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来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 6 How Riches Come to You
  • 第六章 如何吸引我要的财富
  • WHEN I say that you do not have to drive sharp bargains,
  • 我在前一章当中曾经提到“你无需再跟他人讨价还价”,
  • I do not mean that you do not have to drive any bargains at all,
  • 我并不是说你这一生将彻底与还价绝缘,
  • or that you are above the necessity for having any dealings with your fellow men.
  • 也不是说你再也无须与你的同伴就某些事情进行磋商。
  • I mean that you will not need to deal with them unfairly;
  • 我说这句话的本意是,你无须再做一些通过讨价让自己的利益最大化,而让他人受损的不公平交易,
  • you do not have to get something for nothing, but can give to every man more than you take from him.
  • 你再也不会有想不势而获的念头,而与此同时,你还可以对当初曾因为你而受损的人回报以更丰厚的财富。
  • You cannot give every man more in cash market value than you take from him,
  • 也许,你无法以具备货币价值的现金去回报每一个人,
  • but you can give him more in use value than the cash value of the thing you take from him.
  • 但是你却能够回报以他们更多更宝贵的无形财富。
  • The paper, ink, and other material in this book may not be worth the money you pay for it;
  • 正如你购买本书时所付出的货币价值也许远远高出印刷本书所需的纸张、油墨以及其他原材料的实际价值,
  • but if the ideas suggested by it bring you thousands of dollars, you have not been wronged by those who sold it to you;
  • 可如果你因为接受了书中的观念而赚到了上万美元,你一定不会认为当初的那笔钱花得不值得,更不会责怪当初那个卖书给你的人,
  • they have given you a great use value for a small cash value.
  • 因为正是他们让你只花一点点小钱而买到了价值连城的无形的精神财富。
  • Let us suppose that I own a picture by one of the great artists, which, in any civilized community, is worth thousands of dollars.
  • 假设我拥有一幅价值数万美元的名画,其作者是一名十分伟大的画家。
  • I take it to Baffin Ray, and by "salesmanship" induce an Eskimo to give a bundle of furs worth $500 for it
  • 我将这幅画带到了北极圈,并诱使当地的一名爱斯基摩人用一捆价值500美元的皮毛交换了这幅画。
  • I have really wronged him, for he has no use for the picture; it has no use value to him;
  • 看起来,这桩交易当中吃亏的一方是我,但事实上真正的利益受损者却是那名爱斯基摩人,因为那幅画对他而言亳无利用价值。
  • it will not add to his life.
  • 在我们看来价值连城的一幅名画,对-名爱斯基摩人来说,却宛如一张废纸,因为它不会为他的生活带来任何实惠。
  • But suppose I give him a gun worth $50 for his furs; then he has made a good bargain.
  • 但假设我卖给他的是一把价值50美元的手枪,那么,这对他而言真可谓是一笔再划算不过了的便宜买卖了。
  • He has use for the gun; it will get him many more furs and much food;
  • 他可以充分利用这把手枪,用它得到更多的皮毛和食物。
  • it will add to his life in every way;
  • 无论从哪个方面而言,这把枪对他的生活都是大有裨益的。
  • it will make him rich.
  • 它能使他成为爱斯基摩人当中的大富翁。
  • When you rise from the competitive to the creative plane, you can scan your business transactions very strictly,
  • 当你将竞争的观点彻底从自己的思想当中刨除并完全相信了创造力之后,你就可以用一种十分严格的标准来审视自己的事业。
  • and if you are selling any man anything which does not add more to his life than the thing he give you in exchange, you can afford to stop it.
  • 如果你正打算卖给别人,无论他是谁,一件不会给他的生活带来任何实惠的商品,那么,此时的你一定会及时中断这次交易。
  • You do not have to beat anybody in business.
  • 抛弃了那些不正当的竞争思想之后,你自然就会明白,你根本不需要打败任何人,也不需要通过让他受损来获利。
  • And if you are in a business which does beat people, get out of it at once.
  • 如果你就职的公司仍在这样做,你需要做的就是立刻离开那家公司。
  • Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value;
  • 你应当对那些曾因为你而遭受金钱损失的人回报以更多的无形财富,
  • then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction.
  • 如此一来,你的每一次商业运作都将为这个世界的生活赋予更多的意义。
  • If you have people working for you, you must take from them more in cash value than you pay them in wages;
  • 如果你是他人的雇主,你付给员工的工资必须低于他们为你创造的货币价值,不然,你就会人不敷出。
  • but you can so organize your business that it will be filled with the principle of advancement,
  • 但与此同时,你也可以用一种先进的方式来管理和组织公司,
  • and so that each employee who wishes to do so may advance a little every day.
  • 如此一来,每一个要求,上进的员工便可以在日常工作当中每天进步一小步,久而久之,他们就能完成由量变到质变的过程,实现人生价值的飞跃。
  • You can make your business do for your employees what this book is doing for you.
  • 如此一来,如同你从本书中汲取致富的秘诀一样,你的员工也能从你的公司中获取致富的资源。
  • You can so conduct your business that it will be a sort of ladder, by which every employee who will take the trouble may climb to riches himself;
  • 这样,你便可以在无形中为员工们揩建一架通往富裕之国的天梯,为每个员工创造致富的机会。
  • and given the opportunity, if he will not do so, it is not your fault.
  • 能够把握住机会的人就可以完全凭借自己的力量实现致富梦想,至于那些没能致富的员工,你也无须为此而承担任何过错,因为你已经为他们创造了机会,只不过是他们不懂得如何利用它们而已。
  • And finally, because you are to cause the creation of your riches from Formless Substance which permeates all your environment,
  • 最后,你应当很清楚,由于你是通过弥漫于身边的那些无形的物质来创造属于自己的财富,
  • it does not follow that they are to take shape from the atmosphere and come into being before your eyes.
  • 所以你不可能期待它们能够像其他那些世俗的财富一样,让你可以亲眼目睹其产生和最终成型的整个过程。
  • If you want a sewing machine, for instance,
  • 譬如说,你想要一台缝纫机,
  • I do not mean to tell you that you are to impress the thought of a sewing machine on Thinking Substance until the machine is formed without hands, in the room where you sit, or elsewhere.
  • 而你却只是坐在那儿,努力让缝纫机的这一想法作用于脑海里的那些会思考的物质,其余的什么都不做,然后期待着一台缝纫机能够从天而降,凭空出现,那我要告诉你的是,你的期待一定会落空,哪怕是缝纫机上的一颗螺丝钉也不会出现。
  • But if you want a sewing machine, hold the mental image of it with the most positive certainty that it is being made, or is on its way to you.
  • 但是,如果你能够将这一欲望转化为积极的信念,不断告诉自已:我最终一定能够得到一台缝纫机,或是,我正在慢慢接近我心目中的缝纫机,
  • After once forming the thought, have the most absolute and unquestioning faith that the sewing machine is coming; never think of it, or speak of it, in any other way than as being sure to arrive.
  • 并且不断地在为之努力的工作中更进一步的坚定这一信念,
  • Claim it as already yours.
  • 那么你最终一定能够成为一台缝纫机的主人。
  • It will be brought to you by the power of the Supreme Intelligence, acting upon the minds of men.
  • 神奇的智能物质会通过作用于我们的思想,将缝纫机带到你的身边。
  • If you live in Maine, it may be that a man will be brought from Texas or Japan to engage in some transaction which will result in your getting what you want.
  • 如果你住在缅因州,可能会有人从得克萨斯,或更远的日本给你捎来一台你想要的缝纫机。
  • If so, the whole matter will be as much to that man's advantage as it is to yours.
  • 如果真是这样的话,那个人这样做一定有他自己的理由,而且他也不会因此而遭受任何损失。
  • Do not forget for a moment that the Thinking Substance is through all, in all,
  • 无论何时,你都应该切记,会思考的智能物质存在于所有事物以及它们之间的空隙当中,
  • communicating with all, and can influence all.
  • 而且还能够与所有事物进行沟通和交流,影响它们。
  • The desire of Thinking Substance for fuller life and better living has caused the creation of all the sewing machines already made;
  • 正是因为它对于生命意义和生活方式的渴望,这个世界上才出现了縫纫机,而它还可以制造出更多台这样的机器。
  • and it can cause the creation of millions more, and will, whenever men set it in motion by desire and faith, and by acting in a Certain Way.
  • 任何人,只要他拥有了这样的需求和信念,并且坚持下去,它就会让他的愿望得到满足。
  • You can certainly have a sewing machine in your house;
  • 所以,你的愿望实现了,房间里多了一台缝纫机。
  • and it is just as certain that you can have any other thing or things which you want,
  • 你还可以按照同样的方法得到其他任何你想要的东西,
  • and which you will use for the advancement of your own life and the lives of others.
  • 并且利用它们让自己和他人的生活更加美好。


Chapter 6 How Riches Come to You

第六章 如何吸引我要的财富

WHEN I say that you do not have to drive sharp bargains,


I do not mean that you do not have to drive any bargains at all,


or that you are above the necessity for having any dealings with your fellow men.


I mean that you will not need to deal with them unfairly;


you do not have to get something for nothing, but can give to every man more than you take from him.


You cannot give every man more in cash market value than you take from him,


but you can give him more in use value than the cash value of the thing you take from him.


The paper, ink, and other material in this book may not be worth the money you pay for it;


but if the ideas suggested by it bring you thousands of dollars, you have not been wronged by those who sold it to you;


they have given you a great use value for a small cash value.


Let us suppose that I own a picture by one of the great artists, whichin any civilized community, is worth thousands of dollars.


I take it to Baffin Ray, and by "salesmanship" induce an Eskimo to give a bundle of furs worth $500 for it


I have really wronged him, for he has no use for the picture; it has no use value to him;


it will not add to his life.


But suppose I give him a gun worth $50 for his furs; then he has made a good bargain.


He has use for the gun; it will get him many more furs and much food;


it will add to his life in every way;


it will make him rich.


When you rise from the competitive to the creative plane, you can scan your business transactions very strictly,


and if you are selling any man anything which does not add more to his life than the thing he give you in exchange, you can afford to stop it.


images (3).jpg

You do not have to beat anybody in business.


And if you are in a business which does beat people, get out of it at once.


Give every man more in use value than you take from him in cash value;


then you are adding to the life of the world by every business transaction.


If you have people working for you, you must take from them more in cash value than you pay them in wages;


but you can so organize your business that it will be filled with the principle of advancement,


and so that each employee who wishes to do so may advance a little every day.


You can make your business do for your employees what this book is doing for you.


You can so conduct your business that it will be a sort of ladder, by which every employee who will take the trouble may climb to riches himself;


and given the opportunity, if he will not do so, it is not your fault.


And finally, because you are to cause the creation of your riches from Formless Substance which permeates all your environment,


it does not follow that they are to take shape from the atmosphere and come into being before your eyes.


If you want a sewing machine, for instance,


I do not mean to tell you that you are to impress the thought of a sewing machine on Thinking Substance until the machine is formed without hands, in the room where you sit, or elsewhere.


But if you want a sewing machine, hold the mental image of it with the most positive certainty that it is being made, or is on its way to you.


After once forming the thought, have the most absolute and unquestioning faith that the sewing machine is coming; never think of it, or speak of it, in any other way than as being sure to arrive.


Claim it as already yours.


It will be brought to you by the power of the Supreme Intelligence, acting upon the minds of men.


If you live in Maine, it may be that a man will be brought from Texas or Japan to engage in some transaction which will result in your getting what you want.


If so, the whole matter will be as much to that man's advantage as it is to yours.


Do not forget for a moment that the Thinking Substance is through all, in all,


communicating with all, and can influence all.


The desire of Thinking Substance for fuller life and better living has caused the creation of all the sewing machines already made;


and it can cause the creation of millions more, and will, whenever men set it in motion by desire and faith, and by acting in a Certain Way.


You can certainly have a sewing machine in your house;


and it is just as certain that you can have any other thing or things which you want,


and which you will use for the advancement of your own life and the lives of others.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
necessity [ni'sesiti]


n. 需要,必需品,必然

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

strictly ['striktli]


adv. 严格地

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

ladder ['lædə]


n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物
n. (袜子)

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

induce [in'dju:s]


vt. 引起,引诱,导致

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





