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经济学人:一周要闻 贝索斯前妻捐半数资产

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  • The first trial got under way in Oklahoma of a drugmaker facing claims that its marketing of painkillers fuelled the opioid crisis.
  • 俄克拉荷马州的一家制药公司正在进行第一次审讯,该公司被控其止痛药的营销加剧了阿片类药物危机。
  • Johnson & Johnson argues that it followed the law and has decided to fight the case.
  • 强生辩解称,该公司一直遵纪守法,并决定应诉。
  • Its two former co-defendants settled with the state: Purdue Pharma for $270m and Teva, this week, for $85m.
  • 此前的两名其他被告已与州政府达成和解:普渡制药(Purdue Pharma)以2.7亿美元和解,而梯瓦制药(Teva)本周以8500万美元和解。
  • Germany's unemployment rate rose to 5% in May, the first increase in five years.
  • 德国5月份的失业率升至5%,为五年来首次上升。
  • Most of the rise is explained by a change to the way the government counts the unemployed,
  • 失业率上升的主要原因是政府统计失业人数的方式发生了变化,
  • but the labour ministry said that Germany's slowing economy was also a factor.
  • 但德国劳工部表示,德国经济放缓也是因素之一。
  • Global Payments, which focuses on processing transactions, agreed to buy Total System Services, which specialises in clearing them, for $21.5bn.
  • 专注于处理交易的环汇有限公司(Global Payments)同意以215亿美元收购专注于清算交易的Total System Services。
  • It is the third big merger in the payments industry this year.
  • 这是今年支付行业的第三次大合并。
  • After delays because of bad weather, SpaceX launched the first batch of satellites that will eventually form its Starlink broadband-internet network.
  • SpaceX发射了第一批卫星,此前因恶劣天气推迟了发射活动。这些卫星最终将形成其Starlink宽带互联网网络。
  • Its boss, Elon Musk, lauded the achievement, SpaceX's heaviest payload yet. Not everyone was happy.
  • 该公司老板埃隆·马斯克对此表示盛赞,称这是SpaceX迄今为止最大的有效载荷。并不是人人对此喜闻乐见。
  • Around 12,000 satellites will be deployed by the mid- 2020s.
  • 到本世纪20年代中期,大约将部署1.2万颗卫星。
  • They operate in low orbit and are brighter than expected, prompting concerns from astronomers about obstructed telescope observations.
  • 它们绕低轨道运行,比预期的还要明亮,这引起天文学家对望远镜观测受阻的担忧。
  • Arun Jaitley stepped down as India's finance minister because of ill health.
  • 阿伦·贾特利因健康问题辞去印度财政部长一职。
  • Mr Jaitley oversaw many of the financial reforms introduced under the government of Narendra Modi, including a consumption tax.
  • 贾特利监督了莫迪执政期间推行的许多金融改革措施,包括消费税。
  • Indian authorities stopped the founder of Jet Airways, Naresh Goyal, from flying out of the country.
  • 印度当局禁止捷特航空公司创始人纳雷什·戈亚尔乘飞机出境。
  • The government has promised to make it harder for the bosses of bankrupt companies to leave India following the case of Vijay Mallya.
  • 在维贾伊·马尔雅事件发生后,政府承诺将加大阻止破产公司老板离境的力度。
  • The boss of Kingfisher Airlines fled to London in 2016 and is fighting extradition.
  • 翠鸟航空(Kingfisher Airlines)的老板于2016年逃到伦敦,目前正在争取将其引渡回国。
  • In the process of finalising her divorce from Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie Bezos promised to give half of the $36bn she is receiving as part of the settlement to charity.
  • 在与杰夫·贝佐斯离婚的最后阶段,麦肯齐·贝佐斯承诺,将把离婚协议中分到的360亿美元资产的一半捐给慈善机构。
  • Ms Bezos made the commitment to the Giving Pledge, an initiative started by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates
  • 麦肯齐宣布签署“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)。“捐赠誓言”是沃伦·巴菲特和比尔及妻子梅林达·盖茨发起的一项倡议,
  • through which the super-rich can donate some of their fortune to worthy causes.
  • 超级富豪可以通过该倡议将自己的部分财富捐赠给有价值的慈善事业。
  • A contemplative Ms Bezos noted that "we each come by the gifts we have to offer by…lucky breaks we can never fully understand."
  • 深思熟虑的麦肯齐指出,““……生掷中永无遏制的荣幸令我们无法领略,却赋予了我们一份大礼。”


The first trial got under way in Oklahoma of a drugmaker facing claims that its marketing of painkillers fuelled the opioid crisis. Johnson & Johnson argues that it followed the law and has decided to fight the case. Its two former co-defendants settled with the state: Purdue Pharma for $270m and Teva, this week, for $85m.

俄克拉荷马州的一家制药公司正在进行第一次审讯,该公司被控其止痛药的营销加剧了阿片类药物危机。强生辩解称,该公司一直遵纪守法,并决定应诉。此前的两名其他被告已与州政府达成和解:普渡制药(Purdue Pharma)以2.7亿美元和解,而梯瓦制药(Teva)本周以8500万美元和解。
Germanys unemployment rate rose to 5% in May, the first increase in five years. Most of the rise is explained by a change to the way the government counts the unemployed, but the labour ministry said that Germanys slowing economy was also a factor.


Global Payments, which focuses on processing transactions, agreed to buy Total System Services, which specialises in clearing them, for $21.5bn. It is the third big merger in the payments industry this year.

专注于处理交易的环汇有限公司(Global Payments)同意以215亿美元收购专注于清算交易的Total System Services。这是今年支付行业的第三次大合并。
After delays because of bad weather, SpaceX launched the first batch of satellites that will eventually form its Starlink broadband-internet network. Its boss, Elon Musk, lauded the achievement, SpaceXs heaviest payload yet. Not everyone was happy. Around 12,000 satellites will be deployed by the mid- 2020s. They operate in low orbit and are brighter than expected, prompting concerns from astronomers about obstructed telescope observations.
Arun Jaitley stepped down as Indias finance minister because of ill health. Mr Jaitley oversaw many of the financial reforms introduced under the government of Narendra Modi, including a consumption tax.
Indian authorities stopped the founder of Jet Airways, Naresh Goyal, from flying out of the country. The government has promised to make it harder for the bosses of bankrupt companies to leave India following the case of Vijay Mallya. The boss of Kingfisher Airlines fled to London in 2016 and is fighting extradition.
印度当局禁止捷特航空公司创始人纳雷什·戈亚尔乘飞机出境。在维贾伊·马尔雅事件发生后,政府承诺将加大阻止破产公司老板离境的力度。翠鸟航空(Kingfisher Airlines)的老板于2016年逃到伦敦,目前正在争取将其引渡回国。
In the process of finalising her divorce from Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie Bezos promised to give half of the $36bn she is receiving as part of the settlement to charity. Ms Bezos made the commitment to the Giving Pledge, an initiative started by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates through which the super-rich can donate some of their fortune to worthy causes. A contemplative Ms Bezos noted thatwe each come by the gifts we have to offer bylucky breaks we can never fully understand.”
在与杰夫·贝佐斯离婚的最后阶段,麦肯齐·贝佐斯承诺,将把离婚协议中分到的360亿美元资产的一半捐给慈善机构。麦肯齐宣布签署“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)。“捐赠誓言”是沃伦·巴菲特和比尔及妻子梅林达·盖茨发起的一项倡议,超级富豪可以通过该倡议将自己的部分财富捐赠给有价值的慈善事业。深思熟虑的麦肯齐指出,““……生掷中永无遏制的荣幸令我们无法领略,却赋予了我们一份大礼。”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
commitment [kə'mitmənt]


n. 承诺,保证; 确定,实行

donate ['dəuneit]


vt. 捐赠,转移(电子)
vi. 捐款

charity ['tʃæriti]


n. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt]


adj. 破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

therapy ['θerəpi]


n. 疗法,治疗

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

prompting ['prɔmptiŋ]


n. 刺激,激励,暗示 动词prompt的现在分词





