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  • Chapter 15 The Advancing Man
  • 第十五章 从优越到卓越
  • WHAT I have said in the last chapter applies as well to the professional man and the wage-earner as to the man who is engaged in mercantile business.
  • 我在上一章当中的阐述不仅适用于靠工资为生的人和各类专业人士,而且也同样适用于商人。
  • No matter whether you are a physician, a teacher, or a clergyman,
  • 无论你的职业是什么,医生、教师、或者牧师,
  • if you can give increase of life to others and make them sensible of the fact, they will be attracted to you, and you will get rich.
  • 如果你能够使自已的财富不断增加,生活不断充实,并将这一切带给身边所有的人,同时还让他们感受到这一切,他们就肯定会被吸引到你的身边,而你实现成功致富的梦想自然也就不在话下了。
  • The physician who holds the vision of himself as a great and successful healer, and who works toward the complete realization of that vision with faith and purpose,
  • 一个梦想成为一名伟大而成功的医生的人,只要他能够坚守这一梦想,并且坚定不移地向着这一目标努力,坚定自己的信念,
  • as described in former chapters, will come into such close touch with the Source of Life that he will be phenomenally successful; patients will come to him in throngs.
  • 正如我在前文中要求的那样,他就定能够与生命的源物质始终保持一种密切的联系,自然也就无需为缺少机会而担心。高超的医术和高尚的医德最终将帮助他成就梦想,而到那时,找他看病的病人们自然也就会蜂拥而至了。
  • No one has a greater opportunity to carry into effect the teaching of this book than the practitioner of medicine;
  • 事实上,在所有的职业当中,最有机会将本书内容付诸实践的莫过于医务从业者了。
  • it does not matter to which of the various schools he may belong, for the principle of healing is common to all of them, and may be reached by all alike.
  • 医生的毕业院校与他最终成就的高低并无太多的关系,因为,无论是举世闻名的名校,还是名不见经传的地方医校,它们教授的课程和治疗原理都几乎是完全相同的。
  • The Advancing Man in medicine, who holds to a clear mental image of himself as successful, and who obeys the laws of faith, purpose, and gratitude,
  • 一个不断进步的医者,只要他心怀着成功的梦想,并且严格按照信念、决心以及感恩这三法则的要求完成每一项工作,
  • will cure every curable case he undertakes, no matter what remedies he may use.
  • 就一定能够成功地治愈每一位可治愈的病人,而这样的结果与他使用的药物和治疗方法根本没有关系。
  • In the field of religion, the world cries out for the clergyman who can teach his hearers the true science of abundant life.
  • 我们知道,在宗教的世界当中,牧师肩负着拯救、启示全世界的重任。他通过布道,向听众传递生活的真谛。
  • He who masters the details of the science of getting rich, together with the allied sciences of being well, of being great, and of winning love,
  • 由于掌握了致富的科学及其相关的所有科学,牧师深知如何才能成为一个好人,一个对他人、对社会有贡献的人,更知道如何才能赢得他人乃至全世界的关爱。
  • and who teaches these details from the pulpit, will never lack for a congregation.
  • 站在神圣的布道坛上,牧师循循善诱,将这些真理传递给世间众生。所以,他从来无须为布道坛下听众的数量发愁。
  • This is the gospel that the world needs; it will give increase of life, and men will hear it gladly, and will give liberal support to the man who brings it to them.
  • 因为,他宣讲的是能够拯救全世界的福音,它能让生活变得更加充实富足,众生需要它。每一个听他布道的人都面露微笑,而对那个给自己带来福音的人,人们自然会给予他最崇高的荣耀和支持。
  • What is now needed is a demonstration of the science of life from the pulpit.
  • 现在,我们可以将这些关于生活的福音移接过来。
  • We want preachers who can not only tell us how, but who in their own persons will show us how.
  • 我们需要的是不仅能够为我们阐明科学要领,而且还能为我们亲身展示科学奥妙及其结果的人物。
  • We need the preacher who will himself be rich, healthy, great, and beloved, to teach us how to attain to these things;
  • 我们需要的是一名和我们一样,渴望财富和健康,渴望成就伟大事业,渴望受人尊崇和爱戴的成功人士,我们希望他能够传授我们获取这一切的秘诀。
  • and when he comes he will find a numerous and loyal following.
  • 当符合我们要求的人物出现时,他会惊奇地发现,原来他早已有了一群如此庞大的追随者。
  • The same is true of the teacher who can inspire the children with the faith and purpose of the advancing life. He will never be "out of a job."
  • 一样的道理同样适用于启发孩子利用信念和目标追求进步的老师。他从来都不会有“失业”危机。
  • And any teacher who has this faith and purpose can give it to his pupils; he cannot help giving it to them if it is part of his own life and practice.
  • 任何一个有此信念和目标的老师都能够将这些统统传授给他的学生。如果这已经成为了他自己生活的一部分,他就会情不自禁地把这一切都传授给学生。
  • What is true of the teacher, preacher, and physician is true of the lawyer, dentist, real estate man, insurance agent -- of everybody.
  • 这样的道理既然适用于老师、牧师以及医生,就一样也能适用于律师、牙医、商人、保险经纪人——乃至所有人。
  • The combined mental and personal action I have described is infallible; it cannot fail.
  • 我所描述的思想和行动统一后的巨大魔力并非空穴来风。只要你能将二者有机地结合起来并加以利用,你就不可能会失败。
  • Every man and woman who follows these instructions steadily, perseveringly, and to the letter, will get rich.
  • 每一个严格遵循这些规则去做的人最终都将梦想成真,获得属于自己的财富。
  • The law of the Increase of Life is as mathematically certain in its operation as the law of gravitation; getting rich is an exact science.
  • 一旦你将这一法则付诸实践,你就会发现它和万有引力定律一样,千真万确。致富真的可以成为一门科学。
  • The wage-earner will find this as true of his case as of any of the others mentioned.
  • 这一法则适用于任何人,当然也就包括了那些靠工资为生的人。
  • Do not feel that you have no chance to get rich because you are working where there is no visible opportunity for advancement, where wages are small and the cost of living high.
  • 这些人在工作中往往根本看不到前进的机会,在生活中则是靠着微薄的工资勉强为生,但这并不意味着他们就因此而丧失了致富的权利。所以,无论你是谁,都绝对不要有任何以为自已毫无致富机会的想法。
  • Form your clear mental vision of what you want, and begin to act with faith and purpose.
  • 你应该做的就是立刻在脑海里画出一幅梦想蓝图,图中包含所有你想得到的东西,接下来,你要做的就是即刻开始行动,当然,行动时一定要谨记自己的目标和信念。


Chapter 15 The Advancing Man

第十五章 从优越到卓越

WHAT I have said in the last chapter applies as well to the professional man and the wage-earner as to the man who is engaged in mercantile business.


No matter whether you are a physician, a teacher, or a clergyman,


if you can give increase of life to others and make them sensible of the fact, they will be attracted to you, and you will get rich.


The physician who holds the vision of himself as a great and successful healer, and who works toward the complete realization of that vision with faith and purpose,


as described in former chapters, will come into such close touch with the Source of Life that he will be phenomenally successful; patients will come to him in throngs.


No one has a greater opportunity to carry into effect the teaching of this book than the practitioner of medicine;


it does not matter to which of the various schools he may belong, for the principle of healing is common to all of them, and may be reached by all alike.


The Advancing Man in medicine, who holds to a clear mental image of himself as successful, and who obeys the laws of faith, purpose, and gratitude,


will cure every curable case he undertakes, no matter what remedies he may use.


In the field of religion, the world cries out for the clergyman who can teach his hearers the true science of abundant life.


He who masters the details of the science of getting rich, together with the allied sciences of being well, of being great, and of winning love,


and who teaches these details from the pulpit, will never lack for a congregation.


This is the gospel that the world needs; it will give increase of life, and men will hear it gladly, and will give liberal support to the man who brings it to them.


What is now needed is a demonstration of the science of life from the pulpit.


We want preachers who can not only tell us how, but who in their own persons will show us how.


We need the preacher who will himself be rich, healthy, great, and beloved, to teach us how to attain to these things;


and when he comes he will find a numerous and loyal following.


The same is true of the teacher who can inspire the children with the faith and purpose of the advancing life. He will never be "out of a job."


And any teacher who has this faith and purpose can give it to his pupils; he cannot help giving it to them if it is part of his own life and practice.


What is true of the teacher, preacher, and physician is true of the lawyer, dentist, real estate man, insurance agent -- of everybody.


The combined mental and personal action I have described is infallible; it cannot fail.


Every man and woman who follows these instructions steadily, perseveringly, and to the letter, will get rich.


The law of the Increase of Life is as mathematically certain in its operation as the law of gravitation; getting rich is an exact science.


The wage-earner will find this as true of his case as of any of the others mentioned.


Do not feel that you have no chance to get rich because you are working where there is no visible opportunity for advancement, where wages are small and the cost of living high.


Form your clear mental vision of what you want, and begin to act with faith and purpose.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
mercantile ['mə:kən.tail]


adj. 贸易的,商业的

demonstration [.demən'streiʃən]


n. 示范,实证,表达,集会

infallible [in'fæləbl]


adj. 绝无错误的,绝对可靠的

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

practitioner [præk'tiʃənə]


n. 从业者

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

liberal ['libərəl]


adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自


关键字: 英语听力 致富经典




