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来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It was not thought to be serious, but three days later he died in his tent, asleep."
  • 起初人们都以为并不严重,然而三天后他却在熟睡中死于自己的营帐。”
  • Big Walder shrugged. "He was very old. Five-and-sixty, I think.
  • 大瓦德耸耸肩:“他太老啦。我想想,该有六十五岁了吧。
  • Too old for battles. He was always saying he was tired."
  • 老头子是打不了仗的。他总说自己累得要命。”
  • Little Walder hooted. "Tired of waiting for our grandfather to die, you mean.
  • 小瓦德大声叫嚣:“等咱们祖父死等得累趴下了,是吧?
  • Does this mean Ser Emmon's the heir now?"
  • 那么艾蒙爵士是继承人喽?”
  • "Don't be stupid," his cousin said.
  • “别犯傻,”堂哥说。
  • "The sons of the first son come before the second son.
  • “长子的儿子的继承权优于次子。
  • Ser Ryman is next in line, and then Edwyn and Black Walder and Petyr Pimple.
  • 莱曼爵士才是下一顺位,接着是艾德温,黑瓦德,疙瘩脸培提尔,
  • And then Aegon and all his sons."
  • 再来还有伊耿。”
  • "Ryman is old too," said Little Walder.
  • “莱曼也老了,”小瓦德道,
  • "Past forty, I bet. And he has a bad belly. Do you think he'll be lord?"
  • “我敢打赌,他都过了四十,胃又不好。你觉得他将来能继承领地吗?”
  • "I'll be lord. I don't care if he is."
  • “我才会继承领地!谁管他呀。”
  • Maester Luwin cut in sharply.
  • 鲁温师傅严厉地打断他们,
  • "You ought to be ashamed of such talk, my lords.
  • “你们该为自己的话感到羞耻!两位大人,
  • Where is your grief? Your uncle is dead."
  • 死者是你们的亲叔叔,你们应有的哀悼在哪里?”
  • "Yes," said Little Walder. "We're very sad."
  • “是的,”小瓦德说,“我们非常悲痛。”
  • They weren't, though. Bran got a sick feeling in his belly.
  • 不对,他们才没有哩。布兰只觉一阵反胃,
  • They like the taste of this dish better than I do.
  • 他们对到手的食物比你更满意。
  • He asked Maester Luwin to be excused.
  • 于是他请求鲁温师傅准他离开。
  • "Very well." The maester rang for help.
  • “好,”学士摇铃呼助。
  • Hodor must have been busy in the stables.
  • 阿多大概在马厩里忙着,
  • It was Osha who came.
  • 所以来了欧莎。
  • She was stronger than Alebelly, though, and had no trouble lifting Bran in her arms and carrying him down the steps.
  • 她比酒肚子强壮,轻而易举便抱起布兰,背他下楼。
  • "Osha," Bran asked as they crossed the yard.
  • “欧莎,”穿过庭院时布兰开口问,
  • "Do you know the way north? To the Wall and... and even past?"
  • “你知道去北方的路怎么走吗?就是去长城和……更远的地方?”
  • "The way's easy. Look for the Ice Dragon, and chase the blue star in the rider's eye."
  • “找路不难。你只需追寻冰龙座,紧跟骑手之眼那颗蓝色的星。”
  • She backed through a door and started up the winding steps.
  • 她用背抵开门,走上螺旋梯。
  • "And there are still giants there, and... the rest... the Others, and the children of the forest too?"
  • “那里有巨人吗?以及……其他的……异鬼?森林之子?”
  • "The giants I've seen, the children I've heard tell of, and the white walkers... why do you want to know?"
  • “我亲眼见过巨人,还听过森林之子的事迹,说到白鬼……你干嘛问这个?”
  • "Did you ever see a three-eyed crow?"
  • “你见过三只眼睛的乌鸦没?”
  • "No." She laughed. "And I can't say I'd want to."
  • “没有。”她笑道,“我也不想见。
  • Osha kicked open the door to his bedchamber and set him in his window seat, where he could watch the yard below.
  • ”欧莎踢开卧室门,把他放在窗边座椅上,他在那里可以俯瞰下方的大院。
  • It seemed only a few heartbeats after she took her leave that the door opened again, and jojen Reed entered unbidden, with his sister Meera behind him.
  • 她离开没多久,房门又开,玖健·黎德未经邀请便走进来,身边跟着姐姐梅拉。


It was not thought to be serious, but three days later he died in his tent, asleep."


Big Walder shrugged. "He was very old. Five-and-sixty, I think.


Too old for battles. He was always saying he was tired."


Little Walder hooted. "Tired of waiting for our grandfather to die, you mean.



Does this mean Ser Emmon's the heir now?"


"Don't be stupid," his cousin said.


"The sons of the first son come before the second son.


Ser Ryman is next in line, and then Edwyn and Black Walder and Petyr Pimple.


And then Aegon and all his sons."


"Ryman is old too," said Little Walder.


"Past forty, I bet. And he has a bad belly. Do you think he'll be lord?"


"I'll be lord. I don't care if he is."


Maester Luwin cut in sharply.


"You ought to be ashamed of such talk, my lords.


Where is your grief? Your uncle is dead."


"Yes," said Little Walder. "We're very sad."


They weren't, though. Bran got a sick feeling in his belly.


They like the taste of this dish better than I do.


He asked Maester Luwin to be excused.


"Very well." The maester rang for help.


Hodor must have been busy in the stables.


It was Osha who came.


She was stronger than Alebelly, though, and had no trouble lifting Bran in her arms and carrying him down the steps.


"Osha," Bran asked as they crossed the yard.


"Do you know the way north? To the Wall and... and even past?"


"The way's easy. Look for the Ice Dragon, and chase the blue star in the rider's eye."


She backed through a door and started up the winding steps.


"And there are still giants there, and... the rest... the Others, and the children of the forest too?"


"The giants I've seen, the children I've heard tell of, and the white walkers... why do you want to know?"


"Did you ever see a three-eyed crow?"


"No." She laughed. "And I can't say I'd want to."


Osha kicked open the door to his bedchamber and set him in his window seat, where he could watch the yard below.


It seemed only a few heartbeats after she took her leave that the door opened again, and jojen Reed entered unbidden, with his sister Meera behind him.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

reed [ri:d]


n. 芦苇,芦笛,簧片

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤





