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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I don't know," Jojen said sadly.
  • “我不知道。”玖健悲伤地说。
  • "If you were Alebelly, you'd probably jump into the well to have done with it!
  • “换成你是酒肚子,大概会直接跳进水井去实现预言吧!
  • He should fight, and Bran should too."
  • 可人家会战斗到底,布兰也会。”
  • "Me?" Bran felt suddenly afraid.
  • “我?”布兰突然很恐慌。
  • "What should I fight? Am I going to drown too?"
  • “我要和谁战斗?我也会淹死吗?”
  • Meera looked at him guiltily. "I shouldn't have said..."
  • 梅拉负疚地望着他。“我不该说……”
  • He could tell that she was hiding something.
  • 他知道她还隐瞒了什么。
  • "Did you see me in a green dream?" he asked Jojen nervously.
  • “在绿色之梦里你看见我了吗?”他紧张地问玖健,
  • "Was I drowned?"
  • “我也淹死了吗?”
  • "Not drowned." Jojen spoke as if every word pained him.
  • “并非淹死。”玖健道,字字句句都无比沉痛。
  • "I dreamed of the man who came today, the one they call Reek.
  • “我梦到今日进城的那个男子,人称臭佬的那位。
  • You and your brother lay dead at his feet, and he was skinning off your faces with a long red blade."
  • 你和你弟弟死在他脚下,他用一把细长而血红的剑剥下你们的脸皮。”
  • Meera rose to her feet.
  • 梅拉霍地起身。
  • "If I went to the dungeon, I could drive a spear right through his heart.
  • “我现在就去地牢,拿矛戳他个透心凉!
  • How could he murder Bran if he was dead?"
  • 看他死了还怎么去谋害布兰!”
  • "The gaolers will stop you," Jojen said.
  • “狱卒会阻止你,”玖健说,
  • "The guards. And if you tell them why you want him dead, they'll never believe."
  • “附近还有守卫。就算你把杀他的理由告诉他们,他们也绝不会相信。”
  • "I have guards too," Bran reminded them.
  • “可我身边也有守卫啊,”布兰提醒他们,
  • "Alebelly and Poxy Tym and Hayhead and the rest."
  • “有酒肚子,麻脸提姆,稻草头,好多人呢……”
  • Jojen's mossy eyes were full of pity.
  • 玖健青苔色的眼睛里充满同情。
  • "They won't be able to stop him, Bran.
  • “他们都不能制止他,布兰。
  • I couldn't see why, but I saw the end of it.
  • 我不知道原因,但我看到了结局。
  • I saw you and Rickon in your crypts, down in the dark with all the dead kings and their stone wolves."
  • 我看见你和瑞肯躺在你们的墓窖里,无穷无尽的黑暗中只有死去的国王和石制冰原狼与你们为伴。”
  • No, Bran thought. No.
  • 不要,布兰想,不要。
  • "If I went away... to Greywater, or to the crow, someplace far where they couldn't find me..."
  • “如果我现在逃走……去灰水望,去找乌鸦,去某个他们找不着的地方……”
  • "It will not matter.
  • “没有用的,布兰。
  • The dream was green, Bran, and the green dreams do not lie."
  • 梦乃是绿色,绿色之梦一定会成真。”


"I don't know," Jojen said sadly.


"If you were Alebelly, you'd probably jump into the well to have done with it!


He should fight, and Bran should too."


"Me?" Bran felt suddenly afraid.


"What should I fight? Am I going to drown too?"


Meera looked at him guiltily. "I shouldn't have said..."



He could tell that she was hiding something.


"Did you see me in a green dream?" he asked Jojen nervously.


"Was I drowned?"


"Not drowned." Jojen spoke as if every word pained him.


"I dreamed of the man who came today, the one they call Reek.


You and your brother lay dead at his feet, and he was skinning off your faces with a long red blade."


Meera rose to her feet.


"If I went to the dungeon, I could drive a spear right through his heart.


How could he murder Bran if he was dead?"


"The gaolers will stop you," Jojen said.


"The guards. And if you tell them why you want him dead, they'll never believe."


"I have guards too," Bran reminded them.


"Alebelly and Poxy Tym and Hayhead and the rest."


Jojen's mossy eyes were full of pity.


"They won't be able to stop him, Bran.


I couldn't see why, but I saw the end of it.


I saw you and Rickon in your crypts, down in the dark with all the dead kings and their stone wolves."


No, Bran thought. No.


"If I went away... to Greywater, or to the crow, someplace far where they couldn't find me..."


"It will not matter.


The dream was green, Bran, and the green dreams do not lie."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

blade [bleid]


n. 刀锋,刀口

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯





