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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Her empty belly roiled and she thought she might retch.
  • 她只觉空虚的肚子不住翻腾,泫然欲呕。
  • The prospect of food brought other men out of the houses, near all of them wearing bits of mail or boiled leather.
  • 一见有吃的,其他人纷纷从各间房子里出来,大多穿着锁子甲或硬皮衣。
  • When the deer was cooked, the choicest portions were carried to one of the houses.
  • 鹿肉烤好之后,最美味的部位被人送进某一间屋。
  • She thought that the dark might let her crawl close and free Gendry, but the guards kindled torches off the cookfire.
  • 她原以为可以趁夜色摸进去救詹德利,没想到守卫点起了火把。
  • A squire brought meat and bread to the two guarding the storehouse, and later two more men joined them and they all passed a skin of wine from hand to hand.
  • 有个侍从把面包和烤肉带给两名仓库守卫,之后又有两个人带酒过来,大家轮流传着酒袋喝。
  • When it was empty the others left, but the two guards remained, leaning on their spears.
  • 喝完以后,来人离开,可守卫仍旧拄着长枪留在原地。
  • Arya's arms and legs were stiff when she finally wriggled out from under the briar into the dark of the wood.
  • 眼看无机可趁,艾莉亚终于从荆棘堆里钻出,回到黑暗的树林,这时她的四肢全僵硬了。
  • It was a black night, with a thin sliver of moon appearing and disappearing as the clouds blew past.
  • 天已全黑,一弯银月在流云间忽隐忽现。
  • Silent as a shadow, she told herself as she moved through the trees.
  • 静如影,她一边在林间行走,一边提醒自己。
  • In this darkness she dared not run, for fear of tripping on some unseen root or losing her way.
  • 黑暗中她不敢奔跑,生怕被树根绊倒或迷路。
  • On her left Gods Eye lapped calmly against its shores. On her right a wind sighed through the branches, and leaves rustled and stirred.
  • 神眼湖在左边,湖水缓缓拍打浅滩;右边徐风过林,树叶扑簌扑簌。
  • Far off, she heard the howling of wolves.
  • 远方传来狼的嚎叫。


Her empty belly roiled and she thought she might retch. The prospect of food brought other men out of the houses, near all of them wearing bits of mail or boiled leather. When the deer was cooked, the choicest portions were carried to one of the houses.

She thought that the dark might let her crawl close and free Gendry, but the guards kindled torches off the cookfire. A squire brought meat and bread to the two guarding the storehouse, and later two more men joined them and they all passed a skin of wine from hand to hand. When it was empty the others left, but the two guards remained, leaning on their spears.

Arya's arms and legs were stiff when she finally wriggled out from under the briar into the dark of the wood. It was a black night, with a thin sliver of moon appearing and disappearing as the clouds blew past. Silent as a shadow, she told herself as she moved through the trees. In this darkness she dared not run, for fear of tripping on some unseen root or losing her way. On her left Gods Eye lapped calmly against its shores. On her right a wind sighed through the branches, and leaves rustled and stirred. Far off, she heard the howling of wolves.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
crawl [krɔ:l]


vi. 爬行,卑躬屈膝,自由式游泳
n. 爬行

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的

sliver ['slivə]


n. 裂片,细片,梳毛 v. 纵切,切成长片,剖开





