There have been places and periods of history, when only a congenital optimist could have had any hope for the future of our species.
Think of the end of Athens' golden age, the fall of the Roman Empire, the petering out of the Renaissance, the end of the Enlightenment, the rise of fascism.
It's when things look bleak indeed, that it pays to remember the German 19th century philosopher, Hegel.
In his lectures on the philosophy of world history, published in 1830, Hegel offered us a way of looking at the darker periods of history, that neither glosses over their pain nor,
在1830年出版的《哲学史讲演录》中 黑格尔提出了一种看待历史中黑暗时期的方法 既不是去掩盖历史中的痛苦
refuses to give up hope but intellegently helps us to understand why Human progress cannot be linear, while encouraging us to trust that it does occur, nevertheless.
也不是要拒绝放弃希望 而是透过智性来帮助我们理解 为什么人类的进步不是线性的 并且鼓励我们相信,无论如何进步是会发生的
For Hegel, history moves forward in what he termed a "Dialectical way".
A dialectic is a philosophical term for an argument made up of three parts. A thesis, an antithesis and a synthesis.
哲学术语:「辩证法」是一个由三个部分组成的论证 一个命题、一个反命题、一个综合命题(正、反、合)
Both the thesis and the antithesis countain parts of the truth but they are also exaggerations and distortions of the whole.
命题和反命题 (正、反)两者 都包含了部分的真理 但它们也是对整体的夸大及歪曲。
And so, need to clash and interract until the best elements find resolution in a synthesis.
因此,它们需要对撞和交互作用 直到最佳的那些部分在合命题中得到解答。
One cannot, in short, get there in one leap. Hegel thought this pattern constantly observable in History.
The world makes progress by lurching from one extreme to another, as it seeks to overcompensate for previous mistake.
And generally requires three moves before the right balance on any issue can be found.
So, for example, the ancient Athenians discovered the idea of individual liberty.
But their regime was blind to the need for collective discipline and organisation.
The ancient Persians knew all about that and were thereby able to conquer the Athenians on the battlefield.
古波斯人了解集体秩序和组织 因此在战场上征服了雅典人
Yet, they were also despotic enemies of free thought which with time, became its own liability.
而他们也是自由思想的死敌 那最终也成了他们的弱点
It took many centuries for the correct synthesis between liberty and discipline, to be worked out in the form of the Roman Empire.
In Hegel's own era, the stifling, unfair, 18th century system of inheritage, traditionnal monarchy, had been abolished by the French Revolution.
在黑格尔的时代,压抑的、不公正的 18世纪世袭的 传统的君主制被法国大革命扬弃
But, what should've been a peaceful birth of representative government ended up in the anarchy and chaos of the Terror.
但原本应该和平诞生的代议式政府 却成了恐怖混乱的无政府状态
This, in turn, led to the emergence of Napoleon, who restaured order, but became a military brute, trampling on the liberty he had professed to love.
而这带来了拿破仑的崛起 他重建了秩序,却带来军事暴政 践踏着他曾宣称爱戴的自由
Only after 40 years and much bloodshed, did the modern balance, Constitution, emerge.
在流了40年的鲜血之后 现代的、平衡的宪法出现了
An arrangement which more sensibly balanced up popular representation, with the rights of minorities.
Or, to take another example, the European Enlightenment had stressed the importance of reason, but it had in many parts been sterile and reductive.
又比如说欧洲的“启蒙时代” 它提倡了理性的重要性 但在许多方面又是枯燥和过度简化的
The movement known as 'Romanticism' had then swept in to assert the importance of emotion. But this had carried excesses of its own.
于是袭卷而来的“浪漫主义”便带来了感性的重要性 但它也矫枉过正
Only eventually had a correct reconciliation been worked out between the legitimate, competing needs of reason and emotion.
Hegel argument has a highly reassuring feel at moments when it seems that one kind of progress has been entirely lost.
黑格尔的论证带来强烈的安慰效果 在当前的进展似乎完全逝去的时刻
He's on hand to reassure us that we're merely seeing the pendulum swing back for a time.
But also wisely council that this was needed, because the initial move forward had been blind to a range of crucial insights.
并且智慧地告诉我们这过程是必须的 因为最初的发展已经被一些重要的洞见所遮蔽了
All sides on a matter will contain important truths, lodged amidst exaggerations and bombast.
Yet, these truths will eventually be sifted out through the wisdom of time.
Hegel reminds us that big overreactions are eminently compatible with events broadly moving forward, in the right direction.
黑格尔提醒我们 过度的反应和往正确方向前进的进程是兼容的
The dark moments aren't the end. They are a challenging, but even in some ways necessary parts of an antithesis, that will, eventually, find a wiser point of synthesis.
黑暗的时刻不是终点 那是具挑战性的 但也是必要的反命题 最终将带来更有智慧的合命题