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Georg Friedrich Hegel was born in Stuttgart in 1770. Intellectually he was adventurous, but in externals, respectable, conventional, and proud of it.

黑格尔1770年生于斯图加特 他在知识上大胆冒险在外表上则体面、传统且引以为傲

He ascended the academic tree and reached the top most branch, head of the University of Berlin, when he was sixty years old; he died the following year.

他达到了学术成就的顶峰 60岁时成为柏林大学校长隔年去世

Hegel wrote some very long and very famous books, among them, The Phenomenology of Spirit, "The Science of Logic", and "Elements of the Philosophy of Right";


but, we'll be frank: he wrote horribly; his work is confusing and complicated when it should be clear and direct.

老实说,他的文笔非常可怕 他的写作在应该要清楚、直接的时候却是混乱、难懂的

He tapped into a weakness of human nature: to be trustful of grave-sounding, incomprehensible prose.


This has made philosophy much weaker in the world than it should be,


and it's made it much harder for us to hear the valuable things that Hegel has to say to us, amongst which a small number of lessons stand out.

也让我们更难听见黑格尔的灼见 那其中有一些特别突出的课题

Firstly, important part of ourselves can be found in history.


In Hegel's day, a standard European Way of looking at the past was to consider it as primitive, and to feel proud of how much progress has been made to get us to the modern age.

在黑格尔的年代,欧洲的史观将过去视为原始未开化的 并对现代的进步感到骄傲

But in his book, "The Phenomenology of Spirit", published in 1807, Hegel argued that every era can be looked at as a repository of a particular kind of wisdom.


This means we need to go back in time to rescue things which have gone missing.


So, for example, we might need to mine history of ancient Greece to fully grasp the idea of what community can be, something which has been lost in the modern age.

例如我们可能需要挖掘古希腊的历史来掌握社群组成的可能性 那在现代已经消失了

Or, the Middle Ages can teach us, as no other era can, about the role of honor, even if this period featured appalling attitudes to children or the rights of women.

中世纪能够教导我们其他时代没有的荣耀 尽管那个时代对待小孩和女性的方式极其可怕

Progress is never linear, Hegel tells us; "there is wisdom at every stage", which, says Hegel "points us to the task of the historian."

“进步从来不是线性的”黑格尔告诉我们“每一个阶段都有其智慧” “那向我们指出历史学家的任务”黑格尔说

To be a historian is to be someone who should rescue, from the past, those ideas that're most needed to compensate for the blind spots of the present.

“作爲一个历史学家要从过去拯救那些我们需要的想法” “以补足现代的盲点。”


Secondly, learn from ideas you dislike.


Hegel was a great believer in learning from one's intellectual enemies, from points of view we disagree with, or that feel alien.


That's because he held, "the bits of the truth are always getting scattered even in unappealing, or peculiar places,"


"and we should dig them out by asking always, what sliver of sense and reason might be contained in otherwise frightening or foreign phenomena?'".


Nationalism, for instance, has had many terrible manifestations even in Hegel's day,


but Hegel's move was to ask what underlying good idea or important need might be hiding within the bloody history of nationalism.


He proposed that it's the need for people to feel proud of where they come from, to identify with something beyond merely their own achievements, and to anchor their identities beyond the ego.

他提及人们心理需要为他们从哪里而来感到骄傲 需要寻求超越自身能企及之成就的认同感 需要比自我的自尊更强大的靠山支撑自己的身份认同

Hegel is a hero of the thought that really important ideas may be in the hands of people you regard, at first glance, as beneath contempt.


Thirdly, Progress is Messy


Hegel believed the world makes progress, but only by lurching from one extreme to another. As it seeks to overcompensate for a previous mistake.

黑格尔相信世界在进展之中 但进展的方式是在两个极端间摆荡,不断过度修正前一个错误

He proposed that it generally take three moves. Before the right balance on any issue can be found. A process that he named the DIALEKTIK.

他认为这通常要经过三个步骤 才能在任何议题上找到正确的平衡点 这个过程他命名为DIALEKTIK(辩证法)

He was often thinking of the complex twist and turns that brought about the modern state.


We can also think the slow path towards sensible attitudes to sex in our own time.


The Victorians impose too much repression, yet the 1960s may have turn out to be too liberal.


It might only be by 2020s that we`ll find the right balance between extremes.


All this can seem the most appalling waste of time, but Hegel insists that the painful stepping from era to era is inevitable.


Something we must expect and reconcile ourselves to when planning our lives or contemplating history books.

因此我们在人生的规划中要预期和理解它们的存在 在对历史书的理解中也是如此

And sometimes in this process of moving from era to era we`ll find a new solution, that manages to synthesize the good qualities of the previous solutions, to make something really new, and different and better.

有时候在年代演变之间我们也会得到新的解答 能够综合前一代解答中的优点得到一个更新的、不同的、更好的解答

Four, Art has a purpose.


Hegel vigorously rejected the idea of art for art sake. Painting, Music, Architecture, Literature and Design: all have a major job to do.

黑格尔强烈的反对艺术只是艺术 绘画、音乐、建筑、文学、设计,都有重要的职责所在

We need them so that important insights can become powerful and helpful in our lives.


Art is in Hegel's formulation: "the sensuous presentation of ideas".

艺术存在于黑格尔的构想之中 是“将概念诉诸美感的表现方式”

Just knowing ideas often leaves us cold, for example in theory we believe the conflict in Syria is an important one. In practice however we just switch off.

概念常常让我们冷感 我们理论上相信关注叙利亚战争是很重要的 但在现实中我们会轻易地视而不见

In principle we know we should be more forgiving to our partners, but this abstract conviction gets forgotten at the least provocation.

我们知道我们原则上应该对伴侣更宽容 但在一点点挑衅之下那就被抛在脑后了

The point of art Hegel realized, is not so much to come up with startling new strange ideas but to take the good, helpful,

黑格尔所理解到的艺术之意义,并不是寻求最新奇的概念 而是着手于那些已知是好的、

important thoughts we already think we know, and make them stick more imaginatively in our minds.


Five. We need new institutions.


Hegel took a very positive view of institutions and of the power then can wield.


This is a point Hegel made again and again in different ways.


For ideas to be active and effective in the world, a lot more is needed then the ideas are simply correct;


to make major truths powerful in society they need employees and building and budgets and legal advices;


institutions allow for the scale of time and power the big projects need to become effective in the world.


So, as new needs of a society get recognized, they should ideally lead not just to new books but to the formation of new institutions.


Nowadays we might say we need major new institutions to focus on relationships, consumer education, career choice, mood management and how to bring up less damaged children.


Hegel help us to see valuable insights what we might initially resist them, in art in institutions in the ideas of our enemies and in the strange mistakes of the past.

黑格尔帮助我们看见一些我们原来会拒斥的有价值的洞见 在艺术中、在习俗之中、在敌人的想法中,以及以前的奇怪的错误之中。

His insight is the growth requires that clash of divergent ideas and therefore that will be painful and slow.


But at least once we know this we don`t have to compound our troubles by thinking them abnormal.


Hegel gives us a more accurate and hence more manageable view of ourselves, our difficulties and where we are in history.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
formulation [.fɔ:mju'leiʃən]


n. 形成,简洁陈述,公式化

confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现

impose [im'pəuz]


v. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)

synthesize ['sinθisaiz]


v. 合成

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

compound ['kɔmpaund]


n. 混合物,复合词
n. 院子(用围墙圈起来

liberal ['libərəl]


adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自



adv. 智力上;知性上;理智地

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

principle ['prinsəpl]


n. 原则,原理,主义,信念


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