Underpinning much of this is technology, and of late, exponentially growing technologies.
My good friend Ray Kurzweil showed that any tool that becomes an information technology jumps on this curve,
我的好朋友雷·库兹威尔展示了任何信息科技的工具 都遵从这条曲线,
on Moore's Law, and experiences price performance doubling every 12 to 24 months.
That's why the cellphone in your pocket is literally a million times cheaper and a thousand times faster than a supercomputer of the '70s.
Now look at this curve. This is Moore's Law over the last hundred years. I want you to notice two things from this curve.
Number one, how smooth it is -- through good time and bad time, war time and peace time, recession, depression and boom time.
This is the result of faster computers being used to build faster computers. It doesn't slow for any of our grand challenges.
And also, even though it's plotted on a log curve on the left, it's curving upwards.
The rate at which the technology is getting faster is itself getting faster.
And on this curve, riding on Moore's Law, are a set of extraordinarily powerful technologies available to all of us.
Cloud computing, what my friends at Autodesk call infinite computing; sensors and networks; robotics; 3D printing,
which is the ability to democratize and distribute personalized production around the planet; synthetic biology; fuels, vaccines and foods;
digital medicine; nanomaterials; and A.I. I mean, how many of you saw the winning of Jeopardy by IBM's Watson?
I mean, that was epic. In fact, I scoured the headlines looking for the best headline in a newspaper I could.
And I love this: "Watson Vanquishes Human Opponents." Jeopardy's not an easy game.
It's about the nuance of human language. And imagine if you would A.I.'s like this on the cloud available to every person with a cellphone.