Lommy and Hot Pie almost shit themselves when she stepped out of the trees behind them. "Quiet," she told them, putting an arm around Weasel when the little girl came running up.
Hot Pie stared at her with big eyes. "We thought you left us." He had his shortsword in hand, the one Yoren had taken off the gold cloak. "I was scared you was a wolf."
"Where's the Bull?" asked Lommy.
"They caught him," Arya whispered. "We have to get him out. Hot Pie, you got to help. We'll sneak up and kill the guards, and then I'll open the door."

Hot Pie and Lommy exchanged a look. "How many?"
"I couldn't count," Arya admitted. "Twenty at least, but only two on the door."
Hot Pie looked as if he were going to cry. "We can't fight twenty."
"You only need to fight one. I'll do the other and we'll get Gendry out and run."
"We should yield," Lommy said. "Just go in and yield."
Arya shook her head stubbornly.
"Then just leave him, Arry," Lommy pleaded. "They don't know about the rest of us. If we hide, they'll go away, you know they will. It's not our fault Gendry's captured."