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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I don't need to see the lion, I can see all the dead people, who else would it be but Lannisters?
  • 我用不着见到狮子图案,这些死人就说明了一切,除了兰尼斯特,还会有谁?
  • Then there was a shout.
  • 这时,传来一声大喊。
  • The two spearmen turned at the cry, and a third man came into view, shoving a captive before him.
  • 两名长枪兵立刻转头,只见第三人推着一名俘虏出现在视线里。
  • It was growing too dark to make out faces, but the prisoner was wearing a shiny steel helm,
  • 天色很暗,看不清长相,可犯人戴着一顶闪亮的钢盔,
  • and when Arya saw the horns she knew it was Gendry. You stupid stupid stupid STUPID!
  • 艾莉亚一见头盔上的双角,便知是詹德利无疑。你笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋笨蛋!
  • she thought. If he'd been here she would have kicked him again.
  • 她心想。如果他还在身边,她一定再踢他一通。
  • The guards were talking loudly, but she was too far away to make out the words,
  • 三个守卫高声交谈,但她距离实在太远,听不出讲些什么,
  • especially with the crows gabbling and flapping closer to hand.
  • 附近又有大批乌鸦怪叫着拍翅干扰。
  • One of the spearmen snatched the helm off Gendry's head and asked him a question,
  • 一名枪兵抢下詹德利的头盔,问了一个问题,
  • but he must not have liked the answer, because he smashed him across the face
  • 并显然对答案不满意,便照着他的脸一挥枪柄,
  • with the butt of his spear and knocked him down. The one who'd captured him gave him a kick,
  • 把他打倒在地。抓到他的人随后踢了他一脚,
  • while the second spearman was trying on the bull's-head helm. Finally they pulled him to his feet
  • 另一个枪兵则在一旁试戴牛角盔。最后,他们拉他起来,
  • and marched him off toward the storehouse. When they opened the heavy wooden doors,
  • 押着他朝那间长屋走去。当他们打开厚重的木门,
  • a small boy darted out, but one of the guards grabbed his arm and flung him back inside.
  • 立时有一个小男孩窜出,却被守卫一把攫住手臂,扔回屋里。
  • Arya heard sobbing from inside the building, and then a shriek so loud and full of pain that it made her bite her lip.
  • 艾莉亚听见里面传出啜泣,接着是一声凄厉痛苦的惨叫,她不由得咬紧嘴唇。


I don't need to see the lion, I can see all the dead people, who else would it be but Lannisters?

Then there was a shout.
The two spearmen turned at the cry, and a third man came into view, shoving a captive before him. It was growing too dark to make out faces, but the prisoner was wearing a shiny steel helm, and when Arya saw the horns she knew it was Gendry. You stupid stupid stupid STUPID! she thought. If he'd been here she would have kicked him again.

The guards were talking loudly, but she was too far away to make out the words, especially with the crows gabbling and flapping closer to hand. One of the spearmen snatched the helm off Gendry's head and asked him a question, but he must not have liked the answer, because he smashed him across the face with the butt of his spear and knocked him down. The one who'd captured him gave him a kick, while the second spearman was trying on the bull's-head helm. Finally they pulled him to his feet and marched him off toward the storehouse. When they opened the heavy wooden doors, a small boy darted out, but one of the guards grabbed his arm and flung him back inside. Arya heard sobbing from inside the building, and then a shriek so loud and full of pain that it made her bite her lip.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

spear [spiə]


n. 矛(正负电子对撞机)
vt 用矛刺

shriek [ʃri:k]


v. 尖叫,叫喊 n. 尖叫





