Here in Thailand's north, there are signs of post-COVID recovery as the economy slowly moves ahead. But work for migrants remains at a standstill, at least for now.
For unemployed foreign workers like single mom Ma Win, a government social security payment was a welcome benefit this month,
but long overdue and about 20% less than her Thai co-workers.
The mother of two who received a payment of half a months' wage after 14 years of working in an elephant camp and paying taxes,
now faces mounting debt and expired work papers. Right after I borrowed the money to extend my visa, then my job was shut down.
Now I cannot pay back the money to my boss because I don't have a job to go to right now.
Myanmar exiles and NGOs have pitched in with donations during the tough times, especially in the rural areas that get less attention.
But many observers say more information and less complications by both the Thai and Myanmar governments would be a good step forward.

As a migrant worker they cannot read Thai, they cannot speak properly so in that case
the labor attache and embassy should provide the translator to go to the different camps,
provide you know language, translation so the worker will understand better.
Many migrant workers have filed claims in the last few months citing substandard treatment and unfair pay, based on their nationality.
And now, as work permits and temporary employment contracts expire for many migrants,
businesses worry that a labor shortage is looming, an outcome that analysts say, can be avoided.
Thailand should allow migrants to renew their work permits and documents without returning to Myanmar to do a new MOU.
Otherwise they will have to spend a lot of money while unable to earn an income during the crisis. As travel restrictions ease in the region,
labor advocates are hoping that the government will also loosen up regulations for migrant workers and their families living in Thailand.
Steve Sandford, for VOA news, Chiang Mai, Thailand