Inhale in. Exhale, I'll float it down, and then I'll take a rest by bringing the two big toes together widening the knees as wide as the mat,
Extended child's pose. Inhale, look up, smile, and exhale, send it back. Again, rather than giving you a number count of breaths here,
take a rest. Just breathe, enjoy. We can turn the palms face up. We can bring the palms together and up and overhead.
This is nice. I can rock my belly, my rib cage side to side, hips checking in, and again, let your mind be at ease.
Don't worry about doing it right or wrong, but just take a rest. Psheeeew. When you feel satisfied with your rest.
Hopefully you didn't fall asleep, but if you did, rest well. When you get up we'll inhale, come back up to all fours,
and now we're going to go into a flow bringing a little more into the abdominal wall, pressing up and out of my tabletop position.
Here I go. Inhale, extending the left toes and the right fingertips out. Nice and long, reaching front to back.
Integrating full core though here, so I am still drawing up through my navel just as I did in my balancing posture,
but this time I am going to inhale, draw a line with my nose forward, and exhale, integrating nose all the way towards the navel,
bringing the right fingertips and the left knee in towards center as I round the spine.
I am pressing up and out of my foundation here as I draw everything in and up towards my center,
almost said towards my core, but we're talking about full body core here. Then inhale, extending it out, long,
nice and slow, don't rush, holding everything in to the mid-line here. Extend and exhale, nose to knee,
rounding it in with control with breath pressing up and out of your foundation. Draw the navel up towards the spine,
nose to knee, round, round, round, and inhale, extend. Exhale, floating in. Psheeeew.
No number count today, just moving with the breath. So you find your groove, stella, and psseeeew,
when you feel satisfied on this side, we'll inhale, extend. On your last one, I recommend holding for one breath.
Taking a full breath cycle here, ahhhhh, integrating, fully body experience, and then on the exhale coming back to tabletop.

You can send it back, extended child's pose here for a rest, but we're going to go straight into the other side here.
So shifting my weight. Mind, and body working together here with the breath. Here we go.
Inhale, extending left fingertips and right toes this time. So I am working in opposition here.
I can take a second here to integrate that shoulder, that hip, my navel, pressing up and out of my foundation.
Again, the tendency is going to let go of the hand here and the foot. Use that Mother Earth, plug in.
Send it up and out, and when you're ready, moving into the flow, inhale, and exhale. Lots of space, psshhhheeeeeeeeeeeew.
Inhale, lots of space. When I say lots of space I mean we're moving in an integrated way.
So my nose is kind of following my fingertips here, but nothing is crunching. I am doing everything with an awareness, ahhhhhhhhh,
No number count today on my last one. Whenever I feel satisfied, I'll hold for one breath cycle here.
Psheeeeeewww, inhale in, and on an exhale back to all fours. Kiss those two big toes together. Moi!
It's Valentine's Day, but we can kiss any day. Any day is love day, right? Spread the knees wide, and then send it back, rest.
Extended child's pose, and on, bowing to the beloved. Playing a little piano here, mmmmm, and breathe.
All right, so that was a great check in with the core. We can repeat this sequence another time on each side or two more times on each side,
as many times as you want. We can also use this as a warmup for a longer sequence such as our Yoga for Weight Loss:
Reuniting with Your Core video which is a little bit longer. So you can do it's on, repeat, or use it as a warmup for a longer practice.
If you have any questions or comments, please them in the box below. Also, be sure to visit the website and sign up for the Yoga with Adriene newsletter because
we have lots of exciting things coming up, and I would love for you to be a part of it. So happy love day everyone!
How does that look? Hope you have a good one, and hope you enjoyed the practice. See you next time.