Now the interesting question is why. Why are there such remarkable benefits to journaling?
Let's understand the process, the mechanism. So there are a few things that are at play here.
One of the things for example with positive emotions is that when you are replaying it, you are simply, you are fortifying the neural pathways.
You replay, you imagine it again and you make it more likely to happen again.

Just like when you have a river, remember the analogy from two weeks ago, you have a river, and the more water go through it, then the wider it becomes, and then the more water is likely to go into it. That's self-reinforcing nature of change.
So the first thing, the first reason why writing especially about painful emotions but not just painful emotions, the reason why it helps is because of tension.
We talked about ironic processing- Daniel Wegner's work from here.
And what he talks about is that when we suppress unnatural phenomenon, it often intensifies. Be it thinking about a pink elephant or be it suppressing painful emotions.
And when we give ourselves the permission to be human, we are much more likely to release it, to let go, which is why therapy helps, which is why sharing with friends, opening up helps, which is why journaling helps.
This is the whole idea of suppression or repression.