Beautiful, take the fingertips to the outer edge of the legs, we will close this chapter as we bring the knees together.
Inhale, reach the knees, again, excuse me, squeeze the knees up towards the heart.
Arms wrapped around the shins, take a couple seconds here to rock a little left to right.
This should feel great in the morning, crawling the shoulder blades down,
kind of feel like a baby bear cub here massaging the back on a tree here or something.
And then I will cross the right angle over the left,
grab onto the outer edges of the feet. If I can't grab the outer edges of the feet. Here,
then I can take my middle finger index finger and thumb and grab onto the big toe,
but I like to grab all the way to the outer edges here. Kind of squeeze my feet,
warm them up if I'm a little chilly. Maybe take my thumbs to the arches of the feet, and give them a little wake-up call.
This is also a great little posture, little shape to take in bed before you even roll out of bed. Just be mindful.
And I can bend the elbows, a little left to right, and I'm gonna begin to rock north to south. So I already rocked a little left right now.
I'm going to bend the elbows and rock north to south. Hello. I can rock a couple times here.
Massaging the spine and again, this might look a little silly, but it feels great. Massaging the back.
Finding what feels good. Do as many times as you like and then eventually I will rock up to a nice comfortable sukasan or a nice criss-cross leg position.
Making sure to take a second here to roll up through the entire spine and maybe find that alignment of head over the head over the heart over the pelvis.
So just noticing if the weight is shifting forward or rounding back. We can take a block or blanket and lift the hips up here if we need to,
but taking it second to check in with the body in the shape.
Okay, finding that opposition. How is my hair?
To find that opposition. So, lifting up through the front body grounding through the back body, shoulder blades in together and down
and then again letting that conversation of that ripple effect happen here. You can keep the eyes soft.
So find what it is for you. Maybe it's a couple loops of the shoulders,
maybe it's a couple circles with the head, drawing circles with the nose
and so when I'm teaching public class I often ask people to just find what it is for them because everybody is different.
Who knows how you slept. So just taking a couple seconds to come into this posture with a little movement letting that body have that ripple effect.
So again, some suggestions are drawing circles with the nose, looping the shoulders, one way or the other.
Sometimes it's nice to round all the way for as we do in our sukasan video.
And then when I arrive, I will bring the palms together at the heart. Nice full breath.

Tops of the thighs rolled down as the heart lifts up. I'm going to interlace the fingertips here and inhale and press the palms forward.
Reach the pinkies forward, up and back. As you take a deep breath in and on an exhale floating the fingertips down and away,
just like that. We flow again. Inhale, interlace, reach up.
Heart stays lifted as I crawl through the side body and exhale float the fingertips down.
Interlace, inhale, pressing forward, up and back.
On and exhale this time. Maybe now I start to float the fingertips slightly behind the hip points, really opening up through the chest waking up the shoulders.
Two more times like this, inhale and exhale. Maybe letting exhale out through the mouth here. Good morning. One more here. Inhale.
This time, let the fingertips come to the earth. Fingertips, pressing into the mat or into the earth.
Really pressing into that pinky too. So all 10 fingerprints. Shoulder blades are rotating in and together, so I'm opening up through the chest.
Tops of the thighs are drawing down here as I lift up through the heart.
Inhale extend to the crown of the head. On and exhale. I'm gonna draw line with my nose pass the right shoulder so nice and easy here nice, gentle morning practice.
I'm going to stay here for a couple of breaths as if I am receiving a kiss on the neck here. Hello, good morning.
But to each his own here so I can draw the shoulder blades and in together. I can press up and out of the fingertips;
I can really lengthen through the crown of the head by maybe lifting the chin slightly. Just really breathing in here.
Inhale, exhale, draw your chin to your chest and now drawing a line with the nose to the opposite side towards the left shoulder
receiving that kiss on the side of the neck here. Finding that ease, that grace.
And then this time we will draw a line with the nose up towards the sky, careful not to crunch in the back of the neck,
so I'm maintaining that lift in the chest and I'm going to inhale open the palms so spiral your shoulders open nice and wide and inhale.
Spread the fingertips left to right really reaching as we reach all the way up palms kissed together. Chai.
And then exhale. We are gonna dive forward on to all fours.
Spread the palms nice and wide wrists underneath the shoulders, and knees directly underneath the hips.
I'm going to press up and out of my foundation to find that tabletop position.
Extend through the crown of the head and then I'm going to inhale, cat-cow. Scooping the heart forward.
Feeling the skin of the belly stretch. Close your eyes, hear, soften your gaze.
The tendency is going to be to rush through this, but I encourage you to really find it that micro-movement, travel up and down the spine.
Inhale, shoulders loop, heart radiates forward, long belly, tail up towards the sky, and exhale,
starting at the tail letting a travel all the way up, pressing up and out of the tops of the feet, pressing up and out on the palms.
The crown of the head releases. Let's do one more here moving with the breath.
Inhale, come to tabletop position, and I'm going to curl the toes.