Sensational. This is a word that my Dad slightly overuses.
This is why I'm giving you all of these words, because you want to pick lots of different words to use.
If you get stuck on saying the same word again and again and again, it's very boring. Okay? So really try and get the most from today's lesson.
Sensational. So, a sensation is a feeling. Okay? You can see the word sense, there, so a feeling.
“sensational(极好的)” 所以,“sensation”的意思是“感觉”,好吧,它里面是“sense”这个单词,所以,一种“感觉”
It really makes you feel quite alive, quite... It's amazing. Okay? Quite similar to magnificent.
It causes a big feeling. Okay? Sensational news is a news story that grabs your attention.
给人的感觉很强烈。好吧?“sensational news(爆炸性新闻)”的意思就是“能够抓住人们注意力的新闻”。
Startling. Startling news. Again, it's an idea of surprise.
“startling(令人吃惊的)”,“startling news(爆炸性新闻)”,它的意思也是“令人震惊的新闻”
If I startle someone, I kind of shake them up and go: Ah, wake up. Okay?
Superior. Superior means better than.
You may spot the Latin root of the word: super, meaning sort of better; superior; better than.
Worthwhile. Okay? So if something is worthwhile, It's worth you spending some time doing; it's worth you going and getting this dog food. Okay.
Now let's look at some verbs.
Now we're kind of really trying to encourage someone to buy the dog food.
Beseech. This is a formal word; it's quite old-fashioned.
It would probably be more of use in a formal letter to someone; it's not really a word that we would use in conversational English.
I beseech you to try this fantastic dog food would be an odd sentence, but it means: I want you to do this.
Delighted. So, this isn't actually a verb: delighted; I'm just going to point that out to you.
It's to take delight in something. I would be delighted. I would be delighted means I would be very happy. Okay.
它的意思是“因某事而高兴”,“I would be delighted”,意思就是“我很高兴”。好吧。
To emphasize, to emphasize. That means I make the point very clear;
I say it again and again until you understand that this dog food is numero uno.
Entreat. Entreat, quite similar to beseech.

It means sort of to invite you to do something. I entreat you to open that can and give it a sniff. I entreat you.
Expect means: I think you will do this. I expect you to do this. I'm counting on you to do this.
Implore means kind of a sense of begging you to do something. I implore you to try this product.
Recommend-this is my advice; I suggest that; I think you should. Okay?
Urge, this has more of a sense of urgency. Okay?
So, an urge-we need to do this quickly; it has to happen. I urge... I really want you to do it. Okay?
所以,“urge”,意思就是“我们需要你尽快做这件事、必须去做”。“I urge”,意思就是“我真的很想让你去做”,懂了吗?
And then a couple of adverbs to throw into the mix.
I would be extremely proud if... I definitely think it's a good idea if...
These just add a little bit of extra emphasis.
Okay? I'm going to flip the board around, and you're going to see on the other side an example,
and I want you to see if you can spot these words, here. Are you ready?
I'll read this out to you from top to bottom, and then we'll go through and try to spot the words we've included.
Dear Parent, so it's a letter.
I would like to recommend to you the magnificent baby group, Jazzabyebabies. That's the name of the company.
They put on sensational jazz concerts for young parents and their babies.
Their events definitely deliver an enjoyable experience.
So I would urge you to try it out for your little one(s).
Okay. fifteen seconds-spot five words.
Okay, good. I haven't got a watch on today, but let's say that's fifteen.
Right. So, first of all, we got a suggestion, there: recommend; I think you should do this. Okay?
Magnificent, saying that something is fantastic and wonderful. Okay?
Can you spot my Dad's word? There we are: sensational. Okay? Meaning catching people's attention; news-worthy.
...jazz concerts for young parents and their babies. Their events are
definitely, so we got an adverb to put emphasis, there. ...deliver an enjoyable experience. So I would urge you.
How many have you got? One, two, three, four.
Who can spot the fifth? Have we got a fifth word in there?
Deliver, I think that was in there. We'll have to check that.
Enjoyable, you've got another little adjective to emphasize the positive experience that it has been.
So you're going to have a go at the quiz now, aren't you? I beseech you, I urge you, I recommend, I advise you.
I think it will be a fantastically, marvellously, enriching experience for you to do so. Wouldn't it?
See you on the next one. Bye.
Okay, you are going to have a go, aren't you?
I implore you to, I beseech you to try the quiz now because it's going to be fantastic, and wonderful, and marvellous, and spontaneously combustion...Ah!