Hello everyone, and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I am Adriene,
and today we're going to continue our Yoga for Weight Loss series with a core check in. So let's hop on the mat!
Okay, so we're going to begin on all fours. I can take a second here to do a couple of cat cows
which we have a video for and I actually recommend just doing a couple,
maybe a lot of cat cows to check in with the spine. I have already done my cat cows for today,
so I am ready to rock and roll. So we'll do a little one of the cat cow on the spine.
Then I am going to check in with my table top position which is wrists directly underneath the shoulders,
knees directly underneath the hip points, and I am going to press up and out of my foundation. So spread the palms nice and wide.
Press into the tops of the feet, and even begin to spread the toes.
So whatever that means to you. Sometimes I like to imagine pressing my pinky toe down,
and even if that little baby pinky toe, little baby pinky toe, doesn't make it to the ground, at least I am spreading awareness through all edges of the feet.
So you can see here right away instead of collapsing into my bones here,
I am pressing up and out of my base, my foundation, spreading my awareness through the palms,
pressing into the tops of the feet, inhaling, extend through the crown of the head, keep your gaze straight down.
So a lot of times we associate this integration with this all fours posture. Let's keep it straight down today.
Nice, long neck integrating from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone, so we're not letting the neck hang low,
and we're not crunching it ahead, but nice and straight, letting the back of the neck get a little sunshine, okay?
Inhale in. As you exhale, press on the tops of the feet, lift the knees. Nothing big here just a little hover.
Already my inner fire, that ognee, that fire, is little up burning here. Tops of the shoulders drawing away from the ears, long, beautiful neck.
Inhale in, exhale, rest, come down, and you might have already just noticed a little shake in the body, a little piranha moving there.
That's what I am talking about,my friends, waking up, not just the abdominal wall, the six pack, the cores,
but the full core integrating full body experience. Two more times like this, inhale in, exhale, psheeeeww, just let the knees hover,
and really this isn't about mastering a pose, this is about just checking in because when you lift those knees even just half an inch for half a second,
you're gonna understand what I am talking about. If we're collapsing into the bones, it's gonna be painful.
We have to empower ourselves, press up and out of the base. Then we'll release the knees back down, check in.
We can even send it back for an extended child's pose, and then we come back up for the third time just checking in;
inhaling, extend through the crown of the head, exhale, press on the tops of the feet. Pshhheeew. Lift up.
![瘦身瑜伽之"猫伸展式"(1).jpg 瘦身瑜伽之"猫伸展式"(1).jpg](http://upload.kekenet.com/2019/1128/32721574932809.jpg)
Whatever, just check in. And again if you feel that shake here, smile, breath, keep the skin of the face nice and soft.
And then we relax back down, psheeew. Again, we can send it back to extended child's pose just to alleviate a little pressure off the hands and the wrists.
We'll just check in with the breath. And then we'll take a nice, sweet breath in and transition back to all fours.
Okay, ready for our cat cow variations. Pressing up and out of my foundation, my table top position,
I am going to again check in with that sensation that I had here when the knees were lifted, pressing up and out of the earth.
So no collapsing. I think I've said that a million times now, okay, so hopefully no one is collapsing,
but I just don't want your joints to have that undue pressure. So I am pressing in at the tops of the feet,
pressing up and out of the palms. I am gonna inhale. First, I am going to extend my left toes out.
Psheeew. Now my weight is gonna want shift to the right side of the body, but I am going to try to keep it even.
So my midline still in line with the spine of my mat. Toes facing down here. You can press into the heel.
You can point the toes a couple of time, but I want the top of the thigh bone to be parallel to the earth.
Pressing up and out of the palms, taking some of that weight out of my wrists, I am gonna inhale in,
and slowly draw my right fingertips towards the front of the room. So now I have a little yoga for brain here.
My right fingertips are extending out as my left toes, my left leg is extending long. Inhale, pull the right shoulder into socket here,
nice and gentle, lots of space between the ears and shoulders. I can spread my fingers, spread my toes,
Just for a little awareness. Inhale in, draw your navel towards your spine, level out, pffeeeeeww, breath.
One more nice, long breath here, hang with me, and then on an exhale gently with ease.
So we don't just collapse. We got this. We got control. We are in charge as we relax back down. Shifting the weight to the opposite side.
Now, here we go. Inhale, we're jumping right in to both limbs this time. Left fingertips and right toes extend.
Pressing into the top of that back foot strong, pressing up and out of my right palm, I lift from there.
So I am not just cranking my limbs up, and then letting the body follow. Core integration here.
Extending from the crown of the head, leveling that right hip here, reaching the fingertips forward,
and then pulling that shoulder in. Psheeeew. Inhale, lifting the heart of the belly up.
Pressing up and out of the foundation rather than collapsing into my bones. We hold here for a couple of breaths.
Rather than giving you a number of breaths to hold here. I just want you to breathe. Just breathe. Just believe.