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TED十佳演讲之幕后揭秘 艾布拉姆斯之神秘的盒子(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I was going to show you a couple of other things I'm going to skip. I'll show you one other thing that has nothing to do with anything.
  • 我要给你看一些其它的东西,把这段略去。我只是想让你看另一个东西,和任何事都没啥关联。
  • This is something online; six years ago, they did this. This is an online thing done by guys who had some visual effects experience.
  • 这是在线的一个视频;我不知道你以前看过没有。他们6年前做的这视频。这个在线视频是被一些,有些视觉效果经验的人用计算机做出来的。
  • But the point was, that they were doing things that were using these mystery boxes that they had -- everyone has now.
  • 这点上来讲,他们在使用的神秘的盒子--每个人现在都拥有。
  • What I've realized is what my grandfather did for me when I was a kid, everyone has access to now.
  • 但我意识到我爷爷在我小时候给我做。现在每个人都能用到了。
  • You don't need to have my grandfather, though you wish you had.
  • 即使你希望,但你不是非得有这样的爷爷。
  • But I have to tell you -- this is a guy doing stuff on a Quadra 950 computer -- the resolution's a little bit low -- using Infinity software they stopped making 15 years ago.
  • 但我告诉你,他当时还玩Quadra 950电脑。分辨率有点低--使用15年前就停止销售的infinity软件。
  • He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.
  • 他做的东西看起来相当酷,我看到在好莱坞发布。
  • The most incredible sort of mystery, I think, is now the question of what comes next.
  • 最难以置信的神秘,我觉得,是下一个问题。
  • Because it is now democratized. So now, the creation of media -- it's everywhere.
  • 因为它是民主化的。现在,媒体无处不在。
  • The stuff that I was lucky and begging for to get when I was a kid is now ubiquitous.
  • 我很幸运并且我小时候想得到的东西现在无处不在。
  • And so, there's an amazing sense of opportunity out there.
  • 于是,那是最令人惊奇的事情。
  • And when I think of the filmmakers who exist out there now who would have been silenced, you know -- who have been silenced in the past -- it's a very exciting thing.
  • 当我想我是电影制作人,以后会保持安静。你知道--过去电影制作人都很安静。这是非常令人兴奋的事情。
  • I used to say in classes and lectures and stuff, to someone who wants to write, "Go! Write! Do your thing."
  • 我过去常在班里说,你知道,讲座和材料,--对想写作的人“去!写去!做你的事。”
  • It's free, you don't need permission. But now I can say, "Go make your movie!" There's nothing stopping you from going out there and getting the technology.
  • 多自由,你知道,你不需要批准才去写作。但现在我可以说,“去做一个电影!”没东西能阻止你,从外拍到使用相关的技术。
  • You can lease, rent, buy stuff off the shelf that is either as good, or just as good, as the stuff that's being used by the, you know, "legit people."
  • 你可以租,借,买… 那相当不错,这些东西被使用为,你知道,加引号的合法人士。
  • No community is best served when only the elite have control. And I feel like this is an amazing opportunity to see what else is out there.
  • 当只有精英拥有话语权时,人们不能最好的服务于社区。而且我觉得这是一个很好的探索未知的机会。

I was going to show you a couple of other things I'm going to skip.
I'll show you one other thing that has nothing to do with anything.
This is something online; six years ago, they did this. This is an online thing done by guys who had some visual effects experience.
But the point was, that they were doing things that were using these mystery boxes that they had -- everyone has now.
What I've realized is what my grandfather did for me when I was a kid, everyone has access to now.
You don't need to have my grandfather, though you wish you had.
But I have to tell you -- this is a guy doing stuff on a Quadra 950 computer -- the resolution's a little bit low -- using Infinity software they stopped making 15 years ago.
但我告诉你,他当时还玩Quadra 950电脑。分辨率有点低--使用15年前就停止销售的infinity软件。
He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.
The most incredible sort of mystery, I think, is now the question of what comes next.


Because it is now democratized. So now, the creation of media -- it's everywhere.

The stuff that I was lucky and begging for to get when I was a kid is now ubiquitous.
And so, there's an amazing sense of opportunity out there.
And when I think of the filmmakers who exist out there now who would have been silenced, you know -- who have been silenced in the past -- it's a very exciting thing.
I used to say in classes and lectures and stuff, to someone who wants to write, "Go! Write! Do your thing."
It's free, you don't need permission. But now I can say, "Go make your movie!" There's nothing stopping you from going out there and getting the technology.
You can lease, rent, buy stuff off the shelf that is either as good, or just as good, as the stuff that's being used by the, you know, "legit people."
你可以租,借,买… 那相当不错,这些东西被使用为,你知道,加引号的合法人士。
No community is best served when only the elite have control. And I feel like this is an amazing opportunity to see what else is out there.

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skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

ubiquitous [ju:'bikwitəs]


adj. 到处存在的,遍在的

infinity [in'finiti]


n. (时间,空间等)无限,无穷,[数]无穷大

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

shelf [ʃelf]


n. 架子,搁板

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物





