SIMON LOVELL WAS 31 and a professional con man who had spun the gambling tricks he'd learned from his grandfather into a lucrative business fleecing strangers.
Without hesitation or remorse, he left his marks broken in hotels all over the world.
Nothing suggested that this day in 1988 would be any different.
Lovell was in Europe when he spotted his next victim in a bar, plied him with drinks,

and drew him into a "cross"—a classic con in which the victim is made to believe he or she is part of a foolproof get-rich scheme.
The con went perfectly. "I took him for an extremely large amount of money," Lovell says.
After he was done, Lovell hustled the drunk man out of the hotel room where the fleecing had occurred,
intending to leave him in the hallway for security to deal with.
But then something unexpected happened.
The mark went to pieces. "I'd never seen a man break down that badly, ever," Lovell says.
"He was just sliding down the wall, weeping and wailing."
What followed was a moment Lovell would look back on as the hinge point of his life.
"It was as if a light suddenly went on. I thought, This. Is. Really. Bad.
Bad for the first time, I actually felt sorry for someone."