More than any other things that I was facing. The thing anxiety. So what did I do? Let me begin first with the C, Cognition.
So what I did- I analyzed the situation in my journal. I used the Bureau of Study Counsel. I learned and studied about the three M's, the irrational thoughts- magnifying, minimizing, making up, catastrophizing.
And through cognition, it helped a lot. That wasn't enough.
After the C, I went to the A, the Affect. And the Affect was for me physical exercise.

Even today, you know, this morning, at home, I ran. I exercise because it significantly lowers anyone's levels of anxiety. And I can tell a significant difference in my talks if I don't exercise.
So even three or four weeks ago, David, my son was unwell and I had to take him to the doctor first thing Tuesday morning.
Didn't have time to exercise. Actually felt it in the lecture. I was more nervous, more anxious.
Makes a big difference. As we'll talk about, after break, it literally has the same effect as taking an anti-anxiety pill.
So exercise was certainly there, work directly on my emotion.
Yoga. Helped me tremendously in dealing with anxiety and lowering that level.
So this was the emotional. The other thing, music. Relaxing music. You know my taste in music. I don't need to repeat it again.