And it's not enough if we just create a small nook or cranny trying to create a new habit. Because flood would wash it away. What we need is the A, the B and the C. Implement these changes in our lives.
And they are interconnected. So let me give you an example. Let's say someone who has low self-esteem. Low self-esteem, the C- cognition: they don't think highly of themselves. Poor self evaluation.
When you don't think highly of yourself, you are more likely to be innervated, to feel down, not to be motivated, and as a result of that, that is the Affect, the emotion that you experience- not good feelings; as a result of that, we are much more likely to do nothing- in other words, the B is do nothing.

Now through self-perception theory, the behavior then affects my cognition on doing nothing: I'm not dealing. I'm not coping. I'm avoiding.
And that lowers my self esteem, even more my evaluation of myself, the C. And that leads to even worse emotions and so on and so on and so on, in a downward spiral, until in some cases, we reach resignation, or in Martin Seligman's words, learned helplessness.
Now think of someone who has high self-esteem, high level of self-confidence. I believe in myself. I think I can do well. That leads to high level of motivation.
Remember what Marva Collins does? The model that we talked about under belief, self-fulfilling prophecies- that leads to high levels of motivations, strong emotions. I'm energized.