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The challenge begins with how to pronounce his name. The first bit should sound like 'Knee', the second like 'cha' Knee – cha.

我们首先遇到的挑战是:他的名字该如何发音?前半该唸成“Knee”,后半该唸成“cha” “Knee – cha”

Then we need to get past some of his extraordinary and provocative statements: What doesn't kill me makes me stronger'


God is dead! And we have killed him.' And his large moustache.

“上帝已死!是我们谋杀了他。” 还有他浓密的小胡子。

But when we do, we'll discover a thinker who is intermittently enchanting, wise and very helpful.

不过,如果深入了解,我们会发现他是个 时而令人喜爱、充满智慧、而且对我们非常有帮助的思想家。

Friedrich Nietzsche was born in 1844 in a quiet village in the eastern part of Germany where his father was the priest.

弗里德里希·尼采,1844年出生于德国东部一个安静的小镇 他的父亲是当地的牧师。

He did exceptionally well at school and university and so excelled at ancient Greek that he was made a professor at the University of Basel when still only in his mid-twenties.


But his official career didn't work out.


He got fed up with his fellow academics, gave up his job and moved to Sils Maria in the Swiss alps where he lived quietly, working on his masterpieces,


among them: The Birth of Tragedy, Human, All Too Human, The Gay Science, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals,


He had lots of problems: - he didn't get on with his family:

他也有很多问题 ,例如他与家人并不和睦,

I don't like my mother and it's painful even for me to hear my sister's voice.'- women kept rejecting him. - his books didn't sell

“我并不喜欢我母亲, 而只要听到我妹妹的声音我就觉得痛苦。”例如,他总是遭到女性拒绝;他的书也卖不出去。

- And when he was only forty-four, he had a mental breakdown, precipitated when he saw a horse in a Turin street being beaten by its driver

而且在他44岁时,他精神崩溃了 -- 当他看见有匹马在都灵街上被马夫鞭打时,

and ran over to embrace him shouting 'I understand you'. He never recovered and died eleven sad years later.

尼采跑向那匹马,抱住牠大喊:“我懂你!” 他再也未能康复,并在11年后过世了。

But his philosophy was full of heroism and grandeur.


He was a prophet of what he called: SELBSTüBERWINDUNG or SELF-OVERCOMING, the process by which a great-souled person - what he called an üBERMENSCH

他是他所谓的“自我超越 (SELBSTüBERWINDUNG) ”“自我超越” -- 是有着伟大灵魂的人所经历的生命过程 尼采称这样的人为“超人 (üBERMENSCH)”

rises above their circumstances and difficulties to embrace whatever life throws at them.

超人能挺身对抗他们所处的困难与处境,并能拥抱人生 -- 无论面对着什么样的人生。

He wanted his work to teach us, as he put it, 'how to become who we really are'.

他希望他的作品能教导我们 --用他的话来说-- “如何成为真正的自己”

His thought centers around 4 main recommendations: Own up to envy

他的思想以4个主要建议为核心:1. 坦承嫉妒心

Envy is – Nietzsche recognised – a big part of life.


Yet the lingering effects of Christianity generally teaches to be feel ashamed of our envious feelings.


They seem an indication of evil. So we hide them from ourselves and others.


Yet there is nothing wrong with envy, maintained Nietzsche, so long as we use it as a guide to what we really want.


Every person who makes us envious should be seen as an indication of what we could one day become.


The envy-inducing writer, tycoon or chef is hinting at who you are capable of one day being.


It's not that Nietzsche believed we always end up getting what we want. His own life had taught him this well enough).

这并不代表尼采相信我们终究都能得到我们想要的事物 -- 他自己的一生就是最好的反例。

He simply insisted that we must face up to our true desires, put up a heroic fight to honour them, and only then mourn failure with solemn dignity.


That is what it means to be an üBERMENSCH



2. Don't be a Christian

2. 不要当基督徒

Nietzsche had some extreme things to say about Christianity.


In the entire New Testament, there is only person worth respecting: Pilate, the Roman governor.'

“在整部新约圣经里,只有一个人值得尊敬 -- 罗马总督彼拉多。” (译注:彼拉多判处耶稣钉十字架)

It was knockabout stuff, but his true target was more subtle and more interesting: he resented Christianity for protecting people from their envy.


Christianity had in Nietzsche's account emerged in the late Roman Empire in the minds of timid slaves, who had lacked the stomach to get hold of what they really wanted


and so had clung to a philosophy that made a virtue of their cowardice. He called this SKLAVENMORAL.


Christians - whom he rather rudely termed DIE HEERDE, the herd - had wished to enjoy the real ingredients of fulfilment

基督徒 -- 尼采无礼地称他们为牧羊人 --也渴望享受能带来满足感的事物:

(a position in the world, sex, intellectual mastery, creativity) but had been too inept to get them.


They had therefore fashioned a hypocritical creed denouncing what they wanted but were too weak to fight for– while praising what they did not want but happened to have.


So, in the Christian value system, sexlessness turned into purity (show text changing) weakness became goodness,


submission-to-people-one-hates became obedience and, in Nietzsche's phrase, "not-being-able-to-take-revenge" turned into "forgiveness."

“屈服于自己讨厌的人”变成了“顺从”。而用尼采的话说 --“没有能力报复”变成了“原谅”。

Christianity amounted to a giant machine for bitter denial.


3. Never drink alcohol

3. 绝不喝酒

Nietzsche himself drank only water – and as a special treat, milk. And he thought we should do likewise. He wasn't making a small, eccentric dietary point.


The idea went to the heart of his philosophy, as contained in his declaration: 'There have been two great narcotics in European civilisation: Christianity and alcohol.'

这个论点来自于他哲学的核心思想,以他的话说:“欧洲文明中有两大毒品 --基督教和酒精。”

He hated alcohol for the very same reasons that he scorned Christianity: because both numb pain, and both reassure us that things are just fine as they are, sapping us of the will to change our lives for the better.


A few drinks usher in a transient feeling of satisfaction that can get fatally in the way of taking the steps necessary to improve our lives.

使人们失去改善自己的生活的意愿。几杯酒带来的转瞬即逝的满足感,致命地阻碍了我们应该踏出的那一步步努力 --努力改善人生。

Nietzsche was obsessed with the awkward truth that getting really valuable things done hurts.

尼采着迷于一个尴尬的事实:在努力获得真正 有价值的事物的过程中,必然会受到伤害。

"How little you know of human happiness - you comfortable people" he wrote "The secret of a fulfilled life is: live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius!"

“你们对于人类幸福的了解太少了! -- 你们这些生活舒适的人”尼采写道,“从生命获得圆满和喜悦之秘密就是:生活在险境之中!将你的城市建立在维苏威火山的山坡上!”

4. "God is Dead"

4. “上帝已死”

Nietzsche's dramatic assertion that God is dead is not, as it's often taken to be, some kind of a celebratory statement.

尼采戏剧性地主张的“上帝已死”,其实 -- 和人们通常理解的相反 --并不是一个欢快、庆祝的陈述。

Despite his reservations about Christianity, Nietzsche did not think that the end of belief was anything to cheer about.


Religious beliefs were false, he knew; but he observed that they were very beneficial in the sense of helping us cope with the problems of life.

他认为宗教信仰是错误的,但同时观察到信仰的益处 --帮助我们处理生活中的问题。

Nietzsche felt that the gap left by religion should ideally be filled by Culture (he meant: philosophy, art, music, literature): Culture should replace Scripture.

尼采认为失去宗教信仰后的这个缺口, 理想上该由文化填补 -- 他指的文化是哲学、艺术、音乐、文学 -- 文化应该取代圣经。

However, Nietzsche was deeply suspicious of the way his own era was handling culture.


He believed the universities were killing the humanities, turning them into dry academic exercises,


rather than using them for what they were always meant to be: guides to life.


He admired the way the Greeks had used tragic drama in a practical, therapeutic way,

他欣赏古希腊将悲剧用于一种实际、治疗的用途 --

as an occasion for catharsis and moral education – and wished his own age to be comparably ambitious.


He called for a reformation, in which people – newly conscious of the crisis brought


on by the end of faith – would fill the gaps created by the disappearance of religion with philosophy and art.


Every era faces particular psychological challenges, thought Nietzsche, and it is the task of the philosopher to identify, and help solve, these.


For Nietzsche, the 19th century was reeling under the impact of two developments: Mass Democracy and Atheism.

就尼采的观点,19 世纪深受两大意识发展的影响:群众民主,以及无神论。

The first threatened to unleash torrents of undigested envy; the second to leave humans without guidance or morality.


In relation to both challenges, Nietzsche remains our endearing, fascinating often loveable and moustachioed guide.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

chef [ʃef]


n. 厨师,主厨

denial [di'naiəl]


n. 否认,拒绝



n. 道德

hypocritical [.hipə'kritikəl]


adj. 伪善的

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

subtle ['sʌtl]


adj. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡诈的,不明显的

reassure [ri:ə'ʃuə]


v. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的


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