the well.


Finally he stank so bad that six of the other guards threw him into a tub of scalding water


and scrubbed him raw while he screamed that they were going to drown him like the frogboy had said.


Thereafter he scowled whenever he saw Bran or jojen about the castle, and muttered under his breath.


It was a few days after Alebelly's bath that Ser Rodrik returned to Winterfell with his prisoner,


a fleshy young man with fat moist lips and long hair who smelled like a privy, even worse than Alebelly had.


"Reek, he's called," Hayhead said when Bran asked who it was.


"I never heard his true name.


He served the Bastard of Bolton and helped him murder Lady Hornwood, they say."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

heed [hi:d]


n. 注意,留心
v. 注意,留心

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

moist [mɔist]


adj. 潮湿的,湿润的





