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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "You heard about the bird?" Bran asked.
  • “鸟儿带信的事你听说了?”布兰问。
  • The other boy nodded.
  • 对面的男孩点点头。
  • "It wasn't a supper like you said.It was a letter from Robb, and we didn't eat it, but—"
  • “可那不是你说的晚餐,只是罗柏写的一封信,我们又没吃信,而且——”
  • "The green dreams take strange shapes sometimes," jojen admitted.
  • “绿色之梦会以奇特的方式反映现实,”玖健承认,
  • "The truth of them is not always easy to understand."
  • “它们的真相并不容易理解。”
  • "Tell me the bad thing you dreamed," Bran said.
  • “给我讲讲你做的梦,”布兰道,
  • "The bad thing that is coming to Winterfell."
  • “讲讲临冬城会有什么遭遇。”
  • "Does my lord prince believe me now?
  • “王子殿下肯相信我了么?
  • Will he trust my words, no matter how queer they sound in his ears?"
  • 您愿意信我的话,不管听起来多奇特了么?”
  • Bran nodded.
  • 布兰点头。
  • "It is the sea that comes."
  • “大海正涌来。”
  • "The sea?"
  • “大海?”
  • "I dreamed that the sea was lapping all around Winterfell.
  • “我梦见一片汪洋包围了临冬城。
  • I saw black waves crashing against the gates and towers, and then the salt water came flowing over the walls and filled the castle.
  • 我看见黑色的浪涛击碎城门和塔楼,盐水灌进墙内,淹没了城堡。
  • Drowned men were floating in the yard.
  • 院子里到处是淹死的人。
  • When I first dreamed the dream, back at Greywater, I didn't know their faces, but now I do.
  • 在灰水望,当我第一次做这个梦的时候,我还不认得那些面孔,现在我知道了,
  • That Alebelly is one, the guard who called our names at the feast.
  • 这里边有酒肚子,就是丰收宴会时为我们唱名的卫士。
  • Your septon's another. Your smith as well."
  • 您的修士也在其中。还有铁匠师傅。”
  • "Mikken?" Bran was as confused as he was dismayed.
  • “密肯?”布兰不但惊慌,还有些糊涂了,
  • "But the sea is hundreds and hundreds of leagues away, and Winterfell's walls are so high the water couldn't get in even if it did come."
  • “可是大海和临冬城之间隔着千山万水,就算涨潮,城墙这么高,它怎么过得来呢?”
  • "In the dark of night the salt sea will flow over these walls," said jojen.
  • “在漆黑的夜里,盐水漫过了城墙,”玖健道。
  • "I saw the dead, bloated and drowned."
  • “我看见尸体,浮肿溺毙的人。”
  • "We have to tell them," Bran said.
  • “我们必须告诉他们,”布兰说。
  • "Alebelly and Mikken, and Septon Chayle. Tell them not to drown."
  • “告诉酒肚子,密肯和柴尔修士。让他们注意别被淹死。”
  • "It will not save them," replied the boy in green.
  • “这没有用,”绿衣男孩道。
  • Meera came to the window seat and put a hand on his shoulder.
  • 梅拉来到窗边,把手放在他肩上,
  • "They will not believe, Bran. No more than you did." jojen sat on Bran's bed.
  • “他们不会相信的,布兰。就连你也不信。”玖健坐上布兰的床。
  • "Tell me what you dream."
  • “告诉我你的梦。”
  • He was scared, even then, but he had sworn to trust them, and a Stark of Winterfell keeps his sworn word.
  • 纵然梦境已过了许久,他仍旧很害怕,可他发了誓要相信他们,临冬城的史塔克必须遵守诺言的。
  • "There's different kinds," he said slowly.
  • “和你的梦不一样,”他缓缓地说,
  • "There's the wolf dreams, those aren't so bad as the others.
  • “有些是狼梦,狼梦还不算恐怖。
  • I run and hunt and kill squirrels.
  • 我在梦中奔跑巡猎,杀戮松鼠。
  • And there's dreams where the crow comes and tells me to fly.
  • 有的梦中乌鸦出现叫我飞。


"You heard about the bird?" Bran asked.


The other boy nodded.


"It wasn't a supper like you said.It was a letter from Robb, and we didn't eat it, but—"


"The green dreams take strange shapes sometimes," jojen admitted.


"The truth of them is not always easy to understand."



"Tell me the bad thing you dreamed," Bran said.


"The bad thing that is coming to Winterfell."


"Does my lord prince believe me now?


Will he trust my words, no matter how queer they sound in his ears?"


Bran nodded.


"It is the sea that comes."


"The sea?"


"I dreamed that the sea was lapping all around Winterfell.


I saw black waves crashing against the gates and towers, and then the salt water came flowing over the walls and filled the castle.


Drowned men were floating in the yard.


When I first dreamed the dream, back at Greywater, I didn't know their faces, but now I do.


That Alebelly is one, the guard who called our names at the feast.


Your septon's another. Your smith as well."


"Mikken?" Bran was as confused as he was dismayed.


"But the sea is hundreds and hundreds of leagues away, and Winterfell's walls are so high the water couldn't get in even if it did come."


"In the dark of night the salt sea will flow over these walls," said jojen.


"I saw the dead, bloated and drowned."


"We have to tell them," Bran said.


"Alebelly and Mikken, and Septon Chayle. Tell them not to drown."


"It will not save them," replied the boy in green.


Meera came to the window seat and put a hand on his shoulder.


"They will not believe, Bran. No more than you did." jojen sat on Bran's bed.


"Tell me what you dream."


He was scared, even then, but he had sworn to trust them, and a Stark of Winterfell keeps his sworn word.


"There's different kinds," he said slowly.


"There's the wolf dreams, those aren't so bad as the others.


I run and hunt and kill squirrels.


And there's dreams where the crow comes and tells me to fly.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

flowing ['fləuiŋ]


adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨





