So it was reducing anxiety over time. Other results of the study- and if you want to read much more about it,
he has a wonderful book called "Opening Up". "Opening Up", by Jamie Pennebaker.
They became healthier. So over the year of the study,they visited the doctor's office, compared to a control group, far less.
In other words, it strengthened their immune system, not just their psychological immune system, their physiological immune system.
Generally they were in a better mood. They were happier, more jovial, more benefit finders, after writing about their deepest traumas.

They became more outgoing, less repressed, less suppressed. Now why is that?
We talked about it often that positive emotions and painful emotions flow through the same pipeline. And if we suppress something, if we stop something,
which is painful, we are very often indirectly, inadvertently also suppressing the positive emotions,
whereas here they open up, quite literally open up and allow these emotions to flow through them.
They are essentially opening up a clogged channel- a clogged channel through which emotions, painful as well as positive emotions normally flow.
And they experience higher levels of happiness. They are more open, more generous, as we saw also when you do the gratitude exercise. Very similar results.